The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, March 01, 1887, Image 2

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    The Daily Reporter»
Subscription Haie».
By Carrier t>er week............................ 10 cents
(Payable on Saturday.)
Single Copy........................................ 2 “
By Mail 10 cents per Month (In Advance.)
Kates for Advertising
Will be made satisfactory to all applicants.
McMinnville, Or.
Meli. 1. 1887
No More Dead Heads
The railroads of the country
will issue no more passes after
March 31. They interpret the
interstate commerce act as shut­
ting al! passes off. No doubt,
this will be a great relief to the
railroads. The country mer­
chant and the country editor,
who have called so loudly for the
interstate bill as a measure of
justice for the interior, will now
be blandly informed, when they
hint that a pass would be accept­
able, that the law forbids rail­
roads to issue them. As for the
members of the metropolitan
press, they don’t want passes,
because they have no use for
them. They are obliged to stay
at home and work.
The house pension committee
voted unanimouslv that the
house should pass the dependent
pension over the veto. This has
excited surprise and caused a
fear that the veto will be over­
ridden. The bill is not confined
to the late war but gives $12 a
month to all dependent persons
who served three mouths or
more “in any war in which the
United States has been engaged.”
This includes even Indian wars.
A better way would be to give to
every poor man not having $1000
worth of property that amount
per month and create the fund
l»y a direct income tax on the
millionaires. In this way there
could be a good social time had
all over the country.
■ ■
Unlike the tears of Mrs. Blen-
nerhaset, which, according to
Wirt, in his great speech on the
Burr conspiracy, “froze as they
fell,” the snow which falls in
Oregon melts as it falls, or words
to that effect.
An Albany Herald special
says; “The board of directors
of the Oregon Pacific Railroad
company met on Saturday, and
reviewed the work of the year.
They elected the old officers
throughout, but decline making
proceedings public at present.”
Information was received in this
city, however, from a reliable
source that at the meeting
of the board
a contract
was let to Brink & Wright, of
Corvallis, for furnishing 60,000
ties, to be used in the construc­
tion of 140 miles of road east­
ward from Albany during the
coming summer; also that Abe
Hackleman, of Albany, was elec­
ted a member of the board of
It is suggested that to save
washing, dishes shall be made of
paper and burnt after each meal.
Plates, cups and saucers of this
material could be manufactured
very cheaply, and the adoption
of this idea would dispose of the
most fatiguing part of household
Dr. 11. J. MIVTHORN.
First National Bank,
Physician and
------ OFFICERS :------
J acob W ortman .................... President
civil praotice W. D. F enton , .............. Vice-president
nt service as J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier
Eight years’ experience
and three years in go
physician and surgeon.
al Graduate
of Jefferson Medical Obli ; Philadelphia,
Pa., also of Iowa State University.
.Volicc for Publication.
L and O ffice at Oregon City, Or., )
y 28, 1837. t
Notice is hereby given
the following
of his inten-
named settler has filed
tion to make final pro
support of bis
11 be made be­
claim, and that said
rk of Yamhill
fore the County Jud
faVette, Oregon, on
county, Oregon, at
Monday, May
2d, 18X7, viz:
I-: O. M. WOOD,
_ _______
homestead entry, No. 4137, for the S W ‘4 of
S. W.
of Sec. 6, T 2, 8 R, 4 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva­
tion of said land, viz: Miles B. Martin,
Richard Martin, David Richardson and N.
A. Smith, all of North Yamhill, in Yamhill
oounty, Oregon.
W. T BURNEY, Register.
Transacts a General Banking business.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers
on New York, San Francisco and Portland.
Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Represents the following sterling compan­
ies: London & Liverpool <fc Globe, North
British & Mercantile, Commercial Union
Fire Association, German American, Fire­
man's Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo
Nevada, State Investment.
Wheat insurance a specialty.
A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
Dealers In
Dramatic Company.
EMMA HEATH Agricultural
Fi<l HI. I’iige, ... Comedian
Prof. Stein - Musical Director
And a company of twelve people, at
Garrison Opera House.
