Th® Daily Reporter. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, D. ■>• - - Feb. 25,1887 IRELAND à CO. NEW TO-DAY. E. Ireland. C. T- McMinnville, Or. C. E. E. White. WJ D. C. IRELAND & CO. T Weasel vs. Rat. The little weasel at Campbell & Jones' warehouse is attracting much attention says the Macon, Ga.. Telegraph. A dozen traps are set in various portions ■o of the city to supply it with rats, and every now and then it is treated to an —PUBLISHERS OF— English sparrow or a pigeon, all of which it makes short work of. THE DAILY AND WEEKLY A large crowd witnessed its fight with its thirty-seventh rat yesterday. The rat was caught at the city hall by Punch Blue, and weighed a trine over fifteen ounces. He was fat and ugly, and the chances were that he would eat up the weasel, which did not weigh much more than half as much. The weasel had eaten its breakfast ofl a pigeon and a half-grown rat, and could not have been very hungry when the old rat was pitied against him, but he did not like the idea of Quar­ All persons in want of ters with any other animal. The fight took place in the large cage, which measures four by five feet and is two It is made of wire, and thus full view. At 9 o’clock the __ cage was opened and th? rat turned in. The weasel always fights on the defensive, and never at­ tacks. The rat was somewhat coward­ ly and did not seem to want to tackle Are respectfully invited to pay the REPORTER JOB its diminutive adversary. After some maneuvering the rat approached the ROOMS a visit. weasel, when the latter sprang upon him and succeeded in getting his needle­ ...... . o------------ like teeth in the rat’s nose, cutting out a big chunk of that member. The rat We keep constantly on hand the Finest Assortment of Paper and Card acted then more cowardly than ever, Stock that can be found anywhere in Oregon, which enables us to cringing away into a corner. The wea­ sel, with movements quick as iightning, print, on short notice, and in the very best style ran up and down the cage as if trying to get out, but now and then nearing ------o the panting rat, rearing its head to strike him on the back of the neck. Labels, Deeds, The rat, however, seemed to know what Sermons, Drafts, the weasel was after, and kept aloof. This was kept up for an hour, the par- Tax Lists, Leases, pose of the weasel being perhaps to tire the rat Finally the crowd grew impa­ Shop Bills, Circulars, tient and by poking the rat with pieces of wire eaused him to get near the wea­ Catalogues, Transfers, sel, which would striae at him with lightning-like rapidity, eaoh time caus­ Newspapers, BUI Heads, ing him to squeal. By this time the spectators were! Flock Cards, Blank Cards, wrought up to a high pitch of excite­ ment and the rat aroused much sym­ Concert Bills, Blank Notes, pathy, although his superiority in size and strength was fully admitted. The Road Notices, Bills Lading, rat finally became desperate and made an attack. This was exactly what the School Reports, Prices Current, weasel wanted, and when the opportun­ ity came, made a spring and fastened Concert Tickets, Deposit Checks, his teeth in the back of his neck, plac­ Festival Tickets, Wedding Cards, ing his fore legs just back of its shoul­ ders. And thus, while sucking the rat’s Railroad Tickets, Shipping Recipts, blood, he crushed his bones, and the rat dropped over limp and dead. Excursion Tickets, Insurance Policies, Later in the day three more rats were Elaced in the cage, but as they were Tags of every style, Certificates of Stock, alf grown only, they lasted but a min­ ute or so. Each time the weasel’s meth­ Apothecaries’ Labels, Certificates of Deposit, od of killing was the sama. J BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS Good Printing f At Low Rates, The Age of Decoration. A young man called at the box office of the Baldwin Theater the other day aud handed the treasurer a suspicious- looking roll of paper. “Please hand that to the manager,” said he. The treasurer looked at it dubiously. “I’ll give it to him, if you like,” he remarked; “but I might as well tell you that he’s got more manuscripts now than he can shake a stick at, and he swore the other day that if I took in any more plays he’d”----- . “Play!” said the young man, with a snort; “play!—why, what do you take me for, young feller? Do you think I’m a play-writer? No, sir! I’m sales­ man in a paper-hanging house, I am, and them is samples of our new lines of papers. Play! Well, that is gall!” The treasurer apologized. — San Frandtoo Argonaut. Bring on your job work. We are now prepared to do job work in the latest and most approved style of the K Orders of Exercises, Rewards of Merit, Omnib u s Tickets, Dry Goods Tags, Lecture Tickets, School Records, Town Reports, Bills of Fare, Show Cards, Wood Cuts, Pamphlets, Magazines, Tax Bills, Lectures, Books, O ----- -O Bills of Exchange, Railroad Receipts, Letter Headings, Express Orders, Business Cards-, Note Headings, Visiting Cards, Bank Notices, Check Books, Stock Lists, Way Bills, Envelopes, Billets, Bonds. Briefs, ■' o 1887 The Weekly 1888 National Republican ONLY |1 FOR TWO YIARS. This period includes the next Presidential oampaign. Republican Success Demaath Constan! Work. Parties sending five subscribers with *5 will receive an extra copy free. E. W. FOX, President and Manager, Washington,!). 0. Readers of THE REPORTER can have the NATIONAL REPUBLICAN and THE REPORTER for the bal­ ance of this year , 1887, for $ 1.75 ; or both , for the two years ensuing till after the inauguration in 1889, for four dollars cash. Now is the time to subscribe. Address, D. C. IRELAND A Co., McMinnville, Or. NEW OPENING In McMinnville, Or. ERNEST BOLLACK, on ui jn H! ------- 0------- Jewelry Work Neatly Done. Watches Guaranteed and Warranted. ------ o— . Third street, bet. C. and D. in the tailoring establishment of R. B. Hibbs. JOHN J. 8AX, Has his Feed Chopping Mill In Running Order, —AND— Will chop Feed for $2 per ton or one-tenth toll. ---------- (o)---------- Farmers and others having grain to chop oan oorne to my mill, and attend to any bnsiness in the city to better advantage than driving two miles out of town to get their ohopping done. JOHN J. SAX. McMinnville, Or. The Csntral Hotel, Dining Station of the 0. C. R. R. McMinnville, Oregon. IT. Llultxier, Prop. (Late of the St. Charles.) This Hotel Uns just been refitted and new­ ly refurnished throngbout, end will be kept in a first class style. The table is supplied with all the market affords, and gu< sts e.i rely upon good clean beds, and oomfortable rooms. Special accomodations for commercial travelers. o*sr 6.000,000 £ eoplluju