The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, February 25, 1887, Image 1

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NO. 46
The Daily Reporter»
M c M innville . O regon , F riday , F ebruary
price two cents .
25. 1887.
What does venison taste like?
Call now at Redmonds and
Did you ever eat wild game of take a look at the clean interior
Dr. Young is attending Mrs.
Entered in the Postoffice at McMinnville for
of his store. Then call again,
i any kind in Yamhill county ?
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ Lawrence.
A cloak room is an absolute after a few days, and witness
ond Class Matter.
Dr. Galbreath found eleven
cases of measels in one family necessity at Garrison Opera the transmogrification after he
has opened his large, varied, and
last week.
They were recent house.
It was Joseph Todd, not John, excellent stock of new goods
». C. IRELAND A Co.,
arrivals from the east.
At the school meeting, a week who was the expert guesser at now en route.
Mr. Garrison informs us that
the fair.
OREGON from Monday, wake up to a
Lieutenant Greely, of Arctic diligent search fails to reveal one
T hi D ails R eporter is issued every day sense of the situtiou, and go for
m the week except Sundays, and is delivered a step in advance concerning fame, has been appointed chief live stalk of blackberry in over
tn the oity at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40
of signal service bureau, which two acres of his patch. This
cents per month in advance. Rates for ad­ these vital matters.
vertising same as for T he W keels R eporter .
0. C. Hiatt will open a first may account for the late cold may be taken as an evidence of
the fact that our spring like early
class restairhuit san Third street, and overplus of snow.
Fine Book and Job Printers.
The meeting at Amity which winter ajnl the sudden check
We beg leave to announoe to the public
or a good ci­ are conducted by Rev. E. Russ lastly experience has put a veto
that we have just added a large stock of new or a squj^F
novelties to our business, and make a special­ gar andniot rupnfre your bank have been productive of very upon small fruits in this valley.
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads,
much good. He has recently Peaches, pears, etc, generally ap­
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling account.
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­
The microphone in Germany been assisted bv Rev. J. G. Bur- pear to be all right.
grammes. Posters, and all descriptions of
'Phe annual dinner of the New
work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon- is now used for tracing leaks in
water pipes, the slightest trick­ Senator Stanford, of Califor­ York Republican Club upon the
ling of the water being made nia is worth fifty millions and anniversary of the birth of Abra­
distinctly audible when the ap­ Senator Hearst, of the same ham Lincoln was attended by
state, is worth forty millions. two hundred and seventy-five of
paratus is brought near it.
Have you seen Jeif. D. Fen­ Statesmanship out there is spell­ the leading republicans of the
Office over Braly’s Bank.
nation. Many rousing speeches
ton’s new sign ? If the conun­ ed $tatc$man$ship.
MeVlinn ville,
Fred and Barney Sitton, and were made and all expressed
drum season hadn’t passed we
Adam Scott have just returned
as confident of a
DR. I. C. TAYLOR, should be tempted to impose one. from a very successful hunt in themselves
sweeping republicon victory in
Why is it so much like Jeff, him­
Late of New Orleans, La.,
| the Willamina region. They' 1888.
self? Because its away up.
Pile« and Fistula a Spe­
We want to publish full re­
Custer Post band will not go took in two cayotes, six coon,
ciality. Consultation
ports of everything pertaining
down. But from the proposition two fishers, and two deer.
Cree. Ao Cure
Yesterday’s dispatches indica­ to the fair just closed; we should
Ao Pay.
of Hon. Wm. Galloway the dear
ted the failure of Bismarck to be glad if we could give the
t-#~ Office with H. V. V. Johnson, M. D., people intend to—go down—in­
McMinnville, Oregon. ■
to their pockets and hold the secure an election in Germany name of each one connected in
entitled to his demands. If such any manner with it,as fireman,
E. E. GOUCHER. boys up.
Call the roll: Here.
Goucher & Goucher.
The finest affair of the week is the case the old chancellor committee, participant, attend­
was the exhibition at the Opera will be mad enough to fight ant or otherwise; but of course we
somebody sure.
cannot, unless we get up a spe­
M c M innville
O regon . house last evening. The .Jubilee
At a meeting of many citizens cial edition. That’s absolutely
singers covered themselves with
‘ 'Iffioe and residence, corner of Third and
D. streets, next to the postoffioe
crowning glory, and furnished last night, held in the Art Gall­ impossible; but, why doubt our
more laughable matter for the ery at Garrison Opera house, ability after all we have done; if
Mrs. M. Shadden. crowded attendance than was jCapt. E. B. Fellows was called to these reports are not full just
call upon the chief engineer.
ever got out of one engagement ¡the chair and John E. Brooks
Fashionable 3)ressmakere in this city before. The Mop . chosen secretary. A set of reso­ He’s Fuller.
t5F“The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit-
Brigade was a big card; but at lutions, too lengthy for publica­
Many. Many Thanks.
king employed.
tion, were adopted thanking
B street, bet. 2d and .»d. McMinnville. Or.
Messrs. Wilhelm & Strable of
The committee on art gallery
Chicago report advises the
Portland, for the use of the con­ extend their thanks to the citi­
discovery of another wonderful
vex mirror which aided the zens for their liberal patronage,
cave in Kentucky. A partial committee in netting a very and kind friends who gave us a
Mair Catting, Shaving and Kham«
exploration shows many rooms
pooing Parlar.
handsome sum of money for the helping hand in furnishing
of great extent.
There have
15c SHAVING 15c. been found two skeletons, and firemen, and it was resolved that things to make our art gallery a
whenever any of our boys go to perfect success. E. B. Fellows,
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
considerable money and silver­
Portland they call upon Peter John E. Brooks.
(Snocessor to A. C. Wyndham.)
ware. Tin* cave has not as yet
■ 1
and Fritz at the , Resort
Ladies and children’s work a specialty.
» *
Hey. There!
MT* I have jaat added to my parlor the
largest and finest stock of igars ever in this
it is undoubtedly another won­
city. Try them.
If any on^. Wants a H ouse ­
derful series of subterranean * The Rcporter cannot undertake to hold or a L)oy:sT<<Asewing ma­
preserve or return rejected communi­
cavities. It is supposed that it cations.
Contributors who wish to chine if the^wiJLzTome to me
was the hiding place during the poweM their manuscript«, if unused, before pwFchasin^k can eave
should keep a copy. Matter of what­
late war of the guerrilla band of ever
character intended for publica­ them idrmey.
“Bloody Bill Grady.” The cave tion must, if its appearance the «ame
McMinnville^ Feb. 25, 1887.
will be thoroughly explored, if day is desired, reach the office not
latter than 12 o’clock noon. No at­
The beet printing in the county at
McMinnville, Mregem.
tention paid to anonymous letters.
the Reporter job roome.
^McMinwilk life-
Fins Job Printers,
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