POPULAR ROUTES. MISCELLANEOUS. In addition to the pocketing, Fatul Acrldenta, by Telegraph, Among the president has vetoed 132 bills, the Hird* in Ragland. Oregonian R. R. Co. ‘■"“"TED line, twenty-one more than the entire Of the orthodox bird, as Sidney Smith called the pheasant, it ia in some number of vetoes recorded from places a very common victim. I think the establishment of the govern­ CHAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver. I could pick out one stretch of railway ment up to the Cleveland incum­ which, at certain seasons of the year, Portland and Willaiette Valley Railway. produces for the surfaceman who goes bency. To Portland. From Portland. along it in early morning a never-fail­ The annual stallion show for ing supply of wounded and dead birds. jCoburg Washington county will be belt Coburg ! and Passen­ and On one side of the railway is a long 1 Airlie STATIONS. ger Arrange­ Airlie Belt of plantation, where the birds are at Hillsboro April 2d. Mail. Fare. Mail. 1 Corned into after being hand-reared; on ments have been made by which the other side a river, with corn-iields AR Ar p.m Lv a.m LV 75 or 100 horses will be in train­ OUR MOTTO IS SMALL Prof­ stretching down to it; and it is in the 4 45 915 Portland, I’WV* its and quick returns. Hoil« passage from the covers to the corn­ ing on the Hillsboro track this Ft. Jefferson St.. fields, when the grain is ripe or stand­ est Goods, Honest $ .24 11 00 . Elk Rock . 4 15 ing in stock, that the accidents occur. year. 4 '0 11 06 Oswego.......... .29 Partridges also often fall victims to the Weights and Full Miss Russ has just finishet 3 40 11 46 .. Tualitan.... 5° wires, as also did the red grouse where 310 Winters... 12 10 .75 Measure the telegraph crossed their native trimming a fine plush case, toile 2 53 12 26 Summit........ .S3 2 29 12 50 . . Newberg ... heaths. In more than one instance have and manicure combined, which Upon which we hope to win 1.00 2 15 1 10 pwv Dundee jpn 1.00 the wires been laid underground, where - crossing grouse moors, to prevent the compares very favorably with your esteem and patronage. 1 25 2 10 . o«y Dundee 1.00 Birds killing themselves; buteven when similar articles imported from 2 32 West Dayton I 0» 1.16 Our connections with East­ crossing these moors in the usual style Lafavette 2 44 12 5» 1.24 12 35 from post to post, grouse after a time the eastern states. The woof 3 02 . Davton Juncton 1.36 ern and Pacific coast dealers 12 29 3 08 McMinnville Cs.. 1.40 Set to beware of them, and deaths . Armstrong 12 18 3 19 1.48 trough this cause get fewer and fewer. work was done by Mr. Clark. and manufacturers are such Whites 12 07 3.'JO 1.56 One instance of this peculiar adapta­ “Fun on the Bristol,” tha 11 45 Briedwell .. 3 52 1.72 that we are enabled to tion of themselves to new circum­ Harrison 3 57 11 40 1.75 stances came very forcibly under the most successful musical comedy IL 27 4 OS .Broadmeads . 1.84 buy these goods as low or 11 25 4 10 Sheridan Junc’n 1.86 writer’s notice. A wire fence was put of the age, will be produced a across a very good grouse moor in lower than our competitors, 4 23 Ballston 11 08 1.96 Cumberland, dividing the fell into two the Casino March 24th, under 10 45 5 00 .........Sheridan. whether general or special allotments. For some time after this the management of M. B. Gold­ ... was done, dead or dying birds were 9 25 5 55 Perrvdale. 1.94 dealers. Buying goods in picked up daily, until it was well known stein, with the popular comedians 6 17 . .Smithfield.... 9 00 2.12 8 46 6 31 . . .Polk .. 2.24 that whoever was first along the fence greater quantities than most larry Brown and Jas. T. Kelly, 8 30 6 50 .... Dallas. 2.37 was sure of a grouse pie. It was amus­ 8 06 7 10 .. Cochrane 2.53 competitors, and when hand­ ing to see the different strategems em­ and a strong company. 7 50 2.65 7 28 .... Monmouth, ployed bv shepherds and others to get 2.80 7 47 Luekiamute . 