1 The best printing in the county at the Reporter job rooms. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Our agents are advised that we can­ not pay commissions upon reduced prices. The Reporter for all of 1887 will be $1.50 (to Jan. 1.1888), but the subscriber must remit us the full amount. Remit money by Postal Order, Registered letter or express, at our risk, but not at our expense. » «7- f The Reporter cannot undertake to preserve or return rejected communi­ cations. Contributors who wish to possess their manuscripts, if unused, should keep a copy. Matter of what­ ever character intended for publica­ tion must, if its appearance the same day is desired, reach the office not latter than 12 o’clock noon. No at­ tention paid to anonymous letters. We want a thoroughly reliable man at every postoffice in Yamhill, Polk and Washington counties. We will ~~^make it an object for those willing to work, who can show results. Write to us for particulars. We want no dudes nor tricksters to apply. k S' MISCELLANEOUS F urniture INNVILLE W. H. BINGHAM Propr. Manufacturer and Dealer In FINE FURNITURE of all kinds. Just received an extra one lot of Black walnut Furniture, and designs, t all and price my stook. Undertakers Goods of a THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL N OKTHERNBACIFIC llalal•■•llllllllll•l•lllll r .............. I 11111111 I 11 I I 11 11 I« 111 I 11 1111 BEST! SHOREST! I ROUTE F. J. MARTÍN. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of Baxter 2 Martin w - X ^z V zu . zC. z^ xxz XXZ XJ/ X£Z XU ■ XI • V ' XU / xuz X XU - x^. ^R z^x ^x ^R -v. ^R zW. ^R z^ —* z’T\ xu ■ ^z ^.z ^x ^R z^x x_ XL ■ ■ ~U - XU X^Z x^z xuz V - -a ' XU - KL ■ - VZ W U' y y W* 'Tx zt \ ztx zrs z^ ^R zvx zk *^x ^R ^R zv■ zvx ^R THE DIRECT Lowest Ra+es FAST BOtVD PASSENGERS! ------ TO TAKE THE------ ----- o And see that your ticket reads via Portland and - ----- st PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! ------- TV QUICKEST TIME! -------- o--------- GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, Family Grocery Store. J. Harv. Henderson, LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON (Successor to L. ROOT.) ----- PROPRIETORS----- HENDERSON BROS., Ample room to care tor horses. Livery teams at as reasonable rates as any where in Oregon. New stable Third St., MoMinnville. SEEDS. E. W. ALLEN. 4 Wholesale and Betail Dealer In (Suooessor to W. F. Bangasser.) Farm. Garden. Flower and Tree Seeds, —ALSO— Frnit. Shade and Ornamental Trees, Garden and Orchard Tools, Etc. J. M c D onooh .