The Oaily Raparte^. IREI.AKIV A CO. PUBLISHERS. Subscription Hutes. By Carrier per week........................ 10 cents (Payable on Saturday.) Single Copy........................................ 2 “ By Mail 40oents per Month (In Advance.) Hale, for Advertising Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. waste by barbarians in the twen­ tieth century as the Roman em­ pire was in the fifth, with this difference, that Huns and Van­ dals will have been engendered within your own country and bv vour own institutions.” Legal Status of Strikers. The greyhounds of the ocean still continue to cut down the record between Liverpool and New York. But one of these days when a big steamship runs into a bigger iceberg at the rate of twenty-two miles an hour, something besides the record may be cut down. An exchange remarks “that men who advertise in their pa­ pers are the men who transact the business of the town. You can pick up a newspaper, and in a few minutes tell who does the buying and selling and keep alive the interest of the place. A newspaper invariably reflects the worth, enterprise and intelli­ gence of the community in which it is published.” NEW TO-DAY. NEW SPRING GOODS The legal, status of the strike and the boycott is being gradu­ ally fixed by the courts. Two How it Was Done. decisions of more than usual The only veracious account of importance have just been ren­ how the president reached a con­ dered, one by Judge Brown of clusion to refuse approval of the the United States district court river and harbor bill is this: and the other by the supreme When he came to the measure, court of errors of Connecticut. iu the course of his hurried ex­ In the former case a number amination of the bills, he sent of men were arrested upon a for secretary of war Endicott. suit by a steamship company to “How about this river and har­ recover damages for interference regon naciflc nailroad, CALL bor appropriation bill” lie ask­ in its business. The defendents nly popular Route. O . ver icturesque anges. ed. “Haven’t you got some of were charged with causing the the money left over?” “Oh, yes,” workmen to work in a bodv, de- replied Mr. Endicott, who shares daring a boycott of the com­ Fast Time, Sure Co&atction, New Equipment the eastern antipathy to the sys­ pany’s business and endeavor­ 225 Miles Shortest AND SEE THEM. tem of internal improvements, ing by means of intimidation to 20 Hours Less Time. “we have $15,000,000 or $16,- prevent other persons from deal­ Accommodations unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH 000,000.” “What do they mean wit h the company. The court LESS than by any other route between all by sending me such a thing as held that the acts of the defend­ in Willamette valley and San Franoisco. this, then?” exclaimed Mr. Cleve­ ants were not only illegal, so as Only Route via Yaquina Bay land angrily. Ho threw the bill to render the defendents liable To San. Francisco. aside and did not refer further in damages, but were also mis­ DAILY PAMKMOER TRAINS, to the matter. demeanors at common law as (Except Sundays.) Leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya­ well as against the section of the Dangers to Our Republic. quina at*7:10 a. m. New York penal code directed Oregon and California, West side, trains Hear ye, people of Yamhill county. I will sell my line stock of BOOTS and SHOES In 1857, Macaulay, writing of against conspiracy, The court connect at Corvallis. . now on hand at ten per cent discount, and my The steamship Yaquina city, which has the American republic, used characterized the association been undergoing repairs, and the Santa Ma­ these words: “The day will come of the defendants for the ria will each sail on the dates below named: Large, New and Ele­ gant Stock FROM YAQUINA. when, in the state of New York, purposes mentioned as an illegal ✓ That is en route, will be sold at a profit of Yaquina City.. Thursday, Jan. 27 ten per cent. There is a multitude of people, not one of combination, and declared that Santa Maria... .Wednesday, Feb. 2 . . . Tuesday Feb. 8 Yaquinn City.. ONLY whom has had more than half a all acts done in furtherance of Santa Maria Monday Feb. 14 One BOOT and SHOE store in MoMinnville Sunday Feb. 20 where you can get your moneys worth, and Yaquina City breakfast, or expects to have those purposes were actionable. Santa ..Saturday, Feb. 26 that is at Deilschneider’s. Come and see me. Maria Friday, March I Next door to Yamhill Conntv bank. more than half a dinner, will In the Connecticut case the Yaquina City F. DEIL&CHNEIDEK. E1OM SAN FRANCISCO. choose a legislature. Is it pos­ court attirmed the conviction of Maria .Friday Jan. 28 sible to doubt what sort of a leg­ three members of a typographi­ Santa Thursday, Feb. 3 Yaquina City Wednesday Feb. 9 Maria.. islature will be chosen? On one cal union for conspiracy in boy­ Santa .... Tuesday Feb. 15 Yaquina City Mon Jay, Feb. 21 Maria .. side is a statesman preaching cotting a newspaper for refusing Santa Yaquina City Sunday Feb. 27 patience,respect for vested rights to pay union rates to its printers. Daily Passenger Trains and strict observance of public The broad ground upon which (Except Sundays,) faith; on the other is a dema­ the courts proceed in those cases Leves Yaquina ........ . 6:20 a. m. Corvallis 10:38 a.m. gue, canting about the tyranny is that associations formed with Arrive Arrive Albany 11:30 a. m. 12:10 p.m. of capitalist and usurers, and the design of interfering by Leave Albany Arrive < orvallis.............. 1:22 p. m. Third St., Opposite .. 5:45 p. tn. asking why anybody should be overt acts with the freedom of Arrive Yaquina The Company reserves the right to ohange YAMHILL CO. BANK. permitted to drink champagne’ employers in the proper control sailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and San Francisco. Kail and Cabin. $14; Kail D on ’ t F orget the P lace , and ride in carriages while and management of their busi­ and Steerage. $9.88. For information applv to thousands of honest folks are in ness are illegal combinations. ( H AS. C. HOGUE, —Where you will— Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. want of necessaries. Which of Corvallis. Oregon Ben Snipes, the cattle king of the two candidates is likely to be preferred by the workingman Klickitat, has telegraphed to his who hears his children crying partner, to hold beef cattle at for more bread; 1 seriously ap­ 6 cents per pound on hoof. This I) C. IRELAND A CO., prehend that you will, in some rise is in consequence oft he great such seasons of adversity as 1 loss in other sections. Whoever attacks the popular describe, do things which will —nv thb — falsehoods of his time will find prevent prosperity from return­ LATEST_STYLES. ing. Either some Ca?sar or Na­ that a lie defends itself by tell­ Nothing is so Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above poleon will seize the reins of ing other lies. ■11 THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents prolific, nothing can so multiply for the government with a strong hand, itself, nothing can lay and hatch Browntiwillf Woolen Will, or yc as many eggs, as a good, healthy Carrying a full line of all goods made by Ingersoll. as fea these oelebrated mills RKcMiBBTilSe, Oregoa. McMinnville, Or. - - Meh. 18, 1887 F. W. MmoncL’s BOOTS § SHOES YAMHILL CO., ALWAYS FIND Fine Job Printers, ♦