The Daily Reporter. Mr. Hermann leaves Wash­ Wayland Hunsaker, who lives ington to-day for home, via. D. C. JKEl.ANO A CO. 1TB1.ISHEBS. on his fathers farm in Marion Canada. In calling yesterday to Subscription Hate«. NEW SPRING He pay his parting respects to Presi­ By Çarrier per week........................ 10 cents county, is home on a visit. dent Cleveland, he took occasion (Payable ou Satarday.) reports things lively in that sec­ Single Copy....................................... 2 “ to speak of the disappointment By Afiiil 10cents per Month (In Advance.) tion of the country. Mrs. Adams ami daughters of the people of the northwest Itatcs for Advertising over the failure of the river and Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. have been visiting the family of harbor bill to become a law. GOODS Rev. A. J. Hunsaker. McMinnville, Or. - - Meh. 16, 1887 The president replied, in sub ­ The students are still drop­ ping out. Messrs. Jones, Gwinn, stance, that in his opinion there The Situation in Europe. Chapin and Lynch have quit. is as much money on hand as can be expended profitatably Now that the elections in Mr. Gwinn is going to teach. AT Germany have gone in favor of The Misses Sarah and Fannie during the coming summer; Bismark, attention is being turn­ Baxter paid the school a visit that congress has grown extrav­ agant in the matter of appro­ ed once again to Russia and the last week. east. It has all along been sup­ On Monday Miss Hunsaker, priations for the improvement posed that Russia rather wel­ of this place, accompanied by of rivers and harbors, and that comed the prospect of a war be­ the Misses Adams, of Marion for these and other reasons he tween France and Germany, county, visited the school; also felt it to be his duty not to sign and that it was only waiting the on the same merning Mr. Eldon the bill. outbreak of a conflict to renew Antrim, of Wheatland. regon nacific nailroad, CALL nly popular noute- in earnest its designs upon Bul­ O ver icturesque anges. » Last week Mr. John Lynch re ­ garia. Some time ago the state­ ment was made in the Russian ceived a telegram announcing Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment press that Russia would abstain the serious illness of his brother. 225 Miles Shortest from action iu Bulgaria until Mr. Lynch at once departed for AND SEE THEM. 20 Hours Less Time. the relations between France Eugene, the home of his brother. Accommocations unsurpassed for comfort and Germany were more clearly Mr. M. V. Lynch another of the aud safety. Fares and Freights MUCH LESS than by any other route between all defined. It is now hinted that brothers who resides at this in Willamette valley and San Francisco. place, received on Sunday a tele ­ this statement was merely to di­ Only Route via Yaquina Bay vert the attention of the powers gram summoning him to the from Bulgaria, and that Russia bedside of his brother. In ac- To San. Francisco. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS, has been actively at work in cordance with this he left for Eugene on Monday, I under- (Except Sundays.) pushing the Bulgarian question stand that Mr. Lynch Leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya­ had been to a settlement. A rather sus­ quina at 7.10 a. ni. Hear ye, people of Yamhill county. I will picious incident occured in Bul­ sick for some time. Oregon and California, West side, trains sell my line stock of BOOTS and SHOES Twelve weeks from last Tues­ connect at Corvallis. now on hand at ten per cent discount, and garia during the week. The The steamship Yaquina city, whim has ray day until the close of school. It garrison of Silistria revolted and been undergoing repairs, and the Sarta Ma­ Large, New and Ele­ declared against the Regency. will soon be the order of the ria will each sail on the dates below named: gant Stock FROM YAQUINA. The revolt was quickly suppress­ day to procure speakers for com­ Yaquina City.... .. Thursday, .Jan. 27 That is en route, will be sold at a profit of Maria....... . Wednesday, Feb. 2 ten per cent. There is ed. It is reported that many of mencement. It is to be hoped Santa Yaquinn City.... .............. Tuesday Feb. 8 ONLY Monday Feb. 14 One BOOT and SHUE the oflicers who were concerned that those who have the matter Santa Maria store in McMinnville Yaquina City . .............. Sunday Feb. 20 where you can get your moneys worth, and in the revolt at Silistria were in hand will procure the very Santa Maria ....Saturday, Feb. 26 that is at Deilschneider’s. Come and see me. Friday, March 4 Next door to Yamhill County bank. formerly concerned in the depo­ best talent afforded by the state. Yaquina City EROM SAN FRANCISCO. F. DEILSCHNEIDER sition of Prince Alexander. The There is an especial desire to Santa Maria .Friday Jan. 28 Yaquina City Thursday. Feb. 3 incident has occasioned some­ have a good programme, as Mr. Santa Maria.... Wednesday Feb. 9 Yaquina City . Tuesday Feb. 15 what of a stir in Austria. It is A. M. Sanders is to graduate Santa Maria....... Monday, Feb. 21 this year. Yaquina City Sunday Feb. 27 understood that recent events Mr. W. C. Hembree has been have brought about a renewal Daily Passenger Trains of the defensive alliance between improving his Collegeside prop­ (Except Sundays,) -----or----- erty, by fencing it. Leves Yaquina 6:20 a. m. Germany, Austria and Italy. McMinnville College Notes. F. W. Redmoni’s. 4 BOOTS § SHOES T om B ericht . A Bellevue correspondent says the mail to that place “has been taken from us again, or had just about as well be. Under the new regulation it will conic on the train to Sheridan, then down the next day. This takes two days to get a letter to or from Portland. Unless there is a transfer at Whites, all mail from McMinnville will have to go via. Portland to reach Bellevue, Sheridan and points beyond. Our “fine” January weather did its work. A' cotemporary says: Rose bushes, blackberries and wild raspberry bushes are killed by the frost. The fore part of the winter was so open and warm, putting vegetation and fruit trees too forward, We had a cherry tree in bloom when the snow commenced to fall, Parties who are holding dried fruit had better hold on a while longer and see what the The pile of inverted blessings outcome will be. laid on the grave of the forty­ The committee inform us that ninth congress bids fair to reach the I. O. G. T. supper will be an attitude far exceeding that of posponed at the meeting Friday the Washington monument. night. Arrive Corvallis .. .10:38 a. m. Arrive Albany 11:30 a.m. 12:10 p. m. Leave Albany Arrive < orvallis 1:22 p m. Arrive Yaquina .. 5:45 p. m. The Company reserves the right to change sailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and San Francisco. Rail and Cabin, $14; Rail and Steerage, $11.88. For information applv to CH AS. C. HOGUE, Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. Corvallis. Oregon YAMHILL CO Third St., Opposite YAMHILL CO, BANK. D on ’ t F orget the P lace , —Where yon will— ALWAYS FIND I» ( . IRELAND A CO Fine Job Printers, LATEST STYLES. Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents for the Brownsville Woolen Mill, Carrying a fall line of all goods made by theee oelebrated mills.