The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, February 24, 1887, Image 1

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NO. 45
The Daily Reporter.
M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , F ebruary
24. 1887.
Last night of the fair at Opera
How does this snow storm house.
Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnville for
Broom Brigade to-night at the
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ suit you ?
ond Class Matter.
A ladys legging was left at the Opera house.
W. H. Bingham and wife were
---------- o---------
Opera house.
Singular as it seems Spencer expected home to-day from
D. C. 1RELAAD & Co.,
only won one prize last night.
The Jubilee singers again this
Grand Master Stroud has just
evening. Entire change of pro
OREGON paid the Masonic fraternity an
T hs D aily R eporter is issued every day official visit.
Subject at Baptist church
in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered
The receipts at the fair last
in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40
next Sabbath evening will be,
cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ night run up to $137.87, aggre­
Inspiration of the Bible.
vertising same as for T he W eekly R eporter . gating $211.72.
Four feet seven inches of snow
Capt. Ed. Fellows can take a
Fine Book and Job Printtrs.
gold ten dollar piece in his hands at Henry Dunzers camp yester­
We beg leave to announoe to the public
day, with a possible doublet this
that we have just added a large stock of new and twist it into a corkscrew-.
novelties to our business, and make a special­
Mrs. J. B. Gardner has been a. m.
ty of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads,
A letter addressed to a party
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling quite sick. She has been con­ in Father, Mich., was sent to a
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs* Pro­ fined to her room for some time
postoffice expert, and he forward­
grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of past.
work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­
Miss Edith Martin took first ed it to Paw Paw. He guessed
prize in crayon painting, and right.
The guess ctfce was won by
Mr. Higgins took second prize,
two men, S. P. M. Briggs and
last evening.
Dr. Taylor goes to Corvallis John Todd, It weighed
Office over Braly’s Bank.
on Wednesday and Thursday of Briggs went an ounce over it,
each week to attend cases he is and Todd an ounce under. They
are both expert guessers, and
treating there.
DR. I. C.
John Farrer is the lucky man split the difference by cutting
-------- o--------
Late of New Orleans, La.,.
of the city now at a raffie. He the cake.
Following is a list of officers
Piles and Fistula a Spe­ had to get a dray to haul his
ciality. Consultation
prizes away from the Opera house chosen for the term by open
ilree. Ao Cure
temperance society. Dr. Young,
this forenoon.
Ao Pay.
Mrs. Jos. Hoskins was so much president ; Revs. Burchett, Hun­
X-#- Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson, M.-D.;
worse that Mr. and Mrs. A. II. saker and Henderson vice presi­
MoMinnville, Oregon.
were yesterday again dents ; Mrs. E. V. Vanatta, secre-
E. E. GOUCHER. Hodson
; Mrs. B. F. Fuller treasurer.
Coucher & Goucher. summoned to her bed side at | tary
The Choral Union was roundly
Newberg by telegraph.
The board of trade have ap­ called for after the first piece, but
M c M innville ....
O regon .
pointed Messrs. W. D. Fenton, did not respond, in consequence
Office and residence, corner of Third and Geo. W. Jones, and Alex lleid of the length of the programme.
D. streets, next to the postoffice
committee to open negotiations “Star of Descending Night,” was
excellently rendered. The
Mrs. M. Sliadden. for another railway into Mc­ most
Union is forever a fixture here­
after in the hearts of the citizens
Fashionable Dressmaker* The committee of the board of of
Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ trade having roads and highways
ting employed.
The Broom Brigade captivated
in hand, were instructed to take
B street, bet. 2d and 3d, MoMinnville. Or. steps to secure needed improve­ the hearts of that great throng
ment of certain highways lead­ which packed the Opera house
full last night, and there was not
ing into this city.
The girls who are wearing an enemy in sight to shoot at,
Hair Cutting, Shaving and ShMM
poaing Parlor.
birds’ wings upon their hats when the command was given to
fire I” The ladies were taste­
15c SHAVING 15c. should consider that they may “ fully
uniformed, and made a
thereby be endangered the
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
chances of their wearing angels’ very handsome appearance.
(Suooesaor to A. C. Wyndham.)
wings in the “sweet by and by.”
The finder of a double duple
Ladies and children's work a specialty.
A gentleman walking up Third time keeper, lost in the cotton­
K*I have just added to my parlor the
largest and finest etook of cigars ever in t hi«
street yesterday, discovered a field- at Garrison Opera house
•ity. Try them.
five dollar piece in his pocket. Tuesday, will be suitably re­
He turned and went into Bishop warded on returning same to
<fc Kays, where he purchashed a Line. Gortner. He doesn’t think
fine lot of toilet goods, and w-hile any of those darkeys would steal,
in the store found out that over­ ever a green watermelon ; but
coats were going oft* at cost this the watch is gone, nobody knows
McMImaville, Ore<«B.
-^McMiwwilh Batks.=-
Has Job Printers,
price two cents .
Keep your “piles” and keep
your money, if you wish ; that
is one of the blessings we enjoy
under the government in which
we live.
Miss Mertie Apperson took
first prize in Kensington paint­
ing, and Mrs. Hartman second
The work was very
There is now no obstacle in
the way of the narrow guage
road into Portland. House bill
No. 198 has be<‘n signed by the
Custer Post band resuscitated
for the fair was welcomed heart­
ily. We are glad to learn that
there is a good prospect for its
permanent reorganization.
We’ve sworn off forever from
gambling. Can never again be
lured to put up hard earned coin
in the delusive hope of obtain­
ing five dollars for a nickel.
“A sure cure for a felon, is to
hold the afflicted finger in a cat’s
ear for fifteen minutes. That is
all right, but who is going to
hold the cat ? We merely ask for
Services at St. .James church
Ash Wednesday Ila. m. and
7:30 p. m. and on Thursday
Meditation at 4 p. m. Confirma­
tion lecture at 7:30 p. m. Friday.
Cards for all lenten services may
be had from the Rector, Rev.
John C. Fair, or any member of
the vestry.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership formerly ex­
isting between A. L. Mills <t W.
A. Howe unddr tKe name of
Mills ct Howyhas/his day been
dissolved, /he l/isiness will be
continued Xiy y. A. Howe to
whom allXmynZnts due Mills &
Howe and all claims against the
old firm should be presented.
North Yamhill Feb. 15,‘87. 51.5t
He had too much brains,
We are sorry to say ;
Hut he couldn’t help it,
For he ain’t built that way.
(AcroM the Pants)
You will find the largest and finest
assortment of stoves and hardware
ever brought to this country, and we
can, and will sell you cheaper than
any body. Manning & Co.
Grind stones, beet quality, at two
cents per lb. at Manning A Co’s.
Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music
tn McMinnville and at McMinnville
college. Residence ooruer of Second
•nd C Streets.