MISCELLANEOUS. room, and throwing open the door said: "Estella, here is a lady who thinks I>. IRELAVD 4 CO. PUBLISHERS. she can suit you.” "Oh, papa! I don’t want her. Take , McMinnville, Or. - - Feb. 28, 1887 her away. Why did you engage such I a person ?” SEQUEL TO • “ Estella, my child, be still. This lady wishes to talk with you.” ORNA M a VOIR, Headquarters for “Oh, I beg pardon ; please forgive rny rash speech. But I thought papa THE CHILD OF MORROW. had engaged you for my companion, and I wanted a much younger persob ; tn r.kxrjn L. b whits some one nearer my own age. Please I Copyright applied for; all rights reserved. forgi ve me, won’t you T” B’lindy readily forgave her, saying: Some time ago, in preparing the MBS. "I don't blame you. 1 haint as young of Orna LeVoir for publication, I lia< as 1 was twenty year-a-go. But to the little reason to believe that I wouk point. I heard your pa say he’d like I m called upon so soon to arrange the to ’ gage a companion for you, and as I closing chaptet of Orna's life, which ! have a person in my eye who I thought am pleased to »ay, were hour» of glad­ would till the place, I spoke right out ness. to your pa, and told him to bring me to A few weeks ago, 1 was most agree­ -------- AND-------- ably surprised by receiving a volumin­ you. If your pa will come in and shet ous package of MSB. by mail, and on the door, 1’11 make the story short, and General Merchandise. opening it, what was my delight to you can decide at once whether you want the person or not. ” find in the same bold, clear handwrit­ --------- o---------- Mr. Broughton hastily closed the ing, this text: door and drew his chair near B'lindy, A friend, in the hour ol sorrow ; remarking: Sole Agent for the Celebrated God MendH from bis throne on high, “We shall be pleased to hear your To be with uh on the morrow, story. Go right ahead.” When no other help is nigh. B’lindy forthwith commenced and Dear Mr. Alwald; it seem« so strange told the story of Orna, as published, that after a lapse of many years, J am and ended by saying.- able to fulfill my promise, and place in “Now you will find Ony just as good your hands, unreservedly, the happy as the day is long ; ready and willing termination of my destiny. As I to help; has a better education than Assortment of these Popular Goods promised you at the time, at the moun­ most girls who are city bred, and above tain station of old Silas the hunter, 1 all, a true Christian. Were our sur­ JJV would keep a correct journal of events roundings of a different nature we transpiring to the best of my ability, would not part with the dear girl, but and 1 think I have conscientiously as it is, it is not a fit place for one of done so. ler quality and I should be glad to get After vour departure from the sta­ !ier this place. Now I must be going. tion that morning, Mrs. B'lindy return­ I've a long distance to ride and Silas ed from the settlement wild with de­ will be waiting at the foot of the moun­ JUST RECEIVED. light and it took but a few moments to tain forme. What shall I tell Ony?” make known her happiness. It seems Estella had been a faithful listener to that while she was in a store making every word uttered by B'lindy, and her purchases, a gentleman, who was a arge hazel eyes were mirrors of her stranger to the place, entered, and soul, as she «aid in a broken, sobbing asked tin- proprietoi if he knew of voice: W hat we G uarantee any young woman who would accept a “Tell Orna to come to me; tell her position as a companion to an invalid FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR that I w ill love her and she shall be lady. He said lie was traveling for MANUFACTURE. my sister, and,” turning to her father, pleasure, with a sick daughter, who “papa, you know and I know that I required a great deal of attention, and cannot live but a few years, and you To be made from the very best ma­ how, a few days previous the party will want a daughter to love and take terial, by skillful workmen, with the who had been tilling the position, had care of you, and to take my place. been compelled to return to her home, latest and most approved machinery, Are you willing that I should have and that he was forced to stop over a and to be the cheapest goods in the tier?” few days to see if lie could secure a Mr. Broughton at that moment ap­ market when service is considered. companion here. He stated wlmt he Are so thoroughly finished that they peared to have some trouble with his was w illing to pay for a salary, includ­ eyes, but finally said : can be worn in damp weather, or in a ing all traveling expenses,and as the "There must be smoke in this room ; shower, without fear of being ruined amount seemed fabulous to B'lindy, of course, Stella dear; anything that by curling or shrinking. she entirely forgot herself and enthus- pleases you gives pleasure to me. By The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ iiisticnlly said: all means have this young person come "Stranger, stranger; you may not ishing is done in such a manner, that and see ns at once and we will see think that I can accommodate you, but the goods can be washed if desired what arangements can be made.” it you’ll take me to your darter I’ll tell "Thanks, thanks,” sobbed forth poor without the least injury to fabric. liei somethin', I vow, that'll please her old B'lindy. For now that the hour Our goods are wool dyed, and colors as sure as yer born.” uid come in which she was to give up as fast as