DAILY EVENING REPORTER. VOL. II. NO. 50 The Daily Reporter, M c M innville . O regon , W ednesday , march 2. 1887 CITY East Lynne Friday night. Cool,-clear and balmv weather. The Charade club will meet this evening at Mrs. Reids. D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. Uncle John Baker is reported ». C. 1RELAX» A Co., as resting somewhat easier. PUBLISHERS. The net proceeds of the Fire­ Mc.UINNVILLE - - OREGON men’s fair amounted to $158.52. The school meeting will be T he D aily R eporter is issued every day in the week except Sundays, and is delivered held at one o’clock p. m. on the in the city at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40 cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ 7th. vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . Cedar posts of the best kind for sale by F. Multner, Central Fine Book and Job Printer«. Hotel. We beg leave to announce to the public Choral Union meets at Dr. that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to our business, and make a special­ Galbreaths next Tuesday at 7 p. ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Ladies Calling m., sharp. Cards. Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ Miss Lillie Newgard entertain­ grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of ed a whist party last evening at work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ their home. vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. Don’t forget the meeting of DOCTORS tho Young folks dancing club LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, this evening. Frosted and damaged apples Office over Braly’s Bank. wanted by F. Kloucheck, at the McMinnville, ... Oregon. apple Jack factory. Finest cedar posts, and 30,000 DR. I. C. TAYLOR, ■ - o-------- feet of good fencing for sale at Late of New Orleans, La., the yard in McMinnville by Piles and Fistula a Spe­ Stowe & Co. ciality. Consultation Henderson Bros, are hauling tYce. iWo Cure lumber preparatory to enlarg­ No Pay. Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson. M. D., ing their commodious stable on McMinnville, Oregon. Third street. Dr. Taylor goes to Corvallis Mrs. M. Sliadden on Wednesday and Thursday of each week to attend cases he is Fashionable Dressmaker. treating there. fgPThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ Custer Post band dissolved ting employed. last evening. The property was B street, bet. 2d and 3d, McMinnville. Or. put up in lottery form, and the G. W. GOUCHEB. E. E. GOUCHEB. boys drew everything but the Coucher & Coucher. wagon. Mark High went out to the PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. M c M iwnville .... O b eoom . farm of Hon. J. J. Henderson yesterday and brought in a pair Office and residence, corner of Third and D. streets, next to the postoffice. of stall fed roadsters for the City Stables. Miss Katie Thornton and Mrs. McDonald went to Wheatland Hair Cutting, Shaving: and sham, for several days visit to friends, pooing Parlor. including the families of Messrs. 15c SHAVING 15c. John Allison and Jos. Kirkwood. C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. There are reports afloat that (Successor to A. C. Wyndham.) Mr. Ilappersetts residence has Ladies and children's work a specialty. £***1 have ju9t added to my parlor the been let, but as we have heard largest and finest stock of < igars ever in this it several times before, we will eitv. Try them wait before saying it is occupied. Mr. Wright has commenced D C. IRELAND A CO., laying the foundation for the new Reporter office ; and if the weather proves favorable, the carpenters will commence work on Monday next. llcHinnville, Oregon. Entered in the Postoffice at McMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ ond Class Matter. o Fine Job Printers, PRICE TWO CENTS. Vote of Thanks. Living Witnesses. W hereas , We the undersign­ ed members of the firemen’s fair executive committee, on be­ half of McMinnville Fire De­ partment, desire to express our thanks to each and all persons who, through their assistance ami liberal patronage, helped to make the seventh annual fair a most complete success. Therefore be it R esolved , That we herewith tender a vote of thanks to the members of the Coffee brigade, the Broom brigade, the Min­ strels, Custer Post band, the committee on Art Gallery, and each and every person connect­ ed with the fair, for their kind services. R esolved , That a copy of these resolutions be published in the Daily and Weekly Re­ porter and the West Side Tele­ phone. E. W. F uller , Chair. W. G. H enderson , Sec’y. W. A. H enderson , j E ls i a W right , Com. T. M. F ields . ) Rev. Joseph Langston is a well known lbii !er and mem- ber of the So ieorgia Con- ference of M. E. Church South, station at Brownwood, Ga., on the southwestern rail- road, and is esteemed by all who know him. He says: Gentlemen—I very cheerfully and gratefully certify to the efficacy of Swift’s Specific in curing me of a severe case of dyspepsia, which had harrassed me for about two years. 1 had it so bad that I could not sleep. Night after night 1 lay awake, unable to get an hour’s sleep. My friends who hail known me before I had the dyspepsia hard­ ly recognized the same man in me when the disease held me in its tightest grip. 1 truthfully say that 1 had dyspepsia about as bad as any man could have it, not to die. It was so severe that I felt, as I suppose other dyspeptics do, as if I had several different fatal diseases; ranging from heart disease to consump­ tion. Indeed, one physician stood me out that one of my lungs was affected. After several months of taking S. S. S. I was cured, and am en­ tirely well to-day, not having lost a single day this year in my pastoral work. I keep 8. 8. 8. as a household medicine, and there are few ailments which, by purifying the blood, are not benefitted, and many cured, by the use of Swift’s Specific. J oseph O. L ang . For sale by Rogers & Todd. Treatise on blood and skin dis­ eases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., drawer 3, Atlanta, Georgia; 157 W. 23d street, New York. Lecture. The Rev. John C. Fair Will lecture to-night at St. James church at 7:30. Subject: “What is Religion?” In the lectures which are to follow an attempt will be made to insist upon some of the truths which are most fundamentally related to the souls religious life as they come in contact with some forms of modern thought. All are in­ vited to attend. Father White left the city yes­ terday to attend the funeral of Rt. Rev. Father Blanch at Van­ couver at 11 a. ui. to-dav. Fath­ er B. died at Vancouver on the 25th, at the advanced age of 90 years. He was one of the pio­ neer missionaries of this coast and came here at a time when Oregon was a synonym for wil­ derness and Washington. Idaho and Montana territories were unnamed and unknown. He was greatly beloved by his asso­ ciates in religion and will be de­ voutly mourned by his spiritual flock in his diocese. His death resulted from a natural and gradual decay of the vital forces, and was not unexpected. Emma Heath, the great emo­ tional actress, supported by the strongest dsorfiatic company ever brought to tjle const, will play a two çij^rfs engagement nt Garrison Opera house Fri­ day and Saturday evenings, March 4th and 5th, opening Friday night in East Lynne. Reserved seats 75 cents, ou sale at Rogers & Todd’s drug store. General admission 50 cents. Take the Daily Reporter and learn the news.