DAILY EVENING REPORTER. VOL. II. NO. 48. The» DaHy Reporter. M c M innville , O regon , M onday , F ebruary CITY. 28. 1887. PRICE TWO CENTS All the bridges on Trask river, The real estate men of Port­ fifteen in number, going into land are all preparing for the East Lynne Friday night. Entered in the Postoffice at MoMinnville for Tillamook, have been carried liveliest times witnessed in many Collection day to-morrow. Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ years. There is no immigration ond Class Matter. All weather signs fail in a dry away by recent Hoods. The bill transferring the sig­ board to stand in the way of in­ ---------- o--------- time like this. D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. G. W. Briedwell, county clerk, nal service to the agricultural dividual enterprise, and the new bureau, so far as we are interest­ corners can make choice of their ». C. IRELAM) & Co., was in town to-day. PI BLISHERS. Judge Loughdiy of Lafayette, ed, originates in the house. Con­ own agents. The immigration sequently is a law when approv­ board has been a detriment to a McBPiNVILEE - - OREGON was seen on our streets to-day. Cedar posts of 1‘ 4Îi$ best kind ed by President Cleveland ; and certain extent to Multnomah, T he D aily R epobteb is issued every day and other portions of the state. in the week except Sundays, and is delivered for sale by F. M( filtrer, Central our college will be recognized. -... in the city at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40 Uncle John Baker was taken Hotel. cents per month in advance. Rates for ad­ Senator Dolph some time ago vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . Sunday last was a lively day, very seriously ill last Saturday wrote a letter from Washington by a congestive chill, and is'con- 30 say the many who were out Fine Book and Job Printers. fined to his bed, under treat­ to the state board of immigration walking. We beg leave to announce to the public ment of Dr. Goucher. At pres­ in regard to obtaining a quantity Spring time has come. Gen ­ that we have just added a large stock of new of barley to be used for seeding novelties to our business, and make a special­ tle Annie, and the ladies are cul­ ent writing we are pleased to purposes. It seems that the ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads. state that he is resting easier. tivating their house plants. Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling An imported Jersey hog was Austrian minister at the nation­ Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ Base ball very soon now. dressed at Ben Hartman’s place al capitol desired to secure a grammes, Tosters, and all descriptions of Spring plowing and sowing will work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ in this city to-day, which look­ quantity of the very best quality begin next week, if this weather vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. ed like a sack of wool after it to send to his government, and lasts. was slung up by the block and has applied to Senator Dolph. DOCTORS Grand bill at Garrison Opera tackle. It weighed not less than In turn, Mr. Dolph referred the LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, house Saturday night, March 5th. 550 lbs. Was four years old. matter to the board of immigra­ Look out for dodgers. Popular Where there has been neglect tion. lie wrote that 1000 kilo­ Offioe over Braly’s Bank. NleJlinnville, ... Oregon* prices. to provide feed, losses to stock grammes (about 2500 pounds) Dr. Taylor goes to Corvallis has been large the past winter were desired. The secretary DR. I. C. ■ ■— TAYLOR. on Wednesday and Thursday of for Oregon, yet we presume to wrote Senator Dolph that the o-------- each week to attend cases he is say that not a single sheep died quantity of grain desired could Late of New Orleans, La., in this valley that cannot be be furnished from this state. Piles anti Fistula a Spe­ treating there. ciality. Consultation A great many lambs were traced to direct and almost This letter the senator gave to Cree. Ao Cure the Austrian minister who for­ dropped this month, but extra criminal carelessness. Ao Pay. Miss F. E. Russ has prepared warded it to his government. care has brought them through £4?" Ofiioe with H. V. V. Johnson, M. D., a fine scrap book in elegant sou­ The Austrian government autho­ without serious loss. MoMinnville, Oregon. venir style for her trade, into rized a prominent firm at Wishau Hon. Geo. II. Burnett of G. W. OOUCHEB. E. E. OOUCHEB. which all the elaborate cards and in Bohemia, to make the appli­ Goucher & Goucher. Salem, leaves for home to-day fashion plates sent to her from cation for the grain. Samples after a few days very pleasantly importing and jobbing millin­ of barley have already been re- PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. spent in this city. ery houses is to be preserved. i ceived from Walla Walla, eastern M o M innville .... O beoon . Hon. Medorem (Crawford is Gov. Penn oyer’s refusal to Oregon and this valley. The Office and residence, corner of Third and laid up with a5».sprained ankle, D. streets, next to the postoffice. recognize a claim to a parcel of amount required will be collected inflicted by a fah> whic1| he re­ swamp-land in Southern Oregon, in a few days and will probably Mrs. M. Sliadden. ceived last Saturday. based on one of Hon. Owen’s al­ be shipped for its destination The ladies of the Broom brig­ leged titles, shows that this ad­ some time during next week. It FasMonaMe Dressmaker® ade sat for their picture in a ministration is doing the work is desirable on tho part of the group at Prices Saturday. The of honesty that ought to have government to change the seed negative is a fine one. been undertaken eight years ago in Bohemia, and to introduce Hon. R. R. Laughlin and wife and pursued ever since. The new grain from America. This of North Yamhill sjjent ^he sab­ govenor’s letter in the Oregonian change, it is thought, will result bath in this city at t\e hotae of to-day is sufficiently explicit and in a larger average yield. Ore­ Hair Cutting, shaving and 'bum. Mr. Willis, father of Mrs. Laugh­ decisive. gon has been selected as the state pooing Parlor. lin. The president is alleged to from which the new barley shall I 15c SHAVING 15c. Emma Heath, the great emo-1 have said recently to a California come. Peg again for Webfoot? C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. tional actress, supported by the republican that he did not ex­ (Successor to A. C. Wyndham.) Relle Johnson, teacher of music strongest dramatic company pect to appoint a Pacific coast in Miss McA^nuV’lle and at McMinnville Ladies and children’s work a specialty. 1W~1 have just added to my parlor the ever brought to the coast, will man on the inter state railway college.» Residence corner of Second largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this play a two nights engagement commission. One will be from and C Street». «ity. Try them. Bring on your job work. Wo are at Garrison Operd\ houftc Fri- New England, one from New now prepared to do job work in tho day and Saturc ; filings, York or a Middle state, another latest and most approved style of the D C. IRELAND Ac CO., March 4th and ; , opening from Ohio or Indiana, the fourth art. Any person sending us four sub- Friday night in Edfet Lynne. from the Northwest—Wisconsin, sribers for one year each,with ffl.00 in Reserved seats 75 cents, ou sale Iowa or Minnesota—and the fifth cash, will receive an extra copy forone This is a rare opportunity for at Rogers & Todd’s drug store. from the South. There are over year. getting the best weekly paper west of 400 applications. General admission 50 cents. the Rocky mountains free. McMinnville, Oregnn. Fine Job Printers,