MIGRATION OF BIRDS. Interesting Extract From the Journal of aujEngUch Light-Ho om Keeper. The annual flight of birds southward in the autumn and northward in the spring is one of the oldest-observed facte of natural history. But it is only within a few years, comparatively, that the routes and time-tables of these feathered travelers have been studied by men of science. Now, however, it is perfectly well known that there is a favorite point at which generation of birds cross the Mediterranean from Europe into Africa and back again. The habits of birds passing from or over the British Isles in their annual migrations has been studied by a committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, whose report contains some very interesting and remarkable state­ ments. In going southward, the birds go in two great rushes, at an interval of a month, in October and November, and they follow the coast-line. This last circumstance makes the light-houses the best pbints of observation, and the best of al! seems to be the Beu Rock Light-house, off the coast of Scotland, better known, perhaps, to American boys and girls as the Inchcape Rock. The following extract, from the journal of the keeper of this light, de­ scribing what took place on the night of October 16, 1885, seems almost be­ yond belief: “Birds began to arrive at 7:30 p. m., striking lightly and flying off again; numbers went On increasing till mid­ night, wheu it seemed that a vast flock had arrived, as they now swarmed in the rays of light, and. striking hard, fell dead on balcony or rebounded into the sea. At three a. m.. another flock seemed to have arrived, as the numbers now increased in density; at the same time all kinds crowded bn to the lan­ tern-windows, trying to force their way to the light. “The noise they made, shrieking and battering the windows, baffles descrip­ tion. The birds wen* uow apparently in thousands: nothing ever seen here like it by us keepers. Wherever there was a light visible in the building they tried to force their way to it. The bed­ room windows being' open, as usual, for air alt night, they got in and put the lights out. Ail binis went off at six a. in.. going west ^Oifthwest. Red­ wings were most in ntimbed. starlings next, blackbirds, fieldfares and larks?’ — Fow th' s,(Tompamon._____ NEW TO-DAY. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. A. H. MB & 0. » 0. .0'- HODSON 'fa' U fa Dealers In J. O. ROGERS. W. T. BAXTER. i New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of ,, r BAXTER & ROGERS < Buooeasoes to Baxter A Martin,) Third street, MoMinnville, Oregon. Ita hi tarns. HI« .HIf f JP 1 Wilt. A new. heat and clean atoes. '’Every* article A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored l’ Glassware. Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ bacco. Pipes and Cigars. I Trash Trult and Vegetables in Season. Give us a call. Inspect our stock, and, we Will guarantee prices to suit vou. k. A. KKNYOÑ We Make a Specialty of all Kinds of Job Work Par­ ticularly Iron and Tin Roofing, MANFOBt» BAT. CITY MARKET, H e Ha. • KENYON ^RÀOroprietore. - (BucoeÀBofa to W; F.?lMnfcas|ter.) ‘ Galvanized iron Comioes and window caps. Will keep on hand at all times the very In faot we do anything that oomes in best quality of fresh meats, that oan be ob­ tained in the market, and respeotfully solicit our line, with neatness and dia a share of the pnblfo patronage. patch and, FWGive us a trial order and we will guarantee satisfaction. Notice of Sale by Common Carrier. N'otioe is hereby Riven that the Oregon and California Railroad company, of Portland. Oregon, a common oarrier having transport­ ed the personal property hereinafter describ­ ed, from various points in the state of Ore­ gon, to the town of McMinnville in the state of Oregon, at the request of the owner or law­ ful possessor thereof, and having safely stor­ ed ai d kept said property, and by virtue thereof having a lien upon the same for its just and reasonable charges, and more than three months having elapsed sinoe said transportation and care has been performed, and no part of said reasonable and just charges having been paid, all persons whom it may oonoern are hereby notified that said Oregon and California Railroad oompany by its receiver wi'l on the 28th day of Maron 1887, oomiuenoing at eleven o'clock am. sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the warehouse of said oompany, in the town of McMiunvtUe, in the state of Oregon, all and singular said personal property or sufficient thereof to satisfy said lein and charges and the costs and expenses of making said sale. Said prop­ erty having been shipped, consigned and transported between the points hereinafter named, and being more particularly de­ scribed as follows: Lot 1 from Tortland. 