DAILY EVENING REPORTER. VOL. II. M c M innville , O regon , M onday , march NO. 66. CITY. 21. 1887. price two cents . The Farmer« in Congre««. Doctors were pitched out, and Farmers are very busy now. the buggy demolised, but neith­ It has lately been said that Entered in the Postoffice at McMinnville for er of the men were seriouslv the congress of the United States Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ Weather fine. hurt. ond Class Matter. will do anything which they Bishop Morris will reach ---------- 0 Miss Katie Casey closed her Portland April 8th. think is demanded by the farm- O. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. school at Bellevue last week, and A Fine line of gents fine shoes ers. Well, that is a wise con­ after a rest of two weeks will re­ J>. C. IRELAND A Co., just received at Redmonds. clusion to come to, although it sume studies at the Sheridan PUBLISHERS. Choral union will meet at Mr. has been reached only by its be­ public school. This is another ing forced upon them by the ac­ Me.WXVIlJ.i: - . OREGON Roots to-morrow evening. step in the direct course of pro ­ ---------- o---------- Songs of the Seven Ages will tivity of the farmers, who are at 1' hjb D aily R eporter is issued every day be given at the public school ex­ motion, upon which we feel that last waking up to a realization in the week except Sundays, and is delivered both Miss Casey and the public of the fact that they must make in the city at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40 hibition. tents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ Choice uncolored tea 30 cts lb. interested are to be congratu­ themselves heard in no uncer­ vertising same as for T he W eekly R eporter . tain tones in order to get justice Seven bars Rabbets Soap for 50 lated. Fun on the Bristol is one of from the sharks of legislation Fine Book and Job Printers. cts at C. Grissen’s. Kenyon & Rey are stocked the best musical comedys of the and of commerce. The present We beg leave to announce to the public It will be produced at really-crying need of farming is that we have just added a large stock of new with finest fish to-day at 10 cents age. novelties to our business, and make a special­ Garrison Opera house Thursday a reduction on the taxes which Give them a call. ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, per lb. Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling The ladies Guild of St. James evening, by a full * company, require thorn to pay 40 to 100 Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ (Episcopal) church, will meet which has won fame in the lead­ per cent, more for implements, grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of ing cities of this continent. It is clothing and most farm supplies work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ Wednesday at Mrs. Detmerings. vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. Miss Marie Hembree, now in a venture bringing the company than is paid by their European Lafayette, will recite at next lit­ here, which our music loving competitors, by virtue of exist­ DOCTORS erary entertainment to be given , public will appreciate. Fill the ing patent laws. Let our agri­ LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH. , house. cultural friends turn their at­ by the public schools. The following is a. good illus- tention to this subject during Drs. Goucher and Galbreath Office over Braly’s Bank. j (ration of the way San Francisco the recess, and prepare a bill to McMinnville, ... Oregon. returned from their visit Satur­ people lie about Oregon : “ A gen ­ wipe these laws out forever. day to Mr. Scott, decided not tleman just returned from San j DR. I. C. TAYLOR, to amputate the leg. Our Public Schools. ---------o------ — Francisco says the immigration! Go see the roller organ, a new Late of New Orleans, La., agents there never fail to give Piles anti Fistula a Spe­ music box which plays any tune Oregon a ’black eye’ when opper-, Following exhibits the schol­ arship and deportment of tho by any one, McMinnville jewel- ciality. Consultation tunitv offers. These loud mouth- , tree. .Ao Cure Bellevue school for the month ery store. Wm. Holl proprietor. Ao Pay. ed liars say, ‘ Oregon ' My good ending March 18th. Those W. H. Bingham has lost his man, why not go to Alaska at 1^“ Office with H. V. V. Johnson. M. D., watch guard. marked with a star are on the It has his name McMinnville, Oregon. once? It does nothing but rain roll of honor: on it. The owner will confer a j in Oregon, and there are over 40 «. W. GOUCHEB. E. E. GOUCHER. NAMES 8 1) favor by leaving it at Mr. Bing­ acres of cleared land in the whole 95 May Bud Goucher & Goucher. ham’s office. 95 Annie Burns* . 92 “Fun on the Bristol,” that ¡state. They don’t raise any thing Bertha Guild PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. . 95 95 ' but fir trees.’ The strangers are Edward Warren* 94 95 M c M innvili . k ... - O regon . most successful musical comedy 97 96 Henry Sargent then referred to the dispatches of the age, will be produced at 97 George Davis* 97 Office and residence, corner of Third and printed in the San Francisco 90 96 Pratt Chapinw* D. streets, next to the postoffice Garrison Opera house, March 98 98 Wilbur Mulkey papers to see the character of the 24th, under the management of 96 96 Burns* people, who seem to be all mur­ Jennie . 97 95 Ora Buel* .............. M. B. Goldstein, with the popular 96 96 Harry Lehman derers, rape fiends or incendia ­ Harry Brown and Hair Cuttiufr, ^having and Khui* comedians 97 100 Lillie Wiley.......... pooing Parlor. . 98 99 Jas. T. Kelly, and a strong com­ ries. Instead of telegraphing the Weiden Jone« prospects for a boom in Portland, Rebecca Powell* . 96 97 15c SHAVING 15c. pany. . 95 I0G Fannie Guild The Oregonian to-day hopes the salmon pack, our wonderful Frank Crete*........ . 98 93 C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. 100 94 Yocum* the narrow guage lines in this local markets, these criminal Albert (Successor to A. C. Wyndham.) . 99 97 Harry {Chapins* items are the only ones that greet valley may not pass into the Ladies and children’s work a specialty. . 97 95 Leonard Sharp* I have just added to my parlor the hands of Huntington, Crocker, the inquirer’s eye.” 9« 96 Joseph Buel*........ and finest stock of cigars jever in this 97 95 Tommy Warren* i Programme for the Open fry them. et. al., but be operated as an 96 96 Nettie Guild Temjierance society, March 21st, Willard Buel........ . 96 95 Too late, Mrs. M. Sliadden. independent line. . 94 100 Arthur Guild........ 1887, at 7:30 p. in: Big Brother; besides, if this is Luella Jone« .... 9f> 10O Prayer. . 03 100 Loise Lehman your sincere hope now, why Fashionable Dressmaker« have you never so expressed Opening of the Society. . 96 94 Waller Davi«* . .. Song, by Miss Mathieu ’ s class. yyThe Tavlor System of Catting and Fit* R ati » C abby , Teacher. yourself before? ting employed. Address, Rev. T. H. Hender­ Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music B street, bet. 2d and 3d, MoMinnville, Or. Goucher’s team ran away son. in McMinnville and at McMinnville Song, Miss Annie Young and college. Residence corner of Second Him day and made kindling wood D C. IRELAND A CO., and C Streets. of a fine buggy. Father and M j ss Reid. Selection, Miss Russ. son were together, when they AJvertuments, etc., mtended for Recitation, Cora Baker. publication in Th? Weekly Reporter met a yoke of calves in the road Instrumental music,Ola Burt. must be handed in Tuesday morning. near D. Stout’s place, which Adjournment. We cannot in future deviate from this E. V. V anatta , Sec. frightened the horses. Both rule. McMinnville, Oregon. $©p©rt©r. Th© --^McMinnville -• J V’ ! - • • ■ * '■» f •’ ’ »rr‘ Fine Job Printers,