Th© Daily Reporter, I». JUKI. AND & CO. PUBLISHERS. Nubscription Mute*, Uy Carrier per week.......................... 1<> cents (Payable on Kutnrday.) ■Mgle Copy........................................ 2 “ Uy Mai! 10 cents per Month (In Advance.) and duty to do so.” But should they desire to erect them at some more prosperous and important center; McMinnville for in­ stance; our people will welcome them with outstretched arms. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS, 1 j. ¿ms, First National Bank, —OF M’MINNVILLE, OREGON.— ------ OFFICERS ------ J acob W ortman ....................President W. D. F enton , .............. Vice-president J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier Headquarters for Salem Talk apologises for some Transacts a General Banking business. Will be made satisfnotory to all applicant*. of the faults of the house. It Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made on favorable terms. says : “vicious and not well con­ STAPLE AND FANQT Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer McMinnville, Or. - - Feb. 26, 1887 on New York, San Francisco and Portland. sidered legislation is promoted Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. to a great degree by the miscon­ Our Comity Buildings. FIRE INSURANCE. struction of representative hall Every one hits u right to an where it is impossible for mem­ JOHN WORTMAN Kepresents the following sterling compan­ opinion, and those who express bers to hear enough to keep the ies: London & Liverpool & Globe, North British & Mercantile. Commeroiai Union themselves freely are generally run of the business, being trans lire Association, German American, Fire­ more honest in their convictions acted. On being asked what has man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo Nevada, State Investment. than the skulker. It is a self been done during a day’s session Wheat insurance a specialty. evident fact that Yamhill county members frequently answer, has got to provide a better court “don’t know, can’t hear.” Such General Merchandise. A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON house soon, and whether built at a thing should not be. If we Dealers In •o-------- Lafayette or McMinnville, the send men to the assembly to do I people will have it to pay for. our business and protect our Sole Agent for the Celebrated Hence we endorse this, from the rights, we want them to know Telephone of Friday: “In an­ ,vhat they do while there. Hap­ swer to an article in the last is­ hazard legislation and set up sue of the Register criticising jobs are things that should be Agricultural Implements, Pumps. the Telephone’s editorial of the strictly guarded against, as the 15th regarding the condition of people of this state want none of Pipes, Etc. Assortment of these Popular Goods Alli of which will be sold as the county buildings, we have them. Just so long as such a very little to say. We are not state of things exists sharps will IN ALL THE LATES1 LOW FOR CASH. NOVELTIES, NEW engaged just now in lighting the be able to get their jobs through As the times will allow, AND DESIRA­ present county seat, or any of on sight, without being observed. BLE COLOR­ its inhabitants, neither have we, The house had much better go We Make a Specialty of all INGS, as said correspondent states back to the library room and Kinds of Job Work Par­ “wilfully misrepresented the hold their sessions, w where the ticularly JUST RECEIVED. facts.*’ The correspondent takes members can hear the regular Iron and Tin Roofing, exceptions to the few lines in routine of business. The grand our article which said the coun­ representative hall could be used Please Call and Examine. Galvanized iron Cornioes and window caps. In faot we do anything that oomee in ty was badly in need of new to advantage for the deaf mute our line, with neatness and dis- W hat we G uarantee buildings and new ones would school, where pupils hear by ■ , jMtoh and, have to be built, and accuses us sight alone, as it is well lighted. FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR MANUFACTURE. Never Tell You it Can’t be Done. of being ignorant of or misrep­ They would be pleased and in­ Bring on your designs and we will out your resenting the facts. There may structed by its fine surroundings, patterns, and do your work, and To be made from the very best ma ­ don’t you forget it. be a diffeuyncezoF opinions re­ without being subject to any em­ terial, by skillful workmen, with the South east cor. 3d and 0 streets, McMinn­ garding the- condition of the barrassment, and Prof. Knight latest and most approved machinery, ville, Oregon. A. H. & O. O. HODSON. county builqtM^gs.lLe correspond­ should hold the gavel instead of and to be the cheapest goods in the ent of the Register notwith­ Prof. Gregg. market when service is considered. Are so thoroughly finished that they standing, He may of the opin­ can be worn in damp weather, or in a A list of the acts passed by the ion that the county buidings are shower, without fear of being ruined in a good condition; we do not assembly are now being printed. by curling or shrinking. question his sincerity. But we No assessment law passed, and The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ have heard it expressed, not only all the work of the commission ishing is done in such a manner, that in McMinnVi||e, but in almost appointed in 1884 that was ac­ the goods can be washed if desired every town in the county, by complished at considerable ex­ without the least injury to fabric. Third St., Opposite men who perhaps have just as pense, has been thrown away. Our goods are wool dyed, and colors as fast as the purest dyes and greatest much intelligence, and are prob­ Perhaps it may serve some good care and skill can make them. YAMHILL CO. BANK. D on ’ t F orget the P lace , ably just as well qualified to purpose yet in maturing a suita­ Goods show just what they are and judge, as this correspondent« ble law. A cotemporary says: will be until worn out, as there ¡3 no —Where you will— that the*present county build­ “It was hardly to be supposed weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ ings are qnt in ¿good condition, that any legislature, composed tre used to increase the weight or fin­ ish ; as is the case with a large class of and that th^couiïlg does need largely of new men. and with no goods in the market, but which disap­ new ones, hence our assertion. experience as to formulating pears after a few days’ service. “Everyone” who has examined revenue laws, could perform As manufacturers we have taken the county buildings do not such an important work in so great pains to supply an article in agree with the Register’s corre­ brief a session.” Which is an every way reliable, and unsurpassed spondent. In conclusion we will argument in favor of our view by similar goods, either foreign or do­ --IN TH* - mestic, and would respectfully ask an say with our opponent. “It is that assemblymen should be examination of the various styles and simply a business transetion for elected for a term of not less shades to be found on sale by mer­ Furnishing Goods of all kind, and sbov* the tax payers of this county than six * vears each. chants who are agents for the goods. all THE LOWEST PK1CES. Also agents . t Brewster's ratent Rein Holder. All goods of our manufacture should for ths and if they think they can af­ Your line« *re wbrrr you r»1 thru»—not HiowitMville Woolen bear the name and trade mark of tinder bon«** t*et. On* srtd ttdoi. Io ford” to erect new buildings at ft dur*, on* deal*r »'Id ft du«, in 1ft day*. B roadhead W orsted M ills ,. . K*m|4«ft worth |l.Mrs«s. Write C'r.tertna, Csrryiuu a full lin* of all goods made by Lafayette “it is their privilege Jamestown, N. Y. those oolftbrated mills. K. K. BRERS”* H HoUy, Mich. Kale* tor Ad vert ioltiK DRY GOODS BroacLheacL « * * Dress Goods '♦ k • H All • y a , r . BISHOP