3 Pieces Bowling Alley, marked E. Ifc Berry. Lot 2 from Portland, 1 bdl. w. paper, markid P. F. Brown. R. Koaunaa. Receiver of the Oregon A Cal. R. B. Co. Portland Oregon, Maroh 3, 1887. ERNEST BOLLACK, Never Tell You it Can't be Done. Bring on your designs and we will cut your patterns, and do your work, and don’t you forget it. Famly Grocery Stores South east cor. 3d and C streets, McMinn­ ville, Oregon. A. H. A O. O. HODSON. J. Harv. Henderson, Brewster's Patent ReLn Holder. Your lines are where you put them—not under horses’ feet. One agent sold Udos, in 5 days, one dealer sold 6 dos. in 15 days. Samples worth $1.50 free . Write for terms. E. E. BBKWS”« Hoile. Mich. — Third Street, MoMinnville, Oregon. (Successor to L. ROOT.) —PRACTICAL— Dealer in All Fresh Gooli, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, and Glassware and Crockery. ... Third Bt.. bet.»'. A D. a MF"Goods delivered to purchasers in thecitv ------------- ----- u-.sa:--- u. ---- .. _____ McMinn vi lie, * • Oregon. ------ |o|------- I am now fully prepared to do all kinds of work inJEtVELERY. WATCHES, CLOCKS ACTORY. and all kinds of pins for 1 >dges, trades, eto. 4 • J-U V Jewelerv made to order. Everything guar­ ■rH•’*O • i anteed. Good and reliable work. Cheaper than the cheapest where workman W. H. «U4* BINGHAM. snip is concerned. Give me a trial. ./• 4 . ,|pw- -I. ». •' r'« JUTtf 4 Sal» ij i )’R r rt! FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPE­ Propr. CIALTY. ________ _ « dki ui Jin. The Mil Hotel, Manufacturer and Dealer In FINE FURNITURE Dining Station of the 0. C. R. R. The Beat Novela. T ’ of amends. (Chicago Journal. 1 : McMinnville. Orogon. * F. Multnar, Prop. The following is a list of the best ten Jurtt received an extra fine iot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of a novels, as given by a number of New (Late of the St. Charles.) designs. Call and price my stook. * York literary men. The figures show the votes each work received; This Hotel has just been refitted and new­ THE GREAT Scarlet Letter, 35; Romola, 34; Adam ly refurnished throughout, and will be kept in a first class style. Bede, 31; Les Miserables, 31; Ivanhoe, The table is supplied with all the market 29; David Copperfield, 25; Henry affords, and guests can rely upon good clean Esmond, 22; On the Heights, 21; Wil­ beds, and comfortable rooms. helm, 20; Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 19. N|>ecial accomodations for commercial The next in order are “Jane Eyre,” travelers. “The Newoomes,” “Vanity Fair,” HaaaaHiiiila,i ■IIHIIWOIHII |WIII,I||HIIH,III,||II BK a a ll>l a a a a l a l a a a i a a< a a a I a a a a a I I “Heart of Midlothian” and “Tale of Two JOHN J. SAX, Cities.” Edward Everett Hale's list is: Has his “Robinson Crusoe,” “Uncle Tom’s j Cabin,” “Jane Eyre.” “A Tale of Two Cities,” “Arabian Nights," “The New- comes,” “Ivanhoe,” “Pride and Pre­ rl judice," “Romola” and Dumas, “Three ’iiniiniiiiiirTHE di M ino car Guardsmen”—the last simply to show THE DIRECT KOI TE! ' NO DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! —AND— the value of pure narrative. -------------- O-------------- Will chop Feed for $2 per ton —It was at an evening party. Mr. T o CHICAGO and all points EAST. D. St George Smith was reciting a or one-tenth toll. m U Vv WWW Iwwtes Ticket« void to all PROMINENT POINTS poem consisting of forty-six stanzas. ---------- (o)—— Threugliout the Ea»t und Southeast. Mr. Brown, a guest, comes in late. Farmer* and others having grain to chop oan come to my mill, and attend to any “What’s going on?" he whispered to TO EAST BOViW»—PASSEWisERS! business in the city to lietter advantage than Briggs. “Smith’s reading a new poem. driving two — miles town to get their Hr BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE BUT out BE of SURE He has juse finished the thirtieth stan­ chopping done. JOHN J. BAX. ------ TO TAKE THE------- za," answered Briggs. savagely. McMinnville, Or. “What is the subject—the motive?" “I don’t know what the subject is, but I suspect his motive must be revenge And see that your ticket reads via Portland and I can’t see any other motive for it’— Puck. —AND— TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTE- OHTHEHHnACIFICnAILKOADV Ï 7’ ’ ' 1 • fi; • ~ SHOREST! | ‘ I BÉ&T! || QUICKEST! Feed Chopping Mill In Running Order, T ailroad | Z= St. Star Restaurant, PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, Lodging House, —Here is another Georgia wonder, To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Third Street, opposite the Braly Bank, Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full reported in the Savannah News: A Length of the Line. Berths Free. McMinnville............................................Oregon, Fairburn man on a wager walked from ---------IV QUICKEST TIME! O. C. Hiatt, Prop. that town to Palmetto last Monday In LOWEST RATES! -------- o ■ forty-eight minuted. The distant» is (■ENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, Finest domestic and imported cigarn. seven miles. Board and lodging. / The best printing in the county at Meals at all hours. A. D. CHARLTON. Central Ueolern Passenger Agent. the Reporter job rooms. Public patronage respectfully solicited. No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon.