south and so we took passage on the MISCELLANEOUS. steamer for theirhome in southern California, near Santa Cruz. The voy­ D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. age was delightful and we reached San McMinnville, Or. - - Meh. 1, 1887 Francisco without any sickness, save that Estella appeared to have grown worse. The dear girl would not allow SEQUEL TO me away from her a moment. She was so kind and affectionate that my own ORNA L a VOIR, Headquarters for heart went out to her. Why is it, dear Mr. Alwald, that those we love so much are taken from THE CHILD OF SORROW. us? Why is it that when the heart en­ STAPLE ANP FANQY twines itself around some sacred object BY KUN EMT L. K. WIUTE. that the grim reaper gathers the har­ ¡Copyright applied for; all rights reserved. vest-home ? “ Aunty, 1'11 pray for you every day As Estella grew worse we left for of my life, and promise to love Orna, their home on the following day. Be­ and if needs be give my life for her,” fore leaving the city I had an oppor­ tunity to enquire of Dr. Walton if Es- said the generous girl. Mr. Broughton walked with B’lindy tella’s case was serious, and he said: back to the store. He wanted to help “ Alas ; poor child. There is no hope. her, but she looked and acted so inde­ She may live a few months or she may -------- AND-------- pendent he thought he would wait am die in a few weeks.” find some means of sending her a pres­ Dear friend, as the sad words were uttered it seemed as if 1 were ready to General Merchandise. ent after she had returned home. cry out in my anguish : ***** -------- o-------- Oh Father in heaven ! Spare my dar­ Dear Mr. Alwald; as B’lindy told us ling; you have taken everything in the this around the wide tire place, you can world that was dear to me. Take my Sole Agent for the Celebrated imagine my feelings. I wanted to see life but spare my dear sister.” Estella but found it so hard to leave On reaching home the family physi­ the dear old folks. But B’lindy went cian was immediately called. He was right to work fixing up the few things with Estella for some time. On coming that I possessed, and was so cheerfu out he called me to him, saying: that I saw she was acting a part ant “ Mr. Broughton has told me all about decided to help her. his new daughter, and I welcome her Well; on the following morning at to the home of my dear friend. I am Assortment of these Popular Hoods 4 a. m. I hade the dear old mountain afraid that Estella's case is beyond my home farewell, and was held in B’lindy’s power, but still, (he appeared now to ZV ALL THE LATES1 arms for the last time. The dear woman be talking to himself) there is one NOVELTIES, NEW hardly knew what she was doing ; one chance, and only one. If I could find AMD DESIRA­ minute she was crying, and the next a person bravo enough to try it, I BLE COLOR­ trying to sing. Just before mounting think I could save her life. the horse B’lindy came to my side, INGS, “ Save who, Dr.? Brave enough to try saying: what? Do you mean there is a chance “Here, Ony, you’ll want some money to save Estella’s life? If so tell me at JJJST RECEIVED. to get some things to fix up with. It once.” All this I uttered in a rapid is a gift from Silas and me, and, dear voice, but cautiously and low. child, should you ever grow weary of “Yes, Miss Orna. There is one the world, remember that while we chance, and it is that of transfusing Please Call and Examine. live, there’s a home waiting for you. the blood of a healthy person to that flood bye and may God bless you.” of Estella. If it can be performed I W hat we G uarantee We had a splendid ride down the am sure that I could save her life. You mountain side, and entered the valley see she is wasting away for lack of vi­ FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR MANUFACTURE. about 10 o'clock. In another hour the tality. Her own blood is thick and Imuses in the village could be seen. I sluggish, aud becomes to a great extent, was anxious to see Mr. Broughton and dead within the body. She needs a To be made from the very best ma­ Estella, but was afraid that they might stimulation of healthy, active blood to be disappointed in me. go rushing through the channels of life, terial, by skillful workmen, with the As we entered the village Silas helped and by its electrical influence rescue latest and most approved machinery, me from the horse ami I walked by his Iter from this sleep of death that is and to be the cheapest goods in the side until he pointed out the hotel, and fast approaching. Now if a physically market when service is considered. then he said: strong person would permit of a cer­ Are so thoroughly finished that they “Good bye Ony; them folks won’t tain amount of their blood being trans­ can be worn in damp weather, or in a want to see a rough old fellow like fused by surgical process, although it me—” before he could sav another word might fora few days ora week drain shower, without fear of being ruined I threw my arms about his neck and the donator of their usual strength aud by curling or shrinking. The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ kissed him, saying, “dear uncle, the activity, it could be performed with no heart's adornment is far above the serious consequence.” ishing is done in such a manner, that adornment of the person. Good bye, “ Doctor,” said 1 in as even a tone the goods can be washed if desired I'll never forget you, no never.'' of voice as I could command, "j will without the least injury to fabric. As I entered the hotel a young lady be that person. 1 do not remember any Our goods are wool dyed, and colors appeared in tin* doorway, and from the sick days in my life, and I am just as fast as the purest dyes and greatest description given by B’lindy, I knew it from the mountains where the healthy, must b<> Estella. So I approached her ife-giving atmospherehas been at my care and skill can. make them. Goods show just what they are and sayiug: command, preparing me, without a “ 1 am Orna la* Voir—" Before anoth­ < oiibt as the person in this emergency. will be until worn out, as there is no er word was spoken Estella’* arms Jr. I am at your command. What mat­ weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ were about my neck and she commenc­ ters a little blood when given in a tre used to increase the weight or fin­ ed sobbing as if her heart would break. good cause, and there is not a drop in ish ; as is the case with a large class of At this juncture Mr. Broughton came my whole body that 1 would not give goods in the market, but which disap­ to save dear Estella's life.” forward: pears after a few days’ service. To be Continued. •♦Orna, my child, you arc welcome. ------------------------------ . . ..... ...... As manufacturers we have taken The lady who told us about you. did Now is the time to subscribe- great pains to supply an article in not do you justice. I shall feel proud of my ugw daughter,” and he led us up every way reliable, and unsurpassed Miss Belle Johnson, teaehey of music by similar goods, either foreign or do­ stairs. in McMinnville and at McMinnville Our stay at this place wus limited to college. Residence corner of Second mestic, and would respectfully ask an a few days. We bought several nice examination of the various styles and and C Streets. presents for B’lindy aud Silas, and ---- shades to be found on sale by mer­ ma