H ì HOW TO TAME COCKROACHES. Catarrh Cured. D awson , G a ., D ec . 7 1886. For fully nine years I had ca­ tarrh. For five years I had it in the very worst form, how obnox­ ious that is I need not recount. I was under treatment of one of the most celebrated eye, ear and throat physicians in the United States, but he was unable to do me any good. In despair, I re­ started to numerous ¡latent medi­ cines that I saw advertised, but of no avail. Finally, about six months ago I began to take S. S. S. in sheer desperation, but with little hope and no faith in it. But to day I am compara­ tively well ; indeed, I have been so benefited by the S. S. S. that, although skeptical of its merits, I am compelled by the benefit I have derived from it, to testify to its unquestioned curative pow­ ers in catarrh cases. The best compliment I can pay it is that I have recently recommended it to a number of my warmest per­ sonal friends. M rs . E. C. K endrick . Blood Poison. W asco , T exas , O ct . 16, 1886. To the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen : I am an employe of Messrs. Cameron, Castle & Story, the great drug firm of Wasco, Texas. I used two bottles of your S. S. S. for a bad case of blood poison, and the medicine cured me completely. T. L. D eckard , (Colored.) For sale by Rodgers & Todd. 'Treatise on blood and skin dis­ eases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., drawer 3, Atlanta, Georgia; 157 W. 23d street, New York. If any supposes killing deer for their skins has been put a stop to in southern Oregon, the following, from the Jacksonville Times, will show him he is mis­ taken: “Within two months a hide dealer at Jacksonville, purchased 3,978 pounds of deer bides. It would require about 1,300 of these pelts to reach that weight. Other parties in south­ ern Oregon have purchased as many more, showing that in all about 2.600 deer have been kill­ ed for their skins only.” Tho state should offer a premium for the pelts of the scoundrels who thus wantonly slaughter deer for the trifling amount they receive on the skius. Interesting Items—Cultivating the Insects* Acquaintance—Cat-Like Qualities. IKev. J. Q. Wood in Youth's Companion.] POPULAR ROUTES. fay Scat or Vo County h; Oregonian R. R. Co. limited line, The first point to be gained was to train the insects by degrees, and ac­ CHAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver. custom their eyes to light. I put half a dozen of them, three males and three Portland and Willamette Valley Railway. females, under a large glass bell, to­ gether with pieces of bread, meat, etc., To Portland. Prom Portland. and a very shallow vessel containing water. A few rough flints were ar­ Coburg Coburg and ranged in the center so as to afford a Passen­ and Airlie STATIONS. refuge for the insects. ger Airlie | Mail. Fars. Mail. The glass was placed on a tray, which was set on my working-table, and al­ i most touching my desk. As might be OUR MOTTO IS SMALL Prof, AB Ar p.m Lv a.m LV 4 45 expected, no sooner had they been 915 . Portland, PWV* its and quick returns. Ft. Jefferson St... placed in the vessel than they ran under the flints for shelter, so that nothing 4 15 Elk Rock ... 1100 $ .24 'I could be seen of them except the long 4 60 11 0«i Oswego.......... .29 antennae, which seem never to be still. 3 40 11 46 . .. Tualitan.... .52 For a few days they remained in their 3 10 Winters... 12 10 .75 2 53 Summit.......... hiding-place, only coming out to feed 12 26 .88 229 12 50 . .. Newberg .. 1.00 after dark. But as the gas was lighted Upon which we hope to win 2 15 pwv Dundee jun 1 10 1.00 when darkness came on, the cockroaches your esteem and patronage. found their feeding time unpleasantly 125 ORy Dundee 210 1.00 circumscribed, ana began to run out 2 32 West Dayton. 103 1.16 Our connections with East- even in daylight, snatch up a piece of 12 53 Lafavette 2 44 1.24 12 35 3 02 .Dayton Juncton food, and return with it to th ir shel­ 1.3« ern and Pacific coast dealers 12 29 1.40 308 McMinnville Cs.. ter. 12 18 . Armstrong 3 19 1.48 By degrees they became bolder, and and manufacturers are such 12 07 ... 3 30 ......... Whites 1.56 if 1 gave them a piece of bread dipped 11 45 3 52 Briedwell .. 1.72 that we are enabled to in milk, they would come out and feed It 40 Harrison........ 3 57 1.75 as long as I remained perfectly quiet, 11 27 . Broadmeads ... 408 1.84 buy these goods as low or 11 25 1.86 4 10 Sheridan Junc’n but would scurry back to their shelter if I only turned my head. However, they lower than our competitors, 423 ......... Ballston 11 OS 1.96 soon found out that they suffered no 5 00 10 45 ßheridan. whether general or special harm by a movement on my part, and in a week or so they would go on feed­ 5 55 Perrydale......... 1.94 925 dealers. Buying goods in ing when I dipped my pen in the ink, 2.12 Smithfield.... 9 00 6 17 . 2 24 6 31 .Polk . 8 46 or even if 1 rose from my chair. Then greater quantities than most 6.50 .... Dallas. 830 2.87 I removed one of the flints so as to 2.53 7 10 .. Cochrane 8 06 competitors, and when hand, diminish their shelter, and, as they be­ 728 .... Monmouth, 750 2.65, came accustomed to their position, 1 re­ Luckiamute . 7 30 2.80 7 47 ling business of any kind the moved the others, until at last they had 8 00 ..........Simpson.. 7 14 2.911 no shelter at all. The removal of the 8 15 .A irlie ....... 7 00 3.02 volume of business enters LV I AB last flint disconcerted them for a little time, but they soon got over the loss, largely into the account in C has . N. S cott , and seemed perfectly at their ease. Receiver ORC ( Ld ) Line. determining the profit or Nothing struck rue more forcibly than W illiam R eid , President P&WVRCo. the difference of their attitude and g s- margin to be realized out of tures, after they were accustomed to the change. Instead of crouching to the it. Therefore all ground, and either remaining still as if do have an ad­ they had been petrified, or scurrying away at their best speed, they moved vantage over special dealers, quietly about, and when they wanted to examine any object, raised themselves and the greater quantity of quite high on their long legs, and had a look of confident intelligence. Almost goods sold or the volume of a similar gesture may be seen in the business done, the greater shore-crabs when hunting for prey. The whole demeanor of the insect was al that advantage and the less tered, so that it was hardly recogniz­ able. We have all seen a cat lying in the price ought to be. Hav. | front of the fire, with her kittens round ing a full and her, and must have admired the uncon­ ----- PROPRIETORS----- scious grace of the animal's att.iude. of the following But let a strange dog come into the Fine Carriages, Hacks and room, < ’d see how the creature alters. lines of goods from the lead- Saddle Horses, Her back arches, her tail swells to thrice ing dealers and best mana, And everything in the Livery hire, its ordinary size, her ears are laid back, in good shape aud her teeth are bared. facurers, which we replenish Now. the daylight acts on the cock­ At Reasonable Rates. with new fresh goods month­ roach as the strange dog acts on the cat. But, if the dog and cat be properly ly or oftener as the trade re- intiodueed, pussy soon becomes accus­ quires, to wit: LADIES tomed to the dog, resumes her former demeanor, and the two foes become firm Dress and Fancy Goods, Gents Late of Independence, having purchased the TEAMS AND TRUCKS friends. and Boy« Clothing and Furnish- Bo it was with the cockroaches, w ich Of Logan Bros.