Th© Daily Reporter. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. Subscription Hate»« By Carrier per week.......................... 10 cents (Payable on Saturday.) Single Copy.......... ............................. 2 “ By Mail 40 cents per Month (In Advance.) Hute* for AdverlKing Will be nmde satisfactory to all applicants. McMinnville, Or. ■■■ - - Meli. 2, 1887 CORRESPONDENCE Bellevue Chips. The cuttie here are looking very bad, and there will be a great many die if the storm continues a week longer. We have had several horses die lately of blind staggers. Mrs. Lemon had a horse crip­ pled last week by jumping a picket fence—running a picket into his breast. The horse will will probably recover. It is to be Imped that he will as Mrs. Lemon is a widow woman and would feel the loss greatly. We would like to see some good honest blacksmith come here to work. Why not? The country is tilled up with good, honest farmers, and we have a good shop here, and now all we need is some black, dirty look­ ing follow to come byre, roll up his sleeves and go to work. There has been a great many jolly hunters from McMinnville visiting this place with guns and bouts, looking for ducks. Boys, I would advise you to stay at home until the ducks begin to fly, and then if the Reporter will publish u few items which 1 may send, 1 will let you know when there are plenty of ducks. Mrs. .James Arthur of this place, has a very sick baby. Win. Lindsey Delashmett made by killing a wolf on Guid’d ranch. Tillamook. The steamer A. B. Field arriv­ ed from Astoria last week. The first trip since October. While having so little communication with the outside world during the past three months, and it be­ ing somewhat vexatious to re­ ceive our Christmas goods and winter clothing the middle of February, we can still feel thank­ ful, for through all our tribula­ tions clams have been fat and plentiful. Washington’s birthday was celebrated here by a masquerade ball given by D. Bowers at Ol­ sen’s hall, which was well at­ tended. Among those present most noticeable were Mrs. J. L. Embum, who wore the garb of a nun, Misses Anna Holden, queen of hearts, Rosie Olsen, peanut girl, Emily Smith, goddess of liberty, Mrs. Mary Mckinlev, bloomer costume, Mrs. Wm. Ol­ sen and Miss Briady, twin sisters, Mrs. Miron Perkins, newspaper costume, Misses Hannah Bunn, Chloe Darling, Lou Bunn, Moth­ er goose, Ida Vaughn, was a tine old monk, Miss Fearnside wore a circus costume and was by many considered the best sus­ tained character of the evening. Dan Bowers as a Spanish caval­ ier took the cake, while Master Clark Hadley carried the Stars and Stripes right royally. Monte Goodspeed might not like to have his many friends know that he played the devil in Hillicoats, so forbear men­ tioning his costume. The cos­ tumes of the gentleman were many and various. Our enterprising friend Eu­ gene M. Keyeo has quite an ad­ dition to his family, a bran new son and daughter arrived Sun­ day the 13th. Miss Ida Vaughn is spending the winter with Miss Maggie Fearnside, our efficient postmis­ tress. Mrs. .James Quick, has been an almost helpless invalid all winter. H. H. Downing, county clerk, has been quite unwell. Joe Whiting has a bad cold, but thinks he will I '1 all right when spring opens. The Rosie Olsen sailed for Portland on the 21st. Judge Cooper says “the Dougherty road must go.” And still it snows. A. T ili . amooker . I dare say you have not heard from Tillamook since it was snowed in and if von suffer anv anxiety in consequence will re­ lieve it by informing you that we are trying to make the best of the situation. One good cause for growling is the lion-arrival of newspapers. Have received two Reporters in five weeks. They were well read and much appreciated I assure * you. Have had an unusually * long and severe spell of cold weather for Tillamook, and if it Our first National bank will continues much longer stock will be an interested party in the suffer for want of food, as many New Oregon Insurance company farmers were wholly unprepared which will organize with a cash capital of $500,000. for such a storm. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW TO-DAY. THE EMMA HEATH First National Bank, —OF M’ai INN VILLE, OREGON.— Dramatic Company. ------ OFFICERS ----- EMMA HEATH Fid HI. Page, - - - Comedian Prof. Mein - Musical Director And a company of twelve people, at Garrison Operi JBEèx 2 NICHTS 0NLY 2 Friday and SaturdaySiiarch 4 and 5. In selections from the following repertoire : East Lynne, Robert Macaire, May Blossom, Fanchon, Camille, New Magdalen, and 100 others. Friday Night - - . . East Lynne. Reserved seats 75 cents, on sale at Rogers & Todd’s drug store. General admission 50 cents. BOOTS i SHOES J acob W ortman ................... President W. D. F enton ............... Vice-president J ohn W ortman .......................Cashier Transacts a General Banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made on favorable terms. Sight Exchange aud Telegraphic Transfers on New York, San Francisco and Portland. Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. FIRE INSURANCE. JOHN WORTMAN Represents the following sterling compan­ ies: London