POPULAR ROUTES. Oregonian R. R. Co. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. MISCELLANEOUS. Line limited F. J. MARTIX. W. T. BAXTER. 9 F urniture New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of CHAS. From Portland To Portland. Pausen- ’oburg and ge r Fare. Airlie Mail. < 'oburg and Airlie Mail. STATIONS. i.v a.in I.V All A r p.m 9 15 Portland, I’WV* 4 45 Ft. Jefferson St. ♦ .24 .29 52 .75 .88 1.00 1.O» 11 00 Elk Rock . no; Oswego 11 46 .. Tualitan.... 12 10 Winters... 12 2L Summit . 12 50 . . Newberg .. 1 10 ewv Dundee jun 1.00 1.10 1.24 1.30 1.4u 1.4« 1.56 1.72 1.75 1.84 1.86 2 10 2 32 2 44 3 02 3 0- 3 19 3 30 3 52 3 57 4 08 4 10 1.96 1.94 2.12 2.24 2.87 2.53 2315 2.80 2.91 3.02 4 15 1 60 3 40 3 10 2 53 2 29 2 15 ORy Dundee West Dayton Lu fa vette .Dayton Juneton McMinnville Cs.. . Armstrong Whites Bricdwel) .. Harrison . Broadnieads Sheridan J line'll 1 25 1 03 12 58 12 35 12 29 12 18 12 07 11 45 11 40 11 27 11 25 i 28 5 00 Ballston Sheridan. 11 08 10 45 5 5.5 « 17 6 31 6 50 7 10 7 28 7 47 8 00 8 15 Perrvdale. I . .Smithfield..., Polk . ........ Dallas. .. Cochrnne .... Monmouth, l.uckiamute . . . Simpson. . A iklie . AR LVj !» 25 9 00 8 46 8 30 8 06 7 .50 7 30 7 14 7 00 . W. H. BINGHAM Basier Martín N. SCOTT. Receiver. ( ’ has . N S< OTT, Receiver ORC( Ld) Line. W illiam R eid , Propr Successors to Al. HUSSEY, Third street, McMinnville. Oregon ta Manufacturer and Dealer In y FINE FURNITURE A new, neat and clean stock. Every article A No. 1. Fruit Jar9, Butter Crocks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ bacco. Pipes aud Cigars. of all kinds. Just received an extra hne lot of Black walnut Furniture, and designs. TRANSCONTINENTAL inn ville LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES 20 Hours Less Time. Accomiuocations unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH LESS than by any other route between all in Willamette valley and San Francisco Only Route via Yaquina Bay To San Francisco. DAILY I’AMiEMiFIK IKAIVS. (Except Sundays.) Leave Corvallis at 2 p. in. Leave Ya­ quina at 7: 10 a. ni. Oregon and < alifornia, West side, trams counect at Corvallis. 1 be steamship Yaquina city, which has been undergoing repairs, and the Santa Ma­ ria will each sail on the dates below named: FROM TAqUINA. _____ ni in ut ■■un I min !!l!!!l!!l!lt!!l'l'HE IHltF.CT ----- PROPRIETORS----- T LlOT^TSSTl Fine Carriage«, Hacks and Saddle Horses, And everything in the Livery hire, in good shape KOI TEf JXiliLlGS TO LAST DINING CAK LINEOHMWWH NO DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! To CHICACO and all points EAST. Tickets sold to all PROMINENT POINTS Throughout the East and Southeast. BOUND PASSEAGERS! tl*- BE ¡CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE ------ TO TAKE THE------ At Keasonablc Kates. A. A. KENTON QUICKEST! g BEST! SHOREST! LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, pOUTE VORTHERHnACIFIC 11111111111111111 ■ 11111111111111 mimi* MANFORD RAT, CITY MARKET, And see that your ticket reads via Portland and ZZZZ St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, ZZZZ KENYON & RAY, Proprietors. (Successor to W. F. Bangasser.) 225 Miles Shortest ' THE GREAT Give us a call. Inspect mv stock, and 1 will guarantee prices to suit vou. acific Fact Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment Lndertakeis Goods of a Call and price my stook. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Seasor. President PAWVRCo. ailroad, oute. P opular R Icturesque anges. F actory Will keep on hand at all times the very best quality of fresh meats, that can be ob­ tained in the market, mid respectfully solioit a share of the public patronage. S(I ACRES. 125 in cultivation; 6 “* miles south west of Sheridan ■ PRICE $.>,<><><> Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. J. Harv. Henderson, For further information address R.G Worth­ ington, Sheridan, Or., or Wright & Ellis Da lias. Or. (Successor to L. HOOT.) Dealer in E. W. ALLEN, All Fresh Gcods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, and SEE THAT (Successor to H. Hanson.) EXACT Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SHOWN Glassware and Crockery. LADLE EST Goods delivered to purchasers mt he city EAOH CHIMNEY AS IN PICTURE Farm. Garden. Flower and Tree Seeds. SAMUEL corr, Yaquina City.............. Thursday, Jan. 27 Santa Maria.............. . Wednesday, Feb. 2 Yaquinn City............................. Tuesday Feb.’S Santa Maria .... Monday Feb. 14 Yaquina City .... Sunday Feb. 20 Santa Maria ....Saturday, Feb. 26 Yaquina City Friday. March 4 Fruit. Shade and Ornamental Trees. Garden and Orchard Tools. Etc. Late of Independence, having purchased the K*OM SAN FRANCISCO. 171 Front Street, Portland. Oregon. Of Logan Bros. & Henderson, offers his services in that line to the public, and will City Stables. Guarantee Satisfaction Santa Marin Taquina City Santa Maria ... Taquina City Santa Maria ... Yaquina City ■ Friday Jan. 28 Thursday, Feb. 8 Wednesday Feb 9 Tuesday Feb. 15 Mon.’ay. Feb. 21 Sunday Feb. 27 - ALSO— EAMS AND TRUCKS FACTURED Daily Fa—nger Trains ( Exoept Snuda vr .) Levée Yaqnina .... 8:20 a. m. Arrive Cor va Ilia .......... 10:38 a. m. Arrive Albany .... 11:30 a. m. Leave Albany................ 12:40 p. m. Arrive Oorvallia................ 1:22 p m. Arrive Yaquiaa . . ..5:46 p. m. rvee thè righi to change belween Corvelli* and and Cabin. fit; Bail . BOGUS, PlMB. IJtMt. To all who favor him with their patronage. He will keep a wagon specially adapted to the delivery of pareels, trunks satchels, etc., for the accomodation of the public. Order* left at the stable will be promptly attended to al reasonable rates. GEO. FDR BA ttsburg a AUERS J. .J ohnson . J. M c D onooh . McDonogh & Johnson t'ommiwNion HENDERSON BROS., Aasplc room w aar* ter h o i— Livwy — at »•—nable rat« a* any whet* in Qram. 8— «teW» Third Bl., MaMtuvttla. .Merchants, — AMD DEALS*.« IN— All kinds of California and Oregon produce. «11 WASHINGTON STREET, 8a* franarne, California.