the purest dyes and greatest "My good lady,” said the gentleman, orna, it was more of a sacrifice than care and skill can make them. " 1 shall be happy to take you to Es- the dear old soul was willing to make, Goods show just what they are and tella, and hope you have at your com­ but knowing it was for Orua's good, mand some person that will suit her, will be until worn out, as there is no she was willing. "Now I must go, although I warn you in the start that weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ sure, and by noon to-morrow Ony will ¡Stella is a very pecnliai child, at times come down. If you make your ar­ tre used to increase the weight or fin­ hardly knowing her own mind." rangements it will be better for her not ish : as is the case with a large class of "Newt mind, sir; nevei mind. Colne to come back to bid us good bye, for my good J in the market, but which disap­ along ; I must start soon tor my ranch poor old heart could not stand it." pears after a few days' service. up in the mountains, and the sooner And shaking Mr. Broughton by the As manufacturers we have taken this thing is done away w ith the soon­ hand, she was about to go. when Es­ er |’H l»e on my way back to Silas. great pains to supply an article in tella rushed impulsively up to her, and Silas my husband." every way reliable, and unsurpassed throw ing her arms about the rough old " VII light, madam. Please step this by similar goods, either foreign or do­ form of B'lindy, she took the time­ way. It is but a few steps from here worn, deeply wrinkled face between mestic, and would respectfully ask an to th* hotel,” and he opened the door her own soft little hands, and kissed examination of the various styles and and passed out accompanied by B'lindy the poor. surprised old woman a dozen times, crying : shades to be found on sale by mer­ Who W im attned in an old faded calico To be Continued. chants who are agents for the goods. die«« and shaker bounet, presenting in truth, not very attractive a spectacle. Brewater'« Talent Rein Hnlrfet. All goods of our manufacture should Your llnra ara wbara you put them—not On reaching the hotel,the gentleman, bear the name and trade mark of undrr horW fret. Onaaarrnt aol« lldna. la « 4*ar*. one dealer aold « dor. tn 1« daya. who gave hi« nmun a« Broughton, led B roadhead W orsted M ills , Sample* worth |1AO ras*. Writ* for Irrtaa iVlindy right up stairs to hie daughters Jamestown, N. Y. K. K. BMWrr» HoUy, MfcK POPULAR ROUTES. The Daily Reporter. STAPLE AND FANCY Broadhead * « # Dress Goods ALL THE LATES1 NOVELTIES, NEW AND DESIRA­ BLE COLOR­ INGS, Please, Call and Examine. Oregonian R. R. Co. limit «* Line, CHAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver. Portland and Willamette Valley Railway. From Portland. To Portland. Passen­ Coburg and ger Airlie Fare. Mail. Coburg and Airlie Mail. STATIONS. AR Ar p.iu Lv a.in LV 4 45 915 . Portland, PWV* Ft. Jefferson St. $ .24 .29 .52 .75 .88 1.00 1.00 Elk Rock . 11 00 Oswego 11 06 11 46 .. Tualitan.... 12 10 Winters.......... 12 26 Summit . 12 50 . . Newberg .. 1 10 pwv Dundee jun 4 15 4 60 3 40 3 10 2 53 2 29 2 15 ORy Dundee West Dayton Lafayette .Dayton Juncton McMinnville Cs.. . Armstrong Whites Briedwell .. Harrison . Broadmeads . Sheridan Junc'n ioV 12 53 12 35 12 29 12 18 12 07 11 45 11 40 11 27 11 25 . 1.00 1.16 1.24 1.36 1.40 1.48 1.56 1.72 1.75 1.84 1.86 2 10 2 32 2 44 3 02 3 0» 3 19 3 30 3 52 3 57 4 08 4 10 1.96 4 23 Ballston 5 00 ........ Sheridan. 1.M 2.12 2.24 2.37 2.53 2.65 2.80 2.91 3.02 5 55 6 17 6 31 6 50 7 10 728 7 47 8 00 8 15 11 08 10 45 . Perrydale. Smithfield.... .Polk . ___ Dallas........... .. Cochrane .... Monmouth, . Luckiamute . . . Simpson.. .A irlie ........ . AR 9 25 900 846 8 30 806 7 50 7 30 7 14 7 00 LV C has . N. S cott , Receiver ORC ( Ld ) Line. W illiam R eid , President P&WVRCo. acific nailroad, opinar noute- P icturesque anges. OnT" ver rast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment 225 Miles Shortest 20 Hours Less Time. Accommocations unsurpassed for oomfort and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH LESS than by any other route between all in Willamette valley and San Francisco. Only Route via Yaquina Bay To San Franoisco. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS, (Except Sundays.) Leave Corvallis at 2 p. nt. Leave Ya­ quina at 7:10 a. m. Oregon and California, West side, trains connect at Corvallis. The steamship Yaquina city, which has been undergoing repairs, and the Santa Ma­ ria will each sail on the dates below named: FB0M YAQUINA. Thursday, Jan. 27 Yaquina City............ .Wednesday, Feb. 2 Santa Maria............ Yaquinn City............ ........... Tuesday FebJS Monday Feb. 14 Santa Maria .... Sunday Feb. 20 Yaquina City ....... .... Saturday, Feb. 26 Santa Maria Friday. March 4 Yaquina City EBOM SAN FRANCISCO. Santa Maria Yaquina City Santa Maria. Yaquina City Santa Maria. Yaquina City .Friday Jan. 28 Thursday, Feb. 3 Wednesday Feb. 9 Tuesday Feb. 15 Monday, Feb. 21 Sunday Feb. 27 Daily Passenger Trains (Except Sundays,) Leves Yaquina .... 6:20 m- Arrive Corvallis 10:38 a. m. Arrive Albany 11:30 a. m. Leave Albany . ^HO p. m. Arrive Corvallis....................... 1:22 p. m. Arrive Yaquina •• 5:45 p.m. The Company reserves the right to change sailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and San Francisco. Kau and Cabin, S-14; Rail end Steerage, For informs««» apply to (ft AB. C HOGUE, Aetiag Gen. F. «nd Fa««. Agent. Corvallis. Oregon