Discussing the Points. New Jersey is trying to claim Noah because he is a New-ark man. “Yes,” remarks the Bur­ lington Hawkeye, “but you know he looked out of his Ark-ansaw land. Give the south a fair show in this thing.” The pernicious toboggan is killing off about as many people nowadays as the deadly car-stove. The stove should be loaded on the toboggan and both shoved down the slide into the lower depths of inaccuous desuetude. P. T. Barnum says that if the prohibitionists want to run him for president he cannot refuse as he is the greatest show on earth. He says that he is’nt a prohibitionist, but that need not make any difference. NEW TO DAY. railroad passenger Many agents profess to see a huge 8ub»cri|»tion Hute«. NEW SPRING By Carrier per week.......................... 10 cents loophole in that portion of the (Payable on Saturday.) interstate commerce law which Single Copy........................................ 2 “ By Mail 40 oenU per Month (In Advance.) reads as follows: “That noth­ ing in this act shall apply to Huleo for Advertiniiig Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. the carriage, storage or handling GOODS property free or at reduced rates McMinnville, Or. - - Meh. 17, 1887 . .................. for the United States, state or municipal governments or for The Lafayette Town Site. charitable purposes, or to or In answer toour'interrogation from fairs and expositions for AT the Register says Reid took up exhibition thereat, or the issu­ the land in 1844 ; sold it to Joel ance of mileage, excursion or Perkins ; and Perkins sold IGO commutation passenger tickets.” acres of it to Yamhill county be­ Referring to this provision of fore acquiring title, and that this the act, one agent said: “ The IGO acres was subsequently loca­ first thing to determine is to ted under the town site act and find out just what an excursion L the county got its patent from is. Webster defines it as a ram­ the general goverment, etc., etc. ble, a journey, and an excursion­ regon naciflc nailroad, CALL popular Route, Now, inasmuch as we are com­ ist to be one who travels for O nly ver icturesque anges. paratively a stranger in this pleasure. That opens a gate county ; perhaps seeking infor­ wide enough to drive through Fast Ttaxo, Sore Coanvction, New Equipment mation under difficulties ; and as it nine-tenths of the travel over the Register has volunteered to the railroads. True it may be 225 Miles Shortest AND SEE THEM. 20 Hours Less Time. enlighten us, we may be excused objected that the law does not Aocommooations unaurpassed for comfort if we ask once more for a plain mean that, but was meant to and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH LESS than by any other route between all full statement, without any boy­ cover the generally accepter in Willamette valley and San Francisoo. cotting, with respect to this mat­ meaning that an excursion is a Only Route via Yaquina Bay ter as the tax payers are some­ body of people going somewhere what interested, therefore will and returning as a body. This To San Francisco. the Register please inform the meaning it is claimed, is the on­ DAILY PASSEIVGEK TKA1NN, (Except Sundays.) public as to the personal pecu­ ly reasonable construction to put Leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya­ niary losses by reason of the upon the language of the act.” quina at 7:10 a. m. townsite act, and as to where, and Granted that that is so. Now Oregon and California, West side, trains Hear ye, people of Yamhill county. I will sell my fine stock of BOOTS and SHOES conneot at Corvallis. from whom the last purchase please tell us how many people now on hand at ten per cent disoount, and my The steamship Yaquina city, which has was made, and the amount paid does it take to make up a body been undergoing repairs, and the Santa Ma­ therefore. To the end that the of excursionists? Two, ten, or ria will each sail on the dates below named: Large, New and Ele­ gant Stock FBOM YAQUINA. people may know what title they one hundred? Who is to an­ That is en route, will be sold at a profit of Thursday, Jan. 27 Yaquina City... now have to the property, and swer this question? Without Santa Maria.... . .Wednesday, Feb. 2 ten per cent. There is ............. Tuesday Feb. 8 Yaquinn City... ONLY how many times they have had an agreement among the com­ Santa Maria Monday Feb. 14 One BOOT and SHOE store in McMinnville Yaquina City Sunday Feb. 21) where yon can get vour moneys worth, and to pay for it, and also as to what peting roads, outside of the law, Santa Maria ....Saturday, Feb. 2»> that is at Deilschneider’s. Come and see me. Friday, March 4 Next door to Yamhill County bank. vested rights are claimed by resi­ what is to prevent the rankest Yaquina City F. DEILSCHNEIDER EBOM SAN FRANCISCO. dents by reason of th^ various kind of discrimination, without .Friday Jan. 28 Santa Maria. Thursday, Feb. 3 Yaquina City transactions alleged, we press the any infraction of the law? Santa Maria’.... Wednesday Feb. 9 inquiry further at this time. Yaquina City Tuesday Feb. 15 Santa Maria......... Monday, Feb. 21 Here is an important commer­ Yaquina City Give us the truth, the whole truth Sunday Feb. 27 and nothing but the truth, Bro. cial ami culinary fact: Philip Daily Passenger Trains Westerfield. D. Armour, in giving his reasons (Except Sundays,) ------- OF------- for organizing a company for the Leves Yaquina .............. 6:20 a. m. ................... 10:38 a. m. The Hon. 8. 8. Cox is slowly wholesale manufacture of cotton ArriveCorvaIlia Arrive Albaiy ll:3oa. m. recovering from his late danger­ seed oil in the south, states that Leave Albany ...................... 12:40 p. m. Arrive Corvallis.............. 1:22 p.m. Third St., Opposite ous illness, but he had a close the use of cotton seed oil in man­ Arrive Yaquina .. 5:45 p. in. The Company reserves the right to change and a narrow escape. There came ufactures of lard and hog pro­ sailing YAMHILL CO. BANK. days. Fares, between Corvallis and San Francisco. Kail and Cabin, $14; Kail nearer being a “8unset in heav­ ducts has grown to such an ex­ and Steerage, $9.88. D on ’ t F orget the P lace , For information apply to en” (han it is pleasant tocontem- tent in late years that his estab­ CHAS. C. HOGUE, Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. plate. The disease was catarrh lishments alone consumed one- Corvallis. Oregon of the stomach, and so serious fifth of the total cotton seed oil did the case become that at one product of the United States. time it was impossible for him to take nourishment in the ordi­ The speech of Senator Mitch­ D C. IRELAND & CO., nary way. But it is related by ell, on his resolution of inquiry his physician that even when into the cause of the delay in most critically sick the genial prosecuting the work last fall on congressman never quite lost his the Cascades canal, is a thor­ relish of a joke. ough expose of a most contempt- Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above Be careful about opening let­ able official act, by which John all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents for the ters not address to you or your G. Parke has earned the hatred Brownsville Woolen Mill, may get into trouble. A word of all the people of the north­ Carrying a full line of all goods made by west. to the wise, etc. these celebrated mills. McMinnville, Oregon« ». C. HIELAN!) A CO. PUBLISHERS. F. W. Redmond’s. BOOTS i SHOES YAMHILL CO., Fine Job Printers, LATEST_STYLES. L J