DAILY EVENING REPORTER. VOL. II. NO. 61. Th© Daily M c M innville , O regon , T uesday , march 15. 1887. PRICE TWO CENT8. Death of Wm. L. Bodie. Prof. Rimer is to teach the Carlton school. A Tale. The sudden death of Wm. L. Entered in the Postoffloe at MoMinnville for Wid. Derby is the happy Bodie, at Carlton yesterday, Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ An orange rind on the pavement, father of a bouncing baby girl, ond Class Matter. from heart disease contracted Sent the lawyer head over heel; ---------- o---------- born on the 8th, at Sandy. He split his doeskin trowsers— while in the army, has cast a O. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. The committee inform us that He shook up his morning meal; gloom over that community. It ». C. IRELAND & Co., While the wreck of his new "Prince the I. O. G. T. supper will he appears that he was stricken Albert,” PIBLISHEHS. posponed at the meeting Friday while at work putting in a gate Wouldn’t tempt a tramp to steal; night. M c M innville - - oregon So he suddenly said to his tailor, upon his premises. The body Mrs. D. C. Narver will visit T he D aily K kpobteb is issued every day was still warm, when discovered I’ve lost a suit on appeal. tn the week except Sundays, and is delivered friends and relatives in Port­ but no one saw him fall. The in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 California Comb Honey at C. land for a time before proceed­ funeral will take place at two p. cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ ing to Albany. vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . Griesen’s. m. to-morrow. Mr. Bodie was a Booth and Wright still have native of Ohio, aged 62 years, Use Babbits soap, the best in Fine Book and Job Printers. on hand three buggies of the and leaves a most estimable th^ market at C. Grissen’s. We beg leave to announce to the public E. W. Allens fresh garden Staver it Walker stock, for sale wife, three sons, and a daughter, that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to our business, and make a special­ seeds may be had at C. Grissen’s. cheap for cash. Mrs. A. P. Wilson. He served ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, During vacation at Bellevue, through the army of the rebel­ Choral Union will meet at Statements, Business Cards, Ladies’ Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ John S. Martin’s residence this' which begins next week, the lion with distinction, and re­ grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of evening. school house is to be painted moved to Oregon from Nebraska work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ St. James Guild will meet at and fixed up. vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. for his health, about three years Fine salmon at the Eurisko since. He was a member of the house of Rev. John C. Fair DOCTORS market, which Garrison is sell­ Corinth Post, G. A. R., of Genoa, this week, Wednesday. LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, Chas. Whitmer, of Sheridan, ing at ten cents per lb.; always Nebraska. has a large grey eagle, taken ahead, as usual. Office over Braly’s Bank. Quarterly meeting services Geo. W. Sappington and John alive by Mr. Mendenhall. McMinnville, ... Oregon. A new cylinder press has just L. Castle of North Yamhill, and will be held at the M. E. church Dr. H. J. YII XT II OK A. been purchased by Mr. Camp­ Mr. Ingils of Newberg, paid us on Saturday and Sunday next, for the Eugene Guard. March 19 and 20 by Rev. M. C. social calls to-day. Physician and Obstetrican, bell Saturday the 19th, will be the Messrs. Durham, Jorss and Wire, of Salem, Ore. servicos at Nawbarg, Or. 70th anniversary of Mr. L. P. Piette were out viewing a road 2 p. m. Saturday; services also Eight years’ experience in civil practice, Pond, of Corvallis, father of yesterday on the petition of J. at 7 p. m. Preaching by Mr. and three years in government service as Mrs. D. A. Wallace. physician and surgeon. Medical Graduate R. Booth et. al. Jeff D. Fenton Wire. The usual quarterly meet­ of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Wardner, Idaho, has 80 sa ­ surveyor. ingservices on Sunday. Mr Wire Pa., also of Iowa State University. loons, 12 stores, 2 hotels. The Services this week at St. Janies is a stranger to the people of Mc­ population is the standard min­ church Tuesday a. in., Wednes­ Minnville. He is an able preach­ DR. I. C. " TAYLOR. - o------ — ing camp crowd. day evening, Thursday p m., er. All are cordially invited to Late of New Orleans, La., A new piano, of first class Piles and Fistula a Spe­ style for the Opera house, was and Friday evening. Consult attend these services. ciality. CoiiNultation H. P. S atchwell . your cards. among the purchases made by l>ee. No Cure No butter in the market. No Pay. Mr. Garrison while in Portland Business ia Business, What’s the matter? There is a yesterday. fiF Office with H. V. V. Johnson, M. D., MoMinnville, Oregon. Tho act creating the office of demand for more than the coun­ And I wish to have it understood ty can produce, and yet people that I mean what I say, viz.: e. W. QOUCHEB. E. E. GOUCHEB. recorder in Linn,Marion, Wash­ cry out hard times. Coucher & Goucher. ington and Yamhill counties; D. A. Wallace and wife will That all persons indebted to me goes into effect the first Monday are required to call and settle ac­ PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. leave for Michigan, on a visit to ­ in July, 1888. counts forth with, in order to M c M imnvili . k - O juwok . morrow. It will be their first Teachers are informed by the save costs. Get in and square We hope up either by note or coin with Office and residence, corner of Third and county superintendent, Hon. J. visit for many years. D. streets, next to the postoffioe.__________ A. C. Freund, that there will be they may enjoy the trip and safe­ out delay. J. M. H ulery . ly return. a public examination at Lafay­ McMinnville, March 9th, 1887. Messrs Jolly, Palmer, and ette at 8 oclock a. m. on the 26th. Mair CwttlBR, Sharia* and Shan*, A Young Cow. An act providing for the main­ Davis were out to-day viewing a pwoin* Parlwr. tenance of kindergartens as part new route for a road from the 15c «HAVING 15c. of the public school system, Hibbs place towards Lafayette. A heifer aged 11 mouths and 20 days belonging to H. L. Jones C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. where directors in districts of They were accompanied by J. D. near Amity, droped a fine heifer (Snooeeeor to A. 0. Wyndham.) 500 inhabitants are authorized Fenton county surveyor. calf, on the 10th. The calf is Ladies and ohildren’s work a specialty, We have been confident all by vote of the electors, became a Jersy and about the average have just added to my parlor the the time that the board of im­ largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this a law. •itv. Try them. __________________ John Lady and L. Delash­ migration would continue its size. The calf and its calf are both doing well. How is that for Mrs. M. Sliadden. mutt killed a large grey wolf good work. Hon. C. H. Dodd, a cow. R. O. J ones . last week near Sheridan. It was president of the board is active­ Fashionable Dressmaker« quite an object of interest to one ly employed in arranging the Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music who has never seen one. The details for a continuance of the in McMinnville and at McMinnville B^The Tavlor System of Cutting and Fit­ same parties killed two cayotes work, and whatever he under­ college. Rcsiden corner of Second ting employed. takes is generally accomplished. and C Streets. B street, bet. 2d end 3d, MoMinnville. Or. this week. Jfcji life- CITY.