Uwln Forreat'* Peculiarities. NEW TO-DAY MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS [Ben: lerley P PROMINENT POINT« opposite branches. Throughout the East and Moutheavt. TRANSCONTINENTAL T5 oute - N Au Old Elephant. [Chicago Herald.] ORTHEORACIFICnAILHOADI r........... K........ ....... I SHOREST! X BEST! || QUICKEST! R McMinnville. Oregon, F. Multxxer, Prop. (Late of the St. Charles.) This Hotel has just been refitted and new­ ly refurnished throughout, and will be kept in a first class style. The table is supplied with all the market affords, and guests can rely upon good clean beds, and oorafortable rooms. Special accomodations for commercial travelers. « JOHN J. SAX, Has his Feed Chopping Mill In Running Order, —AND— Will chop Feed for $2 per ton or one-tenth toll. ---------- (°)---------- Farmers and others having grain to chop O'* BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE can come to ray mill, nnd attend to any business in the oity to better advantage than ------ TO TAKE THE------ driving two miles out of town to get their JOHN J. SAX. adfcjthilroath ohoppmg done. McMinnville, Or. TO EAST BOIAD PASSENGERS! As an instance of the great age to which elephants sometimes live, it is said that when Alexander the Great had conquered I’orus, king of India, he dedicated to the sun a great elephant which had fought valiantly for the king, and let him go with this inscription: And see that your ticket reads via Portland and “Alexander, the son of Jupiter, dedi­ —AND— cated Ajax to the sun.” The elephant was found 350 years afterward, still Iiodging To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through bearing the above inscription. Third Street, opposite the Braly Bank, Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Traina Full Button Collecting. McMinnville, .... Oregon. Length of the Line. Berths Free. QUICKEST TIME! The latest craze among young ladies LOWEST RATES! O. C. II lait, Prop. ------- o------- is the collection of military buttons. GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, One young miss of the Astor family baa Finest domestic and imported oigara. Board and lodging. received a string of these trinket« in Meals at all hours. which nearly every government of the A. D. CHARLTON, Gelerai Weder! Passenger Agent. Public patronage respectfully eclieitod world is reoresented. Star Restaurant, =St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, SHZ No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. House, I