The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, February 26, 1887, Image 1

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vol . ii.
no . 47
M c M innville , O regon , S aturday ,
fe BRU AR Y 26.
The Daily Reporter*
The Marine Journal of a re­
Subject at Baptist church
cent date contains a tine portrait next Sabbath evening will be,
and a biographical sketch of Inspiration of the Bible.
Senator J. N. Dolph, who is a
Dr. Taylor goes to Corvallis
vice president and a prominent I on Wednesday a^tl I Thursday of
worker in the National Marine each week to njjzii
nd eases he is
O. C. Hiatt will open a first
The Mongolian pheasant bill
failed to get through the senate. class restaurant on Third street,
Many of the farmers don’t like where you can get a cup of coffee
it at all. The birds are becom­ or a square meal, or a good ci­
ing a regular nuisance. They gar and not rupture your bank
are very destructive to wheat account.
A gentleman walking up Third
and vegetables.
Work has been commenced on street yesterday, discovered a
the last span of the Morrison five dollar piece in his pocket.
street bridge at Portland. When He turned and went into Bishop
Kays, where he purchashed a
this span is finished it will only
remain for the draw to be built fine lot of toilet goods,and while
when Portland and east Portland in the store found out that over­
coats were going off at cost this
will be connected by bridge.
St. James church, Rev. John week.
C. Fair rector. Services to-mor­ Mr. Chapen, of Bellevue, was
row at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. This in the city yesterday. He is
being the last Sunday in the well posted upon the subject of
month, the usual childrens choral underdrainage and the use of
services, will be had at 9:30a. m., tiles, and is a very pleasant talk­
at which time Holy Babtism will er. We hope our farmer friends
be administered. All are cordi­ will cultivate his acquaintance.
ally invited to attend these ser­ He is just from a thickly popu­
lated and prosperous region of
the east, where farming has to
We print this over the signa­
ture of Mr. Stinit for his benefit. be managed with a view of get­
ting all the benefits that can be
I hereby notify all persons within
this State that they shall not give or obtained.
Born, a daughter to Mrs. D.
C. Narver.
The total receipts of the fair
amounted to $291.37.
Dr. Dodd of Albany, was in
the city on business to-day.
Hon. Joe Gastou returned our
We are pleased
Xlclliw VII.I.F
OREGON call this a. in.
T he D aily R epobteb is issued every day to meet him in old Yamhill.
in the week except Sundays, and is delivered
J. E. Fenton, of Eugene city
in the city at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40
cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ is on a visit to relatives in this
vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . county.
Mr. Kingery was in the city
Fine Book and Job Printers.
yesterday. He says the proba-
We beg leave to announoe to the public
that we have just added a large stock of new bilites are for warm wet weather
novelties to our business, and make a special­ untill the 10th.
ty of Letter Heads. Bjll Heads, Note Heads,
Hon. W. D. Fenton has a re­
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies’ Calling
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ ply to the letter addressed to
grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of
work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ Hon. Wm. Reid, by the board of
trade. It is favorable.
E. P. Thomasen is oft* in the
country for a few days on busi­
ness. Mr. Hansen is at the of­
fice on Third street at present.
Offioe over Braly’s Bank.
Mr. Hodson returned from
Me.Ylinn ville,
Newberg last night. There was
no perceptible improvement in
DR. I. C.
-------- o--------
the condition of Mrs. Hoskins
Late of New Orleans, La.,
when he left for home.
Piles and Fistula a Spe­
McMinnville has at last fur­
ciality. Consultatiop
nished us with a dog fight. It
tVee. No Cure
No Pay.
was short and decisive. Bets
Office with H. V. V. Johnson, M. D.. were freely offered on the dog,
McMinnville, Oregon.
but when he got to work a snow sell me any intoxicating drink what­
ever, under any consideration. If
Necklace Lost.
ball broke him all up.
they do I shall prosecute them to the
J. W. Brasfield is enlarging, lull extent of the law.
A little girTs
Goucher & Goucher.
¡e has bee»
A. S tinit .
and improving his house, at Seal [Signed.]
lost somewhe
î city. The
rock, and will have quite a com- i If he can let whiskey alone he finder is re<
> leavo it at
M c M innville -
O regon .
modious hotel there next sum­ is as smart a man for business the store o . Harve enderson,
Office and residence, corner of Third and mer, for the benefit of tourists, as there is in Oregon.
and be suitably rewarded.
D. streets, next to the postoffice.
who make the delightful trip to
Our amusement loving friends
the rock.
Hey, There!
at Lafayette have arranged for a
Mrs. M. Sliadden
Thanks of this office are due grand social time at Littlefield’s
If any one wante a H ouse -
Fashionable DressmaKer* Messrs Balfour, Guthrie A’ Co.,!I hall next Saturday evening, at. HOLD or it DoMEs/lf I sewing ma-
of Portland, through their Mc­ which time a five act drama, I
y4PThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­
chine if they wilr cc
come to me
ting employed.
Minnville agent Hon J. E. “Louva the Pauper” will be pre-
before purchasing 1 can save
B street, bet. 2d and 3d, McMinnville. Or. Magers for a most superb calen­ sented. Follow ing is the caste of
them money.
A. M. T aggart .
dar for 1887. The very best characters
25, 1887.
that art can produce.
Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­
ond Class Matter.
Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shant.
pooing Parlor.
15c SHAVING 15c.
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
(8nooe89or to A. C. Wyndham.)
Ladiee and children’s work a specialty.
g»P*I have just added to my parlor the
largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this
gity. Try them.
Tiae Job Printers,
The Portland dailv News now
has full and complete dispatches
from all portions of the world
over the Mackay-Bennett Postal
Telegraphic lines, and will soon
become the leading newspaper
of the Pacific Northwest.
The signal service bill has
passed the senate by a very
handsome vote, but we are un­
able to say whether it passed the
house or not. If it did so, then
the college at this city may soon
expect apparatus for a signal
Louva the Pauper,
Aggie Farnham,
Mrs. Craft,
Gipsy < rone.
Aunt Charity..
Dick £>anglev
Will Sprigs....
Col, Farnnam
Sol. Craft
Bub Craft
Mr. Withgow
Peleg Puoker.
Tony ... .
.Anna Gardiner
..Mr». Wells
... Mrs. Nelson
.... Mrs. Bird
.Thad Dunn
.Aaron Wells
....Willie <’are\
R. B. Bird
W. L. Bradshaw
W. I. Westerfield
W W. Nelson
D. V. Olds
Henry Aiderman
Guy Bird
Should the weather be pleasant
it is possible that a delegation of
our people will make our sister
town a visit upon this occasion.
All who wish to go are requested
to leave names at this office,
where arrangements for trans-
porteiion can be made.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The parti
merly ex­
isting betwee
. I.
night and
O. C. Hiat
e name of
Knight d Hiatt has this day
been dissolved. The business
will becontinued by J. I. Knight
to whom all payments due Knight
and Hiatt and al) claims against
the old firm should be presented.
McMinnville, Feb. 23d, 1887.
Misa Belle Johnson, «»cher of muai»
in McMinn I« «M U McMUaviU*
cerné» ©I fkeeead
tod C St