The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, March 14, 1887, Image 1

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M c M innville , oreqon , M onday , march u ,
NO. 60.
Th© Datty Etep©(*t©i*.
Jubilee singers,
Do not forget them,
Garrison Opera house to-night.
Judge Loughary was in the
city Saturday.
». C. IRELAND & Co.,
The Emma Heath company
play at Albany this evening.
Miss Hepburn will leave here
T hb D aily R epobteb is issued every day for New York on Saturday next.
an the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered
Mexican veterans will find the
m the oity at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40
«eta per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ pension bill at the office of J. E.
vertising same as for T hb W eekly R epobteb .
Choral Union will meet at
Fine Book and Job Primers.
We beg leave to announoe to the public John S. Martin’s residence to­
tRat we have just added a large stock of new morrow evening.
novelties to our business, and make a special­
Key, John C. Fair’s evening
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads,
at St. James church,
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling
Cards, BAH Invitations (new designs » Pro- are very instructive.
gmu *nes. Posters, and all descriptions of
Chinook salmon is retailing
work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­
in this market for 12| cents per
pound, and it is fine.
St. James Guild will meet at
the house of Rev. John C. Fair
this week, Wednesday.
Office over Braly’s Bank.
J. Harv. Henderson become^
an occupant of the house occu­
Dr. H. J. '»IATI1OKA.
pied by Luther Shobe.
Physician and Obstetrican,
Rev. Mr. Smith has been en­
gaged by the Christians of this
ITowberg, Or.
city for the ensuing year.
Eight years’ experience in civil practice,
and three years in government servioe as
H. L. Jones has an eleven
physician and surgeon. Medical Graduate
o4 Jefferson Medical College. Philadelphia, months old Jersey cow which
Pa., also of Iowa State University.
gives two gallons of rich milk
DR. I. C. TAYLOR. daily.
As fine ash furniture as was
Late of New Orleans, La., ’
ever made, is now turned out at
Piles and Fistula a Spe­ Bingham’s, from Yamhill county
ciality. Consultation
free. Ao Cure
Booth and Wright still have
No Pay.
on hand thker buggies of the
HT Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson. M. D.,
Staver & Walker $tock, for sale
McMinnville, Oregon.
cheap for cash.
Uncle J. R. Caldwell, of Carl­
Goucher & Goucher. ton, one of the leading and pio­
neer citizens of our neighbor­
M c M imnville -
O bboox . ing town, was in the city Satur­
Office and residence, oorner of Third and day and paid us a very welcome
D. streets, next to the postoffioe
Franklin Stout, of Carlton,
W. F. Coulter of Amity, and
Sham. Samuel Hobson of East Cheha-
pooing Parlor.
lem, are upon the venire from
which the United States grand
15c SHAVING 15c.
is to be drawn.
C, «¿FLEMING, Ptoprietor.
Some farmers threatened to
, (8pepea^>r^o J. C. Wyp<^nj,)
plow yesterday, to make up for
Ladies ap^ children's work a specialty.
W^“I have just added to my parlor the time, as the ground was in hue
largest and finest st<>ok of < igars ever in this
•rtv. Trv them.
condition Saturday. .But they
didn’t, as it rained nearly all
Mrs. M. Shadden.
night Saturday and most of the
time yesterday, again making it
Fashionable Dressmaker« too wet. Tile your land gents;
The Tavlor System of Cutting and Fit.
then you can plow every day in
ting employed.
B street, bet. 2d and id, McMinnville. Or. the year nearly, if you want to.
Altered in the Postoffice at McMinnville for
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­
ond Class Matter.
--------- «O*U—
Open temperance meeting
California Comb Honey at C.
Monday evening next.
Mr. Bynum and Mr. Barnum
Use Babbits loaf, the best in
are both very sick. Dr. Gouch­ the market at C. Grissen’s.
er attends the former, and Dr.
The season is fully 14 days
Johnson the latter.
later this year than for several
Services this week at St. James years past.
church Tuesday a. m., Wednes­ Born to the wife of Beecher
day evening, Thursday p m., Walker, a daughter—a nine
and Friday evening. Consult pounder. Mother and child do­
your cards.
ing finely. It is expected the
We are glad indeed to note father will be all right in a few
the fact that Mrs. Lawrence is days.
recovering quite satisfactorily
Our worthy friend, J. Holt
from the effects of the fall which
Nelson, has graduated in den­
she received last winter.
tistry from the office of Dr.
Mrs. Ira Russ returned from
Tucker, and left the city last
the state Sunday school conven­
week for the purpose of looking
tion at Salem, via. this city, and
up a permanent location for
after a pleasant visit with Rev.
business. Genial, affable, skill­
and Mrs. E. Russ, proceeded to
ful; of full stature, every inch a
Portland Friday.
man, Holt will make his mark
Ladies, call upon Miss F. E.
in the world, and lucky will be
Russ and inspect the first invoice
the community which can claim
of new hats and ornaments just
him for a citizen.
received. We cannot possibly
Father Hermann preached at
describe them, they must be seen
St. James Catholic church yes­
to be appreciated.
Mrs. E. X. Harding of Rick- terday. While in the city he
real is in the city, visiting. We was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
are pleased to hear that their Bettman, with whose son, Henry,
Polk county home is a pleasant he made a very agreeable visit
one, and that Mr. H. is succeed­ recently in Leipsig. We were
ing admirably in his school. She pleased to meet Father Herman
at dinner at Mr. Bettman’s
expects to return Thursday.
Mrs. Mary Walker, of Panther to-day, and hear from him such
creek, died suddenly from hem­ good report as he has to make
orrhage of the lungs, Saturday concerning our young friend
evening, aged 57 years. At her Henry Bettman of this city, a
special request the body will be student in Leipsig.
We are pleased to hear of the
kept three days before burial.
The funeral takes place Wednes­ success of Phil Withycomb, in
day, and the remains will be in­ selling all the tile burned by
terred in Stouts cemetery.
him at North Yamhill. We
There is a strong probability hope he may burn many kilns
that Hon. J. E. Magers will be this year and sell the last piece,
indicted by the next Grand jury not alone because it will profit a
for perpetrating that joke upon worthy individual, but In addi­
the Cook family last week. tion to that it will be a proof
However, it can be well estab­ such as we very much desire,
lished as a fact that The Cook that our agriculturists are dbvot-
Hoqse was rightly named. L. ing more attention to this very
IJ., the host is a boss Cook; Miss important subject of tile drain­
- , V
Eva, the hostess, is an A No, 1 age-
Cook; C. H., the clerk, is no
BuaineM ia BuaineM,
slouch of a Cook; while C. R. and
J. W., the carpenters who built And I wish to have it understood
the house are both Cooks of that I mean what I say, viz:
standing; but John Chinaman That all persons indebted to me
as the chief cook, will see to it are requird|»to eall and settle ac­
that the broth isn’t spoiled by counts forth with, in order to
so many Cooks, and people gen­ save costs. Get in and square
erally will agree that it is no won­ up either by note or coin with
der the Sunday dinners contin­ out delay.
J. M. H ulery .
ue so popular.
McMinnville, March 9th, 1887.
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