The Daily Reporter. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. Subscription Hate». By Carrier per week............................. 10 rents (Payable on Hatarday.) Kingie Copy............................................ 2 “ By Mail Hl rents per Month (In Advance.) Hale. for Advertising Will be made aatiafaotory to nil applicants. McMinnville, Or. Feb. 25, 1887 Tittle to Mineral Land*. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS, a plain question of law ; to pro­ secute a claim for minerals on First National Bank, odd sections included in the pat­ —OF M’MINNVILLE, OREGON.— ent, and this rule, in my judg­ ment, would apply to an odd sec­ ----- OFFICERS :----- J acob W ortman ---------------- President tion to which no patent had is­ W. D. F enton , ............... Vice-president J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier sued, provided such odd section Headquarters for is within the grant adjacent to Transacts a General Banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. road that had been completec Collections made on favorable terms. Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers and accepted by the government, STAPLE AND FANCY on Sight New York, San Francisco and Portland. Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. as the supreme court of the United States has held that when FIRE INSURANCE. a person or company is entitled JOHN WORTMAN to a patent it is equivalent to a Represents the following sterling compan­ ies: London A Liverpool A Globe, North patent issued. British A Mercantile, Commercial Union Fire Association, German Amerioan, Fire­ I have examined this matter man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo Nevada, State Investment. with some care, and this is my Wheat insurance a specialty. conclusion. --------AND-------- I am, very truly yours, A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON General Merchandise J ohn H. M itchell . Dealers In The following letter from Sen­ ator Mitchell is self explanatory : H on . A. J. A pperson , Mc­ Minnville, Oregon. My dear sir: Responding to yours Jan. 27th, received yester­ day, the same having been de­ layed by storms on the overland, ■o- I presume; I beg to say that the Men of Character. legal inquiry you make of me is HARDWARE, Sole Agent for the Celebrated Statesman. a very important one, and not Judge Boise, like Senators TINWARE & entirely free from doubt. Simon and Carson and Repre ­ Your question as I understand it is this: “suppose an odd sect­ sentatives Goodsell and Harris, Agricultural Implements, Pumps,. ion of land included in the grant have offended the great daily of Pipes, Etc. to a railroad company lies ad­ Portland, and it proceeds to cas­ Assortment of these Popular Goods tigate him as it did them, for Alli of which win be sold a* jacent to completed road and has been patented to the company, what? Why, for doing exactly IN ALL THE LATES1 LOW FOR CASH. NOVELTIES, NEW and, subsequent to that, third as the editor of that journal As the times will allow, AMD DESIRA­ parties discover a mineral ledge would have done had he been BLE COLOR­ of lode on such section ; what surrounded by the circumstances We Make a Specially of all INGS, which influenced them. Neith ­ are the rights of respective par­ Kinds of Job Work Par­ er democrats nor republicans ticularly ties?” JUST RECEIVED. can complain of the presidency It is true the act making the Iron and Tin Roofing, grant only grants lands that are of Senator Carson, which has not mineral; but here is the been able and courteous, and no Please Call and Examine. Galvanized iron Cornioea and window caps. In faot we do anything that oomes in difficulty. Somebody, or some member stands higher in the es­ our line, with neatness and dis W hat we G uarantee department of the government teem of his fellow legislators patch and, FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR than Senator Simon. In fact must adjudicate the question at lever Tell You it Can't ba Done. MANUFACTURE. some time, or in some way, as to the Oregonian acknowledges the Bring on your designs and we will cut your patterns, and do your work, and whether the lands are mineral ability of their wisdom and fore­ To be made from the very best ma­ don’t you forget it. sight by supporting every meas ­ or not. The decisions of the terial, by skillful workmen, with the South east cor. 3d and C streets, McMinn­ courts so far as they bear upon ure of general importance which atest and most approved machinery, ville, Oregon. A, H. & O. O. HODSON. the question and have been ex­ they have advocated. Now they and to be the cheapest goods in the amined by me are to the effect are all right with the great market when service is considered. that the issuance of patent by the daily, and Judge B, who was all Are so thoroughly finished that they be worn in damp weather, or in a government is an adjudication right a few weeks ago with the can shower, without fear of being ruined or a dicision of that question. great daily, is now all wrong by curling or shrinking. Therefore, when the government1 “and a bad man” merely be- I The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ IF------- issues a patent to a railroad com­ cause he thought Pennoyer’s ishing is done in such a manner, that pany fora certain odd section,' veto of the bridge bill should the goods can be washed if desired that is an adjudication that such have been sustained. The Ore­ without the least injury to fabric. Our goods are wool dyed, and colors Third St.. Opposite odd section is not mineral, and gonian should not be so quick to ns fast as the purest dyes and greatest YAMHILL QO, BANK. that adjudication is binding on evince a dispostion to be all su­ care and skill can makeUhem. gar or all salt. “ Loyal men D on ’ t F orget the P lace , everybody, save ami except per­ Goods show just what they are and haps the government itself. If may differ;” and Judge Boise, will be until worn out, as there is no —Where you will— the government ; that is the de­ . like representatives Goodsell and weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ tre used to increase the weight or fin­ partment of justice ; were satis­ Harris, is none the less honest ish ; as is the case with a large class of fied a mistake had been made in and esteemed because he cannot goods in the market, but which disap­ the land office, ahid that a patent agree with the Oregonian in all pears after a few days’ service. its opinions. As manufacturers we have taken had been issued for land really great pains to supply an article in mineral, then possibly the attor­ In view of the fact that Eng- ney general might proceed on land has acquired a footing every way reliable, and unsurpassed by similar goods, either foreign or do­ —IN THIS bohalf of the United States to north of us, and in nearly all mestic, and would respectfully ask an set asido i p|kiént as having of the islands of the Atlantic examination of the various styles and been issu by it her fraud or and south Pacific, the United shades to be found on sale by mer­ Famishing Goods of all kind, and a bo vs mistake. States is doing a timely good chants who are agents for the goods. all THE LOWEST PRICE8. Also agents So Ion _____ , s the pat- deed by securing a port in the All goods of our manufacture should for the erefore, name and trade mark of Brownsville Wooten Mill, ent stands ’third parti would Hiwaiian kingdom on the route bear B the roadhead W orsted M ills , I Carrying a full line of all goods made by have no right, in my opinion, as of vessels to Japan and China. Jamestown, N. Y< tbeee oelebrated mills. EroacLheacL * Dress ‘Goods Stoves YAM HILL CO., ALWAYS FIND LATEST_STYLES.