The. Daily Reporter. D. C. IRELAND . C. C. IRELAND CO. Ireland. NEW TO-DAY. E. L. E. White. D. C. IRELAND & CO. BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS Yamhill County Reporter, ONLY $1 FOR TWO YEARS. Thia period includes the next Presidential campaign. Rcpiibllcun SiifffM IkvniiiHds Const nnt Work. Parties sending five subscribers with $.'• will receive an extra copy free. E. W. FOX, President and Manager, Washington, D. C. Readers of THE REPORTER can have the NATIONAL REPUBLICAN and THE REPORTER for the bal­ ance of THIS YEAR, 1887, for $1.75 ; or both , for the two years ensuing till after the inauguration in 1889, for four dollars cash. Now is the time to subscribe. Address, I). C. IRELAND dr Co.. McMinnville, Or. NEW OPENING Good Printing At Low Rates, Ex-Assistant Postmaster General Brady has a passion for bric-a-brac antique furniture. Bring on your job work. We are now prepay^! to do job work in thè latest and most approved style of the art. Magazines, Tax Bills, Lectures, • Books, Envelopes, Billets, Bonds. BriefjS, 1888 National Republican The Siege of Vicksburg. We had no siege-guns except six thirty-two pounders, and there were none at the West to draw from. Ad­ miral Porter, however, supplied us ---------- o--------- with a battery of navy-guns of large caliber, and with these, and the field- —PUBLISHERS OF— artillery used in the campaign, the siege began. The first thing to do was to THE DAILY AND WEEKLY get the artillery in halterios where they would occupy commanding positions; then, to establish the camps, under cover from the fire of the enemy, but as near up as possible; and then to con­ struct rifle-pits and covered ways, to connect the entire command by the shortest route. The enemy did not harass us much while we were con­ structing Qur batteries. Probably their artillery ammunition was short, and their infantry was kept down by our sharp-shooters, who were always on the alert and ready to fire at a head All persons in want of whenever it showed itself above the rebel works. In no place were our lines more than six hundred yards from the enemy. It was necessary, therefore, to cover our men by something more than the ordi­ nary parapeV To give additional pro- tectiofi, sàhd-bags, bullet-proof, were Í»laced along the tops of the parapets, Are respectfully invited to pay the REPORTER JOB ar enough apart to make loopholes for musketry. On top of these, logs were ROOMS a visit. put. By these means the men were enabled to walk about orect when off duty, without fear of annoyance from sharp-shooters- The enemy used in We keep constantly on hand the Finest Assortment of Paper and Card their defense explosive musket-balls, Stock that can be found anywhere in Oregon, which enables us to thinking, no doubt, that, bursting over our men in the trenches, they would do print, on short notice, and in the very best style some execution. I do not remember a single case where a man was injured by a piece of one of these shells. When they w re hit, and the ball exploded, Labels, Deeds, the wound was terrible. In these cases Sermons, Drafts, a solid ball would have hit as well. Their use is barbarous, because they Tax Lists, Leases, produce increased suffering without any corresponding advantage to those Shop Bills, Circulars, using them. The enemy could not resort to our Catalogues, Transfers, method to protect their men, because we had an inexhaustible supply of am­ Newspapers, Bill Heads, munition to draw upon, and used it freely. Splinters from the timber would Flock Cards, Blank Cards, have made havoc among the men be­ hind. Concert Bills, Blank Notes, There were no mortars with the be­ siegers, except those that the navy had Road Notices, Bills Lading, in front of the city; but wooden onea School Reports, Prices Current, were made by taking logs of the tough­ est wood that could be found, boring Concert Tickets, Deposit Checks, them out for six or twelve pounder shells, and binding them with strong Festival Tickets, Wedding Cards, iron bands. These answored as coe- horns, and shells were successfully Railroad Tickets, Shipping Recipts, thrown from them into the trenches of the enemy. Excursion Tickets, Insurance Policies, The labor of building tho batteries and of intrenching was largely done by Tags of every style, Certificates of Stock, the pioneers, assisted by negroes who came within our lines and who were Apothecaries’ Labels, Certificates of Deposit, paid for their work; but details from the line had often to be made. The Orders of Exercises, Bills of Exchange, work was pushed forward as rapidly as Rewards of Merit, Railroad Receipts, possible, and when an advanced posi­ tion was secured and covered from the Omnibus Tickets, Letter Headings, fire of the enemy, the batteries were advanced. By the 30th of June there Dry Goods Tags, Express Orders, were two hundred and twenty guns in position, mostly light field-pieces, be­ Lecture Tickets, Business Cards, sides a battery of heavy guns belong­ ing to, and manned and commanded School Records, Note Headings, by the navy. We were now as strong for defense against the garrison of Town Reports, T 'isiting Cards, Vicksburg as they were against us; but I knew that Johnson was in our rear, Bills of Fare, Bank Notices, and was receiving constant re-enforoe- ments from the East He bad at this Show Cards, Check Books, J' time a larger force than I had had at any time prior to the battle of Cham- Wood Cuts, Stock Litts, Ìion’s Hill.—From General Grant'» aper in the September Century. Pamphlets, Way Bills, • The Weekly 1887 In McMinnville, Or. ERNEST BOLLACK, iH Jewelry W'ork fVeatlj' Done. WiitclicM Guaranteed and Warranted. ---- o------ Third street, bet. 0. and D. in tho tailoring establishment of K. B Hibbs. JOHN J. SAX, ; *" Has fits “ "* ' ’ Feed Chopping Mill In Running Order, - AND— Will chop Feed for 92 per ton or one-tenth toll. ----------(o)---------- Farmers and others having grain to chop can come to my mill, and attend to any business in the city to better advantage than driving two miles out of town to get their chopping done. JOHN J. SAX. McMinnville, Or. The Central Hotel, Dining Station of the 0. C. R. R. McMinnville, Oregon. F. Mnltner, Prop. i Late of the St. Charles.) This Hotel has just been refitted and new­ ly refurnished throughout, and will be'.kept in a first class style. The table is supplied with nil the market affords, and gut sis can rely upon good olean bedH, and oomfortable rooms. Special accomodations for oommeroial travelers. Ojjr6,000,000 people us, FERRY’S SEEDS O. M. FIRRY A CO. •m adnltttnd to I m . th. LÄRMST SHSSMia in IA« wortó.