POPULAR ROUTES. I They seem to be sent here by Com- MISCELLANEOUS —-------- I missioned .Sparks, as carpet-baggers A citizen of Oregon, an old | were sent south in the days of recon­ limited democrat, has sent the following 1»Ruction, and are robbing the people °lof their little homes, passing them letter to President Cleveland, [back to the government and making and he asks us to publish it, Ia bi.< “oi®$ tha‘ they have restored so CHAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver. . . . , . I much land to the public domain. Omitting his name, though his I I write this letter, not only on my Portland and Willamette Valley Railway. full name is appended to the behalf, but on behalf of thousands of [poor immigrants who have been in­ From Portland. original sent to the president: duced to seek the genial climes of the ¡Coburg Coburg Pacific coait to make themselves S t . H elens , Feb. 21, 1887. and Passen­ and Airlie STATIONS. ger Grover Cleveland, President, U. 8. homes. Airlie Mail. Fare. Mail. Hoping that you will give the mat­ A., Washington, D. C.—My dear sir : Believing as I do with a large num­ ter some attention, that the people of OUR MOTTO IS SMALL Prof- AB Ar p.iu Lv a.m LV ber of the citizens of Oregon that you this coast may be protected in their 4 45 915 . Portland, PWV* may not be fully informed as to the just rights, I remain, my dear sir, I its and quick returns. Holi­ Ft. Jefferson St. your obedient servant, C. manner in which Commissioner est Goods, Honest $ .24 11 00 Elk Rock . . 4 15 Sparks is doing his duty on this coast, 4 60 11 06 Oswego......... .29 especially in the state of Oregon and I The man who places a ten Weights and Full 3 40 1146 .. Tualitan .. .W Washington territory, I write this let­ [dollar notice in his local paper 3 10 12 10 Winters.. Measure ter. 2 53 12 26 Summit .»8 12 30 . . Newberg .. 2 29 No honest man denies there having and Hatters himself that he is a [Upon which we hope to win 1.00 2 15 1 10 pwv Dundee JVN 1.Q0 been enormous frauds committed liberal advertiser will be sur- your esteem and patronage. against the government, and no hon­ 1 25 2 10 .. orv Dundee 1.00 est man object to men being punish­ | prised to learn that a yearly ad­ 103 2 32 West Dayton. 1.J6 Our connections with East ­ 12 53 2 44 Lafavette 1.24 ed who have obtained lands therein vertisement, one column in 12 35 1.36 3 02 . Davton Juncton ern and Pacific coast dealers through fraud, but this does not argue 12 29 McMinnville Cs.. 1.40 3 08 that we have no honest men in Ore­ length, in the Chicago Tribune I and manufacturers are such . Armstrong 3 19 12 18 1.4» gon. Whites 12 07 3 30 1.56 [cost the advertiser $26,000. The ¡1 45 Briedwell .. 1.72 3 52 Yet Commissroner Sparks seems to that we are enabled to 11 40 Harrison 3 57 1.75 be treating us as though we had none. [New York Herald receives for its 4 08 .Broadnieads . 11 27 1.84 [ buy these goods as low or His special agents appear not to dis­ [lowest priced column $39,000 and 1.86 11 25 4 10 Sheridan Junc’n criminate between honesty and dis­ lower than our competitors, Ballston 11 08 4 23 1.96 honesty ; between men that have act­ [for its highest $48,000; the New 40 45 J 5 00 Sheridan. whether general or special ed in good faith and bad faith. All York Tribune for its lowest $28,- are treated to be as frauds and crim-1 753 ; and those papers, it is stat-' 9 25 5 55 . Perrydale. 1.94 dealers. Buying goods in 6 17 . Smithfield.... 1 900 2.12 inals. ' Polk . ! 6 31 2.24 8 46 greater quantities than most The poor homesteader who is labor­ ed, are never at a loss for adver­ 6 50 .... Dallas.............. 8 30 2.37 ing hard and living poor in hope of tising to fill their columns. The 2.53 7 10 .. Cochrane 8 06 competitors, and when hand­ 2.65 7 28 .... Monmouth, 7 50 having a little home for himself and 2.80 7 47 Luckiamute . 7 30 family by and by is not exempt. He, I fact is that careful, liberal ad­ ling business of any kind the .Simpson. 1 2.91 8 00 7 14 too, is made to feel the withering I vertisingpays. Nothing better 8 15 3.02! .A iklie . 