MI SC ELLA NEOI’ S BUSIN ESS The best printing in the county at the Reporter job rooms. F urniture M c M innville Our agents are advised that we can­ not pay commissions upon reduced prices. The Reporter for all of 1887 will be $1.50 (to Jan. 1,1888), but the subscriber must remit us the full amount. Remit money by Postal Order, Registered letter or express, at our risk, but not at our expense. F actory 1887 The Weekly W. H. BINGHAM. Propr ONLY $1 FOR TWO YEARS. This period includes the next Presidential campaign. Republican isuccc*» lAvinund* ConMant Work. Parties sending five subscribers with #."• will receive an extra copy free. E. W. FOX. President and Manager, Washington, D. C. Manufacturer and Dealer In The Reporter cannot undertake to preserve or return rejected communi­ cations. Contributors who wish to possess their manuscripts, if unused, of nil kinds. should keep a copy. Matter of what­ ever character intended for publica­ Just received an extra tine lot of Black walnut Furniture, and Undertakers Goods of a tion must, if its appearance the same designs, Call and price my stook. Readers of THE REPORTER can day is desired, reach the office not have the NATIONAL REPUBLICAN latter than 12 o’clock noon. No at­ THF. GREAT and THE REPORTER for the bal­ tention paid to anonymous letters. ance of this year , 1887. for $1.75 ; or both , for the two years ensuing till We want a thoroughly reliable man after the inauguration in 1881), for at every postoffice in Yamhill, Polk FOVK POLLARs cash. Now is the time and Washington counties. We will to subscribe. make it an object for those willing to Address, D. C. IRELAND & Co.. work, who can show results. Write to McMinnville, Or. us for particulars. We want no dudes nor tricksters to apply. NEW OPENING FINE FURNITURE TRANSCONTINENTAL N MISCELLANEOUS. F. J. MARTIN. W. T. BAXTER. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of lhxler & Martis Fusi F u Gins. I I SHOREST! In McMinnville, Or. i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIITHK THE DIRECT UAST ERNEST I.INIWNW; NO DELAYS«: IIOI TES Lowest Rates TO BININO CAR BOLLACK FASTEST TRAINS! To CHICAGO and all points EAST Tickets sold to all PROMINENT POINT* Throughout the East and Southeast. 1101X1) PASSENGERS! S’* BE ÍCAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE TO TAKE THE------ Successors to Al. HUSSEY, Third street, MoMinnville, Oregon. A new, neat and clean stock. Every article A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored -ROUTE ailroufb And see that your ticket reads via Portlaud and ----- -Rt PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, =HZZ Jewelry Work Neiitlj Done. Walehe* Guaranteed and Warranted. Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ Third street, bet. C. and D. in the tailoring bacco, Pipes and Cigarp- Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season. To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through establishment of R. B Hibbs. Emigrant Sleeping Cara arc run on Regular Express Trains Full Give us a call. Inspect mv stock, and 1 JOHN J. SAX, Length of the Line. Berths Free. will guarantee prices to suit vou. Has his LOWEST RATES! ^3-------- QUICKEST TIME! -------- o-------- GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, NToNTimi ville Washington St., Portland, Oregon. LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES No. 2 A. D. CHAHl.TON, General WeMrrn Passenger Agent. City Stables Family Grocery Store. Third Street, MoMinnville, Oregon. J. Harv. Henderson, LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, (Successor to L. HOOT.) ----- PROPRIETORS---- Dealer in Fine Carriages, Hacks and Saddle Horses, And everything in the Livery hire, in good shape HENDERSON BROS., At Reasonable Rates. Ample room to care tor horses. Livery teams at as reasonable rates as any where in Oregon. New stable Third St., MoMinnville. HANFORD BAY, CITY MARKET (Successor to W. F. Bangasser.) Will keep on hand at all times the very best quality of fresh meats, that can be ob­ tained in the market, and respectfully solioit a share of tire public patronage. JNF“Giveus a trial order and we will guarantee satisfaction. J. M c D onook . —o— Commission .ilcrcliants, —AND— Will chop Feed for $2 per ton or one-tenth toll. --------- (<>)---------- Farmers and others having grain to chop can come to my mill, mid attend to any business in the oity to better advantage than driving two miles out of town to get their chopping done. JOHN J. SAX. McMinnville, Or. V All Fresh Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, and The Central Hotel, Glassware and Crockery. Dining Station of the 0. C. R. R. LJF Goods delivered to purchasers tn the ci tí McMinnville, Oregon, F. Multncr, Prop. SAMVEL GOFF, (Late of the >t. Charles.) This Hotel has just been refitted mid new­ ly refurnished throughout. mid will be kept in n first class style. TEAMS AM) TRUCKS The table is supplied with all the market nfforda, and gm sts cau rely upon good clean Of Logan Bros. A Henderson, offers hie beds, and oomfortable roems. Special accomodations for commercial aervioes in that line to the public, and will travelers. (Successor to H. Hanson.) Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Farm. Garden. Flower and Tree Seeds. —ALSO— Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Garden and Orchard Tools. Etc. Send for Catologue. 171 Front Street, Portland. Oregon. Guarantee Satisfaction To all who favor him with their patronage. He will keep a wagon specially adapted to the delivery of parcels, trnnks satohels. eto., for the nocomodation of the publio. Orders left at the stable will be promptly attended to at reasonable rates. J. J ohnson . McDonogh & Johnson In Running Order, Late of Independence, having purchased the E. W. ALLEN. KENYON & RAY, Proprietors. Feed Chopping Mill Fa rm For Male. • ÜSO ACRES. 125 in cultivation; 6 SB v miles south west of Sheridan PRICE I L. T. Hindu 9 ooo. FERRY’S SEEDS O. M. FERRY A CO. »ra admit tod to be th* hirst tiuiMia