The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, March 12, 1887, Image 1

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vol . ii. no . 59.
M c M innville , O regon , fhiday ,
East Lynne to-night.
There will be services at the
Christian church Sunday.
Booth and Wright still have
on hand three buggies of the
D. C. IRELAND & €0.,
Staver & Walker stock, for sale
cheap for cash.
Gov. Pennoyer has appointed
T h * D aily R epobteb is issued every day G. W. Walker, of Pendleton, to
in the week except Sundays, and is delivered
in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 the newly created judgeship in
cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ the Sixth judicial district.
vertising same as for T h « W eekly R epobteb .
Come one and all. It don’t
Fine Book and Job Printers. cost anything to look at goods at
We beg leave to announoe to the public Redmond’s All new and bright.
that we have just added a large stock of new Don’t buy old goods when you
novelties to our business, and make a special­
can get new ones fpr less money.
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads,
Preaching at the Baptist church
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ to-morrow at the usual hours, by
grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of
work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon- Rev. J. G. Burchett.
subject, “God’s Reserves, for all
Emergencies.” Evening subject,
“The Millenium.”
Detmering has a fine display
of laces in his window to-day.
Offioe over Braly’s Bank.
- ' •
Oregon. Halt and take a look at them.
It is a perfect bower of all varie­
ties’ varing in price from 5 cents’
Physician and Obstetrical), up to $4.00 per yard.
Little Rhody leads off in the
Newberg, Or.
line of states to legislate against
Eight years’ experience in civil practice,
and three years in government service as railway cremators. An exchange
physician and surgeon. Medical Graduate
of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, says: The Rhode Island legis­
Pa., also of Iowa State University.
lature has taken the railway
stove by the leg, so lo speak, and
thrown it out the window, by
Late of New Orleans, La.,
passing a law forbidding it*use
Piles and Fistula a Spe­ as a heater in cars.
ciality. Consultation
Hon. William R. Morrison
iiree. No Cure
has accepted the tender of the in­
No Pay.
t-Y*” Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson, M. D^ ter-state commissionership, and
McMinnville, Oregon.
probably will be the chairman
Judge Cool­
E. E. GOUCHEB. of the commission.
Goucher & Goucher. ey, of Michigan, receiver of the
Wabash system, and Gen. Bragg,
M c M innville ....
O begon . of Alabama, will also be commis­
sioners. The former is a repub­
Office and residence, corner of Third and
lican, and one of the most able
D. streets, next to the postoffioe.
jurists of the country. The lat
ter will represent the south.
The ignition of a wooden par­
Hair Cuttinff, Shaving and sham­
tition in a sleeping car on a
pooing Parlor.
15c SHAVING 15c. Pennsylvania railroad the other
morning, from a coal stove over­
C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor.
heated by leaving all the drafts
(Snocessor to A. C. Wyndham.)
open for too long a time, shows
Ladies and children's work a specialty.
have just added to my parlor the that the perils from fire on a
largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this
train are by no means confined
eitv. Try them_________________
accidents caused by derail­
Mrs. M. Sliadden. to
ment. Even surrounded by the
most satisfactory conditions, the
Fashionable Dressmaker, coal stove in a passenger car is
HFThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­
only a murderous monster under
ting employed.
B street, bet. 2d and 3d, MoMinnville. Or. bonds.
Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnville for
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­
ond Class Matter.
--------- o----------
march 12. 1887.
price two cents .
Public School Notes.
Home Matters.
In consequence of ill health
Miss Carrie Mark has given up
teaching for the present. Her
place will be filled by Miss Red­
mond, and classes will resume
study Monday as usual.
The following pupils in Mrs.
Matthieu’s room have not been
absent or tardy for the past six
months: Maud Randall, Mag­
gie Howell, Nellie Satchwell,
Birdie Hutchinson, Martin Ad­
ams, InezEccleston, Stella Patty,
John Sampson, Forrest Narver,
Lena Groening, Tda Groening,
Harvy Fleishhaner, Gracie Stew­
art and Ambie Wright.
In the same room we find the
following list: Clyde Rolland 1,
Lilly Adams 2, Edw. Schenk 2,
Walter Baker 2, Lena Baker 3,
Chas. Howe 3, May Gaunt 3,
Sammy Gaunt 3, Thos. Lam­
bert 3, Morris Sweet 3, Elon
Wallace 4, Minnie Hamnett 4.
Silk hose for evening wear
must match the shoes in color if
not in shade.
Beef Dripping makes very
good “buttered toast” when but­
ter is high.
Ribbons, flowers or aigretts of
light feathers are fashional for
the hair for evening.
The latest bang, called the
Russian, is V. shaped and bar-
barous in appearance.
The jaunty matador jackets
will be more popular than ever
this and the coming season.
Coffee, if taken early in the
morning on an empty stomach,
is said to act as a preventive a-
gainst infectous and many acute
epidemic diseases.
Sleeves of a different material
from the dress are a useful nov­
elty, as new sleeves can thus with­
out difficulty be put into a half-
worn-out dress.
Paris advices say that white
kid globes have again become a
necessary ball room requisite.
But colored Swedish gloves con­
tinue to be preferred for evening,
concert and theater toilets, as
well as for the promenade.
Japanese paper fans are among
the new objects on which decora­
tion is lavished. They are often
painted in oils in bright, sketchy
ways, the whole fan being done,
or else divided in some slanting
lines and each division so made
being painted after a different
Palm leaf fan wall-pockets
make convenient photograph
holders ; half of the fan is cov­
ered with plush or velvet, and
between it and the fan the pho­
tos are slipped in. The fans are
hung on the wall in whatever
position may be requisite to show
the photographs to the best ad­
° Senator Dolph will pay Oregon
a visit in July. Senator Mitchell
will be here early in the summer.
Mr. Hermann may be expected
next month.
The liquor in which a cabbage
is boiled, if stewed down again
and thickened with bread crumbs
skim milk, and a little cheese,
makes a nourishing Lenten soup.
The beautiful blue bird has been
seeking admission to this office
for several days. The window
wasopened to them this forenoon,
but they finally declined the hos­
pitality and retired to some more
secluded nook to begin their work
of nest building. As we expect
to vacate these premises soon,
the birds are welcome guests.
Our “home amusement club”
are the Star Jubilee Singers.
They appear at Garrison Opera
house Monday evening. No per­
son who witnessed their famous
Mop Brigade at the firemen’s
fair can suppress a laugh, even
at this late date. We are not
advised as to whether this piece
will be repeated: but of one thing
rest assured, the programme will
be witty, spiced with originality,
and it will please the boys to see
you there. Go by all means;
and enjoy a hearty laugh; it will
do you good. Box sheet open
at Rogers & Todd’s.
Business is Business,
And I wish to have it understood
that I mean what I say, via:
That all persons indebted to me
are required to call and settle ac­
counts forth with, in order to
save costs. Get in and square
up either by note or coin with
out delay.
J. M. H ulery .
McMinnville, March 9th, 1887.