7 00 volume of business enters hand of the special agent. lv ; 1 vr Widows, who were thus so unfortun-1 illustrates this great truth than largely into the account in C has . N. S cott , ate as to be left without a home, have the rush now to California. Two Receiver ORC( Ld ) Line. determining the profit or endeavored to homestead a piece of W illiam R eid , President P&WVRCo. land, that they might have a little I years ago the southern section of margin to be realized out of home to call their own. Yet 1 under­ the state organized to advertise, it. Therefore all General stand that such claims have been can-1 celed for want of money on the part and they managed it well. The Dealers do have an ad­ of defendents to defend their right. northern section soon took their Poor men suffer alike. vantage over special dealers, cue. To-day the hotels of south­ I was summoned a short time ago and the greater quantity of to appear and testify in the U. S. court ern California will notaccommo-l in behalf of a homesteader. I never date the visitors, and San Fran­ goods sold or the volume of . in my life saw a case where a home­ business done, the greater steader had acted in better faith. And cisco hotels registered last weekj yet he was subjected to an expense of over 15,000 guests. that advantage and the less $l(KM) to defend his honor and main­ the price ought to be. Hav­ tain his civil rights; not one dollar of The Christian Herald says : which can he ever recover,- and the ing a full and Complete case is not done with. Bro. Smith has removed to ----- PROPRIETORS----- Stock of the following Fine Carriages, On the third of June, 1878, as you McMinnville and will preach for Hack«» and are aware, congress passed an act grant­ lines of goods from the Itead- ing to citizens of Oregon the right to the church there, giving all his Saddle JHorscs, purchase of this government 160 acres time to the work. We regret to ing dealers and best inanu- And everything in the Livery hire, of land, chiefly valuable for the timber in good shape facurers. which we replenish thereon. I purchased 160 acres, and have him leave Portland, but the At Reasonable Rates. in due time proved its unfitness for work at McMinnville is a very with new fresh goods month­ cultivation, and paid $2.50 per acre ly or oftener as the trade re­ important one and we are pleased SAMVJEZ. COJT, for the same. quires, to wit: LADIES Now I am notified by commissioner that the brethren there have Late of Independence, having purchased the Sparks that my claim is held for can­ Dre»s an11.1111 stand still and see my be undersold, yet do not and ---- *■ ---------- honor assailed and my rights taken can not put these goods in The Weekly Reporter, a faithful away without a murmur? Or will this and. complete compendium of the competition with Auction government consider the rights of citizens, as well as its rights, and allow week’s news, is Lftniebed for 12 j cents or Short Weight goods them ta» }>os»e«8 and enjoy what thev a month. sold to the trade by unscru­ have honestly bought and' paid for’ I pulous dealers. We fear no sometimes am almost ready to think I Miro Bello Johnson, teacher of music have beep dreaming. It i‘s so hard lo in McMinnville and at McMinnville honest competition. Thank­ realise that such a high-handed rob- college. Residence corner of Second ing people for past patron­ b* rjr can be carried on in this blessed and C Streets. age and favors, will be pleas­ ------------ -------------- land of liberty,as many of commission­ er Sparks’s special land agents are do­ ed to have yotf call and de­ Advertisments, etc., intended fqr ing just at this time. publication in The Weekly Reporter ; termine for youtkelves what HENDERSON BROS., They have no interest in the welfare must be handed in Tuesday morning. I merit is in our modest claim. Ample room to care lor horeas. Livery of the good jieoplo of the state of Ore­ We cannot in future deviate from thtt teams at as reasonable rates as any where ia gon or tho prosperity of our state. rule. * A. J. APPEKSON. Oregon. New stable Third Ft., MeMinnvillo Sparks v. The People. County Seat or Ilo County Soit; Oregonian R. R. Co. Line, AUoZAIiiui ville LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON. City Stables.