7 30 ling business of any kind the Following close upon the heels along the fence without seeming to do . Simpson. 2.91 8 00 7 14 8 15 3.02i . A irlie . 7 00 so. Indeed, I have seen two farmers of the discussion concerning Lin­ volume of business enters ar i.v meet at the ••Townfoot” and, after a largely into the account in C has . N S cott . short gossip separate, going in differ­ coln’s profanity and Grant’s in- ent directions and away from the fell; Reci ■ ver ORC( Ld ) Line. eniperance, comes the statement determining the profit or W illiam R eid . and an hour after I have heard of them President PAWVRCo. meeting about the middle of the fence, that George Washington did not margin to be realized out of both intent on dead or wounded birds. enow how to spell. It is deplor ­ While for some time this slaughter of it. Therefore all General AJL<* Minn vi lie grouse went on, another fellow put in able that our historical idols are Dealers do have an ad- LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES an appearance, this time with four logs, icing so wantonly shattered. and made a track by the side of the vantage over special dealers, fence to replenish his larder; and Mr. The heirs of Horace Greely Stoat had even the temerity to dispute and the greater quantity of the claim in one instance with the two- have asked the comptroller of goods sold or the volume of l®gged hunter. But the grouse in time New York to pay them $486 got to know the dangers of the fence, business done, the greater and now the victims are few. — A/f the which was due him for attend­ Year Bound. that advantage and the less ance at the constitutional con­ The Oldest Newspaper. the price ought to be. Hav­ vention of 1867. Mr. Greely be­ The oldest newspaper in the whole ing a full and Complete LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON. came disgusted with the pro­ wide world is the King-Pau or ••capital ----- PROPRIETORS----- Stock of the following Fine Carriages, sheet,” published in Pekin. It first ceedings and went away before Hack«» and appeared a . t>. Sill, but came out only the end of the session. lines of goods from the lead­ Saddle Horae*, at irregular intervals. Since the year ing dealers and best manu- And everything in the Livery hire, McMinnville has made sub ­ 13.51, however, it has been published in good shape facurers, which we replenish weekly and of uniform size. Now it stantial progress for several years, At Reasonable Rates. appears in three editions daily. The with new fresh goods month­ first, issued early in the morning and but indications clearly point to ly or oftener as the trade re­ printed on yellow paper, is called more improvements the coming SAMTTSZ- GOFF, Hsing-Pau (business sheet) and con­ quires, to wit: LADIES summer than during any former tains trade prices and all manner of Late of Independence, having purchased the commercial intelligence. The second year. Several bricks are talked l>res» and Fancy Goods, Gents TEAMS AM) TRUCKS edition comes out curing the forenoon, and Boy» Clothing and Furnish­ Of Logan Bros. uis.” -Ntunuan independent. ing people for past patron­ —A New York physician says "it u freight alone on his wheat $1,- dangerous to go into the water after s age and favors, will be pleas­ hearty meal.” And we presume if hr 560,006 yearly. ed to have you call and de­ did go in after one ho wouldn’t find it. The Weekly Reporter, a faithful — Shoe and Leather Reporter. termine for yourselves what HENDERSON BROS., and complete compendium of the Ample room to care for horse*. Livery merit is in our modest claim. teams IJT $1.50 in advance! for the Reporter for at as reasonable rates as any where ia 1K87. means just what it says—tw advawcb . weeks news, ie furnished for 12^ cents A. J. APPERSON. Oregon. New stable Third St., McMinnville. a month. ^Not a month after ths beginning. WIRED TO DEATH. County Ssat or ¡o My Sul; City Stables.