The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, February 28, 1887, Image 2

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    The Daily Reporter.
Glandered Horses.
al pieces show talent of the
highest order, much to the sur­
prise of your correspondent who First National Bank,
has visited art galleries in many
large cities. Such work is not
------ OFFICERS :------
.................... President
only deserving words of encour­ W. D. F enton , ..............
agement but liberal patronage J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier
as well. Why buy cheap chromos Transacts a General Banking business.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
when we can get home produc­ Collections
made on favorable terms.
Exchange and Telegraphic Transie»
tions greatly superior in merit on Sight
New York, San Francisco and Portland.
for but little more, and very Office hours—from 9 a. in. to 4 p. m.
often the same price, at the
same time encouraging art and FIRE INSURANCE.
artists at home?
Represents the following sterling compan­
It was through this kind of ies: London & Liverpool & Globe, North
& Mercantile, Commercial Union
encouragement that California British
Fire Association, German Amerioan, Fire­
to-day proudly claims one of the man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo
State Investment.
foremost living painters, Toby Nevada,
Wheat insurance a specialty.
E. Rosenthol, painter of the
famous “Elaine” picture.
It is to be hoped that the A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
good people who managed the
art gallery this year may con­
tinue in the good work, and
make the exhibition of art work
an annual occurrence.
Discussing the sickness among
horses so prevalent just now in
Subscription IIul<*k.
By Carrier i>er week.......................... 10 oenta Yamhill county, one of our lead­
(Payable on Saturday.)
ing farmers, Hon. J. J. Hender­
Single Copy....................................... 2 “
By Mail 10 oents per Month (In Advance.) son remarked that the great
cause of so much blind staggers,
Hute* for Adi ertisiiig
Will be made satisfactory to all applioAnts. was owing to great neglect on
the part of owners feeding fern
McMinnville, Or. - - Feb. 28, 1887
hay. He is an advocate of clean
oats, straw, plenty of salt, fresh
Special Elections
water and grooming, and his
Some of our cotemporaries ap­ stock shows that it is good. Con­
pear to be muddled over the cerning glanders in horses, a
special elections to occur in Ore­ Polk county correspondent says :
gon next November. Simply Would it not be a good plan and
stated, this is all there is of it : does not the law compel persons
“There will be a special election who have glandered horses to
in this state on the 15th of next kill and bury them, or destroy in
November on which day the some way, so that they will be
people will vote on three propos­ out of the way of other stock run­
ed amendments to the constitu­ ning at large, or in the same en­
tions of the state. 1. Prohibit­ closure where a diseased animal
ing the sale and manufacture of is located ? We are all aware
liquors. 2. Raising the salar­ that there are glandered horses
ies of state officers ; 3rd, chang­ not many miles from here and
EMMA HEATH Agricultural Implements, Pumps,
ing the time of holding the that in several instances they THE
Pipes, Etc.
general election from June to had to be killed, and in one in­
which will be sold as
stance report has it on reliable
authority dogs and chickens died
Editing A Newspape.r
from eating of the carcass of one
As the times will allow.
It does not seem possible for of these dead animals. They Fill T1. Page, - - - Comedian
an editor in these days to “please suffered all the symptoms of a Prof. Stein - Musical Director We Hake a Specialty or all
everybody.” We found a demo­ glandered horse. Farmers, would And a company of twelve people, at
Kinds of Job Work Par­
crat in Lafayette last Saturday it not be well to look into this
who criticised the Reporter for matter of glanders. It is sur­
Iron and Tin Roofing,
saying recently that “Gov. Pen- prising to a person who has giv­ Friday and Saturday, March 4 and
In selections from the following Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps.
noyer is proving himself to be en this matter a thought at the 5. repertoire
In faot we do anything that comes in
governor in earnest and no mis­ extent the disease has spread in East Lynne, Robert Macaire, May
our line, with neatness and dis
Blossom, Fanchon, Camille,
take. Swindles of every kind the last few years, and it has all
patch and,
New Magdalen, and 100
will stand slim show during his sprung from a delicacy on the
Never Tell You it Can’t be Done.
administration;” and here conies part of the people to enforce the Friday Night - - - - East Lynns. Bring on your designs and we will cut your
patterns, and do your work, and
a republican (so-called) who law and compel persons who Reserved seats 75 cents, on sale at
don’t you forget it.
