i u. M The Daily Reporter 1). C. IRELAND 1 CO. PUBLISHERS. SiibtcriHair*. By Carrier per week........................ 1" cent« (Payable on Saturday.) Single Copy...................................... > “ By Mail 10oents per Month (In Advance.) € « bids a humane person from re­ joicing at the prosperity that it forebodes. MISCELLANEOUS. First National Bank, —OF M’MINNVILLE, OREGON.— Oregon Press Comments. ------ OFFICERS :------ J acob W ortman .................... President It is very evident that the W. D. F enton , .............. Vice-president J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier backbone of winter has been Headquarters for Ratei (or Adverti»iiig Transacts a General Banking business. broken, and the Chinook winds Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. Interest allowed on time deposits. of the last two minutes have ■ Collections made on favorable terms. Exchange and Telegraphic Transfert STAPLE AND FANCY on Sight McMinnville, Or. Feb. 23. 1887 given everything the appearance New York, San Francisco and Portland. Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. of spring.—Courier. John L. Sullivan, the slugger, E. W. James, whose playful FIRE INSURANCE. use of a gun resulted in the death is going to be presented with a JOHAT WORTMAW Represents the following sterling compan­ of Mrs. Newton, at Albina, a few gold belt, covered all over with ies: London & Liverpool & Globe, North days ago, is booked by the grand diamonds. If somebody would British & Mercantile, Commercial Union Fire Association, German Amerioan, Fire­ belt him over his yawp traps, jury for manslaughter, as his man’s Fnnd, Hartford, Commercial, Angle Nevada, State Investment. crime deserves. Lawyers are set­ and chug up his wind, it would Wheat insurance a specialty. ting their wits to work to show be about the correct thing.—Vi­ why the man should be relieved dette. A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON The press of yesterday inform General Merchandise of blame in the premises. We Dealers In o suppose the defense will be based us of the election of Hon. C. upon the assertion that he did’nt Leinenweber as one of the three ‘ HARDWARE, Sole Agent for the Celebrated mean to, and is sorry, or per­ pilot commissioners. Mr. L. is haps they will come boldly to thoroughly competent in every TINWARE & JA -Y- way to fill the position, and no the front and say that the woman had no business to be around better man could have been .sz. elected.—T ranscript. *0 Agricultural Implements, Pumps, with milk cans when a gentle­ It doesn’t seem necessary for a man was starting out for a day’s Pipes, Etc. state legislature to do what ours Assortment of these Popular Goods «port. Alli of which will be sold as did yesterday—pass a law com­ If L. Shobe continues to ad­ pelling the attendance of child­ ZJV ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES, NEW dress such fine descriptions of ren at school, but the facts AND DESIRA­ his new home to citizens of Mc­ prove its necessity. The law is BLE COLOR­ Minnville as the one received a good one, and is a matter of We Make a Specialty of all INGS, here by John Wortman to-day, justice to the state and the Kinds of Job, Work Par­ he will certainly create a panic, child.—Astorian. JUST RECEIVED ticularly produce the yellow fever, or Iron and Tin Roofing, something of the sort. He says 1887 The Weekly 1888 Please Call and Examine. he could dispose of his brick, Galvanized iron Cornioes and window cape. In faot we do anything that oomes in where Manning & Co. are, for onr line, with neatness and dis W hat we G uarantee $15,(X)0 before night, if he had it patch and, FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR in Wellington. He cleaned up MANUFACTURE. ONLY $1 FOB TWO YXABS. Never Tell You it Can’t be Done $325.00 on real estate transfers in Thia period inolades the next Presidential Bring on your designs and we will cut your •one week, and a newspaper item campaign. patterns, and do your work, and To be made from the very best ma­ don’t yon forget it. accompanying his letter tells of Kepubllcun S ucccsn Demands terial, by skillful workmen, with the Constant Work. the average sales of property Parties sending five subscribers with $5 latest and most approved machinery, South east cor. 3d and C streets, McMinn, ville, Oregon. A. H. & O. O. HODSON. weekly footing up to a million will receive an extra copy free. and to be the cheapest goods in the E. W. FOX, market when service is considered. President and Manager, dollars. Loans at bank close at Washington, D. C. Are so thoroughly finished that they eighteen per cent. ----- (O)----- Readers of THE REPORTER can can be worn in damp weather, or in a The Montana ranges have been have the NATIONAL REPUBLICAN shower, without fear of being ruined literally swept of cattle, a fact and THE REPORTER for the bal­ by curling or shrinking. of this year , 1887, for $1.75 ; or that reflects discredit upon the ance The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ both , for the two years ensuing till ------- OF------- humanity and financial ability after the inauguration in 1889, for ishing is done in such a manner, that the goods can be washed if desired of the ranchmen of that terri­ four dollars cash. Now is the time to subscribe. without the least injury to fabric. tory. No man has a right to Address, D. C. IRELAND