The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, March 17, 1887, Image 1

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VOL. II. NO. 63.
M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , march n, 1887.
A. Stinet & Co.
Another lot of B. B. pictures
A. Stinet, of Corvallis, adver­
at Price’s gallery.
The new piano for the Opera tised a short time ago that he
would prosecute any man who
house, has arrived.
Link Gortner left yesterday, furnished him with whisky. It
». C. IRELAND A Co.,
for Winlock, W. T., where he seems that he did not put saloon
has received a situation in a saw keepers on the defensive quite
soon enough, as the Benton
OHEOON mill.
T h » D aili K mpostkb is issued every day
Mr. W L. Bodie, whose funer­ Leader says his family, a wife
in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered
and four helpless children, are
in the aity at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 al took place yesterday afternoon,
oente per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ at Carlton, was attended by a to be turned into the street, he
vertising same as for T h » W exblx R epobteb .
delegation of Masons and Grand having failed for a number of
months to pay the rent of the
Fine Book and Job Printers, Army men, from this place.
roof that shelters them, a matter
We beg leave to announoe to the public The body was interred at North
of $2.50 per month. For the ab­
that we have just added a large stock of new Yamhill.
novelties to our business, and make a special­
J. J. Collard’s heavy truck ject misery of such a case as this
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads,
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies’ Calling broke down this morning, with­ there is no possible remedy in
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ in a few feet of this office.
It is law. The enactment of a law
grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of
work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ supposed that Mr. Collard felt that would put such men to work
badly for the poor editor, know­ under the surveillance of proper
ing news was scarce, and so en­ authorities for the benefit of the
state or county, and give of his
deavored to help him out.
M. U. Gortner has accepted a earning for the support and edu­
position for a large wholesale cation of his children, might be
Offioe over Braly’s Bank.
Oregon. house in Portland, as a commer­ beneficial, but it would interfere
cial traveler. Mr. G. is well with that glorious principle of
and favorably known in western “personal liberty,” concerning
Physician and Obstetrican, Oregon, and we bespeak success which none make so loud an
ITewberg, Or.
for him in this new undertaking. outcry as those who are totally
We are indebted to Mrs. A. J. incapable of using it judiciously.
Eight years' experience in civil practice,
•and three years in government servioe as Apperson and Mrs. B. F. Fuller,
physician and surgeon. Medion 1 Graduate
Last night Mr. and Mrs. D.
of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, for a plate of excellent taffy and
Pa., also of Iowa State University.
A. Wallace stopped at B. F. Ful­
a basket of splendid winter ap­ lers, where twenty-two of their
DR. I. C.
TAYLOR. ples. The ladies know what the relatives gathered and gave them
-------- o--------
printers like.
a genuine surprise.
Late of New Orleans, La..
The City Gro y Astore of pop corn and taffy were enjoyed
Piles and Fistula a Spe­
Baxter & Rogers
ty place to and a pleasant evening was
ciality. Consultation
replenish your rardZ-.
tirée. ."Wo Cure
They spent.
All wishing them a
Ao Pay.
are selling only fresh groceries pleasant trip to Michigan, the
Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson, M. D., and these at bed rock prices.
land of their birth, also a safe
McMinnrille, Oregon.
Give them a trial order.
return home. They left to-day
Joggles read yesterday of a on the morning train. They
Coucher & Coucher. wash out caused by the rain, delayed going one day waiting
But he says there was a wash for parties from Corvallis to ac­
M c M innville
O regon . outlast Monday, caused by there
company them.
being no rain that day. It was
Office and residenoe, oomer of Third and
Card of Thanks.
the wash out the clothes line in
D. streets, next to the postoffioe.
the back yard, which the week
C arlton , Meh., 17, 1887.
before had to be hung in the
The family and relatives of
late William C. Bodie wish
Hair Cutting, ^having and Kfean
pooing Parlor.
The Portland Democrat says to thank the citizens of this
for the extreme kindness
15c »HAVING 16c. that Gov. Pennoyer has conclud­ place
shown them in their hours of af­
ed not to stand on technicalites, fliction and bereavement. They
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
but to confirm if necessary the also extend their sincere thanks
(Suopeator to A. 0. Wyndham.)
election of the three republican to the members of the G. A. R.
Ladies and ohildren's work a specialty,
fFl have just added to my parlor the fish commissioners who were of McMinnville and North Yam­
stock of cigars ever in this
I largest
.. ' and “ finest ....................
city. Try them.
elected by the legislature on the hill for their kindness and at­
tendance in paying the last trib­
last day of the session, and be­ ute to a departed husband,
Mrs. M. Shadden
fore the law was approved by the father and comrade.
governor or in force at all. He
Fashionable Dressmaker, will, if desired, issue commissions Miss Bello Johnson, teacher of music
in McMinnville and at McMinnville
t^The Taylor System of Cotting and Fit­
to them and in this way confirm college. Residence corner of Second
ting employed.
and C Streets.
B street, bet. 2d and 3d, McMinnville. Or. their defective title.
Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnville for
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­
ond Class Matter.
---------- o----------
MfcXi B l
Nearly every railroad com­
pany is now experimenting with
patent car heaters. Before an­
other winter appears the death­
dealing stow should be perma­
nently side tracked.
A Cleveland lawyer made such
an eloquent address to the jury
in a murder case that he set not
only the court,, jury and specta­
tors to crying, but actually wept
himself. At sight of him in
tears a few women fainted away
and one man bad an epileptic
Joseph Smith of Portland,
made friends in this city a hur­
ried visit, leaving for home yes­
terday. Jo. is one of the best
men alive, and whenever a sub­
stantial structure was needed in
the works of the old Oregon
Steam Navigation company, and
later on for years, he was called
to superintend its construction.
“How styles have changed
since I was a girl,” writes an
old lady to the Louisville Post,
“when I was young,” she con­
tinues, “we used to wear our
dresses up* to the neck, and
gloves with only one<. button.
Now they wear gloves up to the
neck, and only one button on
the dress. I don’t see how a
woman can retain her modesty
or be innately refined if she goes
in the ^presence of men bare
nearly to the waist. Such cos­
tumes may be all very well for
the ballet and for prize ring
fighters, but it is demoralizing
for young women. My time is
nearly up, but I really would like
to come back into this world in
sixty or seventy years from now,
just to see how women will dress.
If they keep on reduoing the ex­
tent of their clothes at the same
rate they have in tho last half
century, they won’t have much
of anything on by that time.”
-------------------------- ■
Quarterly meeting services
will be held at the M. E. church
on Saturday and Sunday next,
March 19 and 20 by Rev. M. C.
Wire, of Salem, Ore. services at
2 p. m. Saturday; services also
at 7 p. m. Preaching* by Mr.
Wire. The­
ing services on Sunday. Mr Wire
-is a stranger tothopeoplo of Mc­
Minnville. He is an able preach­
er. All are cordially invited to
attend these services.
H. P. S atchwell .
. «te