1 DAILY EVENING REPORTER VOL. II. f « M c M innville , O regon , W ednesday , march 9. 1887. NO. 56. The Choral Union meeting, at sulphuric acid then drying and Thanks to Hon. J. E. Magers, Dr. Galbreath’s last evening, was pressing between sheets of blot­ Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for one of the most successful and ting paper. In France, pipes are Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ for favors done at Lafayette ves- largely attended of any hitherto made of this substance scarcely ond Class Matter. terday. ----------- o Judge Loughary was called to held. Two new pieces were re­ distinguishable from the meer­ D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. Carlton yesterday to tie the con­ hearsed. The next meeting will schaum. By subjecting the mass be at the residence of John S. to great pressure a substance can ». C. IRELAND & Co., nubial knot. Martin. be made of it rivaling ivory in PEBLISHERS. Call and look at J Baxter & Rogers’ w . ap­ hardness. McMIXX VII.l.E - - OREGON you want to, but \v pears to-day, as sp£c to T he D aily R epobteb is issued every day buy, Appersons isi Business is Business, Baxter & Martin. T1 r are in in the week except Sundays, and is delivered do it. in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 receipt of a full line oyhev^goods, And I wish lave it uni oents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ The proposed mail service on and with the new 1/f-m and new that I mea what I si vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . the narrow gauge will be a snide prices, seem determined to keep That all Jhs indebted to me Fine Book and Job Printers. affair. Give them first class or the lead as family grocers Give are required to call and settle ac­ We beg leave to announoe to the public nothing. them a call. counts forth with, in order to. that we have just added a large stock of new Hon. Wyatt Harris was in the Only probate business, so far, save costs. Get in and square novelties to our business, and make a special­ city to-day. He is now ready to ty of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads, has been transacted by the Coun­ up either by note or coin with Statements, Business Cards, Ladies’ Calling begin the work of assessment for ty court. Final settlement was out delay. J. M. H ulery . Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ the current year. allowed in the matter of the es­ McMinnville, March 9th, 1887. grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of J. M. Hulery has made ar­ tate of H. C. Baker, deceased, work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. The Lost is Found. rangements for standing his fa­ and the will of A. I’. Woolsey mous horse Milton, in this city admitted to probate, with A. C. G. E. Det CTORS g was I y the coming season. Davis as executor. The jury list surprised y ar- y by CALBREATH, LITTLEF Grouse are hooting, and pheas­ will probably be drawn to-day. rival of his fi e of imported ants drumming. A grouse does Bank. Offi To make your lamp chimney worsted and ress goods, 1- Oregon. not very often make any mistake tough, put it in your cook stove also a complef' Niellili nville, of laces, about the advent of spring. When his friei ^/all on him, reservoir while the water is cold IYTHORX. G. G. Greens “shut the door and let it remain there all day and he will show them the finest card got here too late for. prac­ the following night, when it will stock in that line that ever came tical use. We want our door erg, Or. cool slowly. Don’t cut your to Yamhill county. If you should open such weather as this. lamp wicks; rub off the charred think it blow, call and judge for ience in civil practice, Eight ye D. AV. Ralston, of Sheridan, is government service as and three yourself. He can always prove end with a match. sn. Medical Graduate buying and physioian an shipping cattle, of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, The following is a sure cure what he advertises if you give Pa., also of Iowa State University. sheep, etc., from this city. He for chilblains: Taken handful1 him a chance. When the various sends two or three car loads to [ of dried peach leaves and pour lines of goods arrive that are on DR » the Sound this week. their way from San Francisco, W. D. Carey was in the city boiling water on them, and let Late < he will have no rival in his line yesterday, able to get about on them stand till cool enough not Piles an to burn the patient; then place outside of Portland. He requests ciality. Const crutches. It will be remembered the feet in the water fifteen min- us to thank the public for the Aree. No Cure his left leg was injured recently \o Pay. utes. Do this two or three times kindness shown him since he by a kick from a horse. £-3?“ Office with H. V. V. Johnson, M. D.9 The Rev. John C. Fair, will and it will effect a cure. If you has been in their midst, and re­ MoMinnville, Oregon. lecture to-night at St James cannot get the dried peach leaves, spectfully asks you one and all E. E. GOUCHER. O. W. GOÜCHEB. to call and inspect his stock. church at 7:30. Subject: “What plain water will do as well. & Coucher. is the relation between the Uni- The old man looks back on The Oregonian predicts that: Couc I SURGEONS. PHYSICIA verse and the Supreme Intelli­ the days of his life, and views Now that Beecher is dead, Ply­ O begon . gence.” All are invited to attend. his mistakes in the light of ex­ mouth church has lost its Bis­ M c M innville After all of its abuse of Henry perience. Why cannot the young mark and will split up like a Office and residence, corner of Third and D. streets, next to the postoffioe. Ward Beecher, the Oregonian man just starting out in life take ship at sea that has lost at once admits that “his death leaves a advantage of the experience of its captain, pilot, and anchor.” void,” which, in the whole coun­ the old man and steer clear of Time will show the utterly the i cks and shoals upon which viuff anil Sham, try, “there is no man to fill.” Hair Cutting, shameful attidude of the Orego­ arlor. Beecher’s charities amounted to the old man so often foundered? nian upon this topic, the death 15c S G 15c. thousands of dollars per year. Let the young man shun the fol­ of “Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. The UPR road is carying fruit lies and vanities of the day, and Go see the C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. on fast trains, approximating contract those habits and follow (Snooessor to A. C. Wyndham.) new music box passenger time, for 1| cents per steadfastly in those paths that Ladies and children’s work a specialty. tune by any o £^*l have just added to my parlor the pound, from California to Chi­ lead to success. Young man, jewelry store, largest and finest stook of c igars ever in this cago. They carry an average of think seriously of these things. etor. city. Try them. A new use has been discovered 20,000 pounds to the car. This A serenading party last night Mrs. M hadden gives the road $300 per car; a for potatoes. They can be con­ surprised Wm. L. Bangasser and pretty good sum for a freight verted into a substance resem­ smaker« car; and affords the shippers bling celluloid, by peeling them, others with sweet strains of Fashionable music, wafted over the mellow ing and Fit* The Taylor some show for profit on the sale and after soaking in water, im­ air of the clear and beautiful ting employed. pregnating with eight parts of evening. B street, bet. 2d and 3d,_MoMin^yiIle, O t . of their stuff. CITY The Daily Reporter, V (•> I I I » * PRICE TWO CENT8. M d Ohstetrican, I I 1 t V » A ..... Oft