Rogers Todd’s drug store. General
puts in his protest because we have such horses to dispose of admission 50 cents.
South east cor. .'Id and C streets, McMinn­
said that “Senator Mitchell’s at­ them in the proper way.
ville, Oregon
A. H. & O. O. HODSON.
Administrators Notice to
titude on the interstate com­
Art Gallery.
merce bill has been criticised bv
is hereby gpen that Niles Nelson
E d . R eporter :—The seventh has Notice
persons who are always ready
been appoipfii d ; dfmnistrator of the es­
of MioMnel Njknin deoeased. There­
to find fault with our represen­ annual firemen’s fair held at tate
fore all papsons h.unng claims against said
artw hereby/notified to present them
tatives abroad, while in total ig­ Garrison’s Opera house last estate
with the proper vouches to him at Hobson-
Oregon, within six months prior to this
norance of the circumstances week, was in every way a most ville,
21st day February 1887, or to I. T. Maulsby,
that move them to action.” enjoyable and successful affair Atty, for estate. NILES NELSON. 51.5t
Both were honestly and faithful­ and a credit to the managing X oí ice oí* Final Settlement
ly stated as candid matters of committee.
Notice is hereby given that Frank Ekroth
There was, however, connect­ administrator of the estate of A. C. Lamb
fact, and we art» here to defend
deceased^bas filed in the oouny court of the
not only this but every other ed with it one feature, deserving state of OreJbn Cuu' county of Tillamook,his
final ai-o.jumt as juu€h administrator, and the
he P lace ,
similiar statement emanating of special mention, and that was oourt lij^iixedJniesday, April 5th, 1887, at
the hq^T of Ufno’olook, a. m. at the court
the Art Gallery. Aside from the house in Lincoln in said oounty and state,
from this pen.
Where you will—
■ ■ ■
the heating thereof. Therefore all per­
revenue derived by the Fire De­ for
sons interested will appear at said time and
The sequel of “ Orna, the partment, it afforded the people plaoe to show oause, if any they have, why
said estate be not finally settled.
Child of Sorrow,” appears in this a splendid opportunity to view
FRANK EKROTH. Administrator.
1 T. MAU1JSBY, Atty for Estate.
issue of the Daily Reporter, and of puleological and mineral spe­ Feb. 21st, 1887.
will bo continued until complet­ cimens, rare curiosities and rel­ Aotieeof Final Settlement
ed. It is a fitting ending for the ics of various kinds. The col­ Notice is hereby given that Geo. L. Fuller,
of the last will and testament of F.
many trials that fell to her lot, lection of Mr. J. E. Brooks de­ executor
W. Hod
deceased, has filed in the county
< ’regon in the county
and shows how heroically a serves special mention. It is court
-4 n the -
of Tilla
lal acoount as suoh exec-
woman can suffer and endure.
_rt has fixed Tuesday,
rare and valuable, and the owner utor,
April 5
he hour of 1 o’clock, p.
m., at
ouse in Linooln in said
At a recent exhibition in Eng­ may be justly proud of it.
county and
for the ____
hearing thereof.
Goods of all kind, and above
The paintings and crayon therefore a!Ypersons interested will appear all Furnishing
land, where prizes were given
HUIV auu
at auiu
said time
and pmuv
plaoe to
show VrtUSV,
cause, 11
if any for the
for walking horses, the speed at­ drawings exhibited by local they have, why said estate be not settled.
I. T. MAULSBY, Atty, for Estate.
tained was over five miles an artists would be a credit to art Gno. L. F ul & bb , Executor of the last Brownsville Woolen lli!l,
and testAment of F. W. Hodge deceased. Carrying a full line of all goods made by
galleries in larger cities. Sever- will Feb.
21at. 1887.
these celebrated mills.