Implements, Pumps,
Pipes, Etc.
Alli of which will be sold as
As tLe times will allow.
Hear ye, [Miopie of Yamhill county. I will
Friday and Saturday, March 4 and We Make a Specialty of all
sell wy fine stock of BOOTS and SHOES
In selections from the following
now on hand at ten [>er cent discount, and
Kinds of Job Work Par­
Large, New and
gant Stock
That is en route, will be sold at/a
ten per cent. There is
East Lynne, Robert Macaire, May
Blossom, Fanchon, Camille,
New Magdalen, and 100
Iron and Tin
East Lynn#. Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps.
In fact we do anything tha*t comes in
Reserved seats 75 cents, on sale at
our line, with neatness and dis
Rogers & Todd’s drug store. General
patch and,
Ono BOOT and SHOE store in McMinnville admission 50 cents.
where yon oan get vour moneys worth, and
that is at Deilsohneider’s. Come and see me.
Administrators Votier to Bring on your designs and we will cut your
Next door to Yamhill County bank.
patterns, and do your work, and
don’t you forget it.
Notice is herebvarp«i'that Niles Nelson
has been appoinUftpiidmiiliBtrator of the es­
tate of Michael Kelson deceased. There­ South east cor. 3d and C streets, MoMinn.
A, H. & O. O. HODSON.
fore all persons bnving claims against said ville, Oregon.
estate are hereby notified to present them
with the proper vrumbes to him at Hobson-
ville, Oregon, within six months prior to this
21st day February 1887, or to I. T. Maulsby,
Atty, for estate. NILES NELSON. 51.5t
------ (o)------
Friday Night
Never Tell You It Can’t be Done.
----- —
The prohibitionists are taking
up 1’. T. Barnum for their presi­
dential candidate in 1888. No­
body can say that Barnum hasn’t
got any show.—Boston Herald.
Barnum has had too much to
do with rings to be available for
presidential timber.
Vol ire of Tina I Settlement
Notice is hereby givejrnlilU Frank Ekroth
administrator of th^estatfc of A. C. Lamb
deoeased, has filed iu the edbny oourt of the
state of Oregon in the count/ of Tillamook,his
final aooount as suck administrator, and the
oourt has fixed Tuesday, April Sth, 1887, at
the hour of ten o’olock. a. m. at the court
house in Lincoln in said oounty and state,
for the hearing thereof. Therefore all per­
sons interested will appear at said time and
place to show cause, if any they have, why
said estate be not finally settled.
FRANK EKROTH, Administrator
I. T. MAU1J5BY, Attv for Estate
Feb. 21st, 1x87.
51 At
Votive of FinaUSett lenient
Notice is hereby given that Geo. L. Fuller,
executor of the last WUl<wiid testament of F.
W. Hodge deceased/Mas filed in the county
court of the state oyOregen in the county
of Tillamook, his ntai apdount as snoh exec­
utor, and the cotm^lias fixed Tuesday,
April 5th, 1887, at the hour of 1 o’clock, p.
m., at the court house in Lincoln in said
oounty and state for the hearing thereof.
Therefore all persons interested will appear
at said time and place to vhow cause, if any
they have, why said estate be not settled.
I. T. MAULSBY, Attv. for Estate.
G ko . L. F ulub , Executor of the last
will and testament of F, W. Hodge deceased
Feb 21st. 1887.
Brewster’s ratent Rein Holder.
Particulars soon.
Your linos arr whore you put them—not
under horses’ fret One agent wild Udos, in
& days, one dealer sold « dos. in IS davs.
Samples worth #1.50 fbek . Write for terms.
K. K. BREWrva Holly, Mich.
------- OF-------
Third St., Opposite
D on ’ t F orget
P lace ,
—Where you will—
— IN THE —
Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above
all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents
for the
Brownsville Woolen Mill,
Carrying a full line of all goods made by
these celebrated mills.