McMinnville, Or. - - Feb. 21, 1887 CORRESPONDENCE. Lafayette. Miss Belle Belcher has been very s^ck, but is improving. A little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. McVicker some time last week. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Kelty spent the past week in Portland visiting relatives and friends. Miss Belle Aiderman received a very severe injury of the eye on Sunday. She was using a curling iron, which by some means slipped, hitting her in the eye and inflicting a painful burn. Prof. Carl Young has not given up his school, reports to the contrary notwithstanding. It is his intention to resume his duties this week if he continues to feel as well as for the past few days. Mrs. Young’s health con­ tinuing poor, she will remain for a time with her mother in McMinnville. All lovers of justice and right are glad that Hall’s bill attempt­ ing to ^mend the school law failed to pass. Put in plain words, the bill meant just this: To take away the right of suf­ frage from the tax paying, law- abiding women of the state, and give the same right, unasked, to tramps, vagabonds, impecunious youths and indiscriminate loaf­ ers of the masculine gender. Is it any wonder that right-minded men and women all over the state rose up in indignant protest? And all, with one accord, are gratified to know that the few who advised the passage of such a bill were at last left in a hope­ less minority. And so the county seat ques- ion is to be settled by the voters at last. Well, that is the only way it can be disposed of satis­ factorily to all concerned. But, whatever yotl do, friends, don’t get angry about it. Keep in a good humor, and keep truth on your side. Don’t “say the county needs new buildings and will have to have them,” unless you know it to be true. Some one who ■ w said that the other day is very much mistaken. Our county buildings are in good order, and a large number of the people know it, * while • • more V •• will find it out before November. a Lafayette has a brighter future in store than she has had for years, as indicated by bristling activity and substantial improve­ ments. Her railroad facilities are good. The narrow gauge connecting her directly with Portland, Salem and other cities, to say nothing of a number of towns in our own county, and the west side connecting her di­ rectly with McMinnville and other towns. Of course Lafayette wants to keep the county seat, and will do so if she can ; but if she loses in the contest, we think she will ac­ cept her defeat gracefully. NEW TO-DAY. The bill which proposed to take away from taxpaying women JOHN J. SAX, of Oregon the privilege of voting Has his at school elections on the same terms with taxpaying men and to give men the right to vote at In Running Order, such elections without the prop­ -AND— erty clause prescribed by the law, Will chop Feed for $2 per ton fell in the house through the or one-tenth toll. ----------(o)---------- weight of its own injustice. The Farmers and others having grain to chop oome to my mill, and attend to any vote upon it was 38 to 19, and can business in the oity to better advantage than the only thing now left of the driving two miles out of town to get their ohopping done. JOHN J. 8AX contemptible attempt is the hu­ McMinnville, Or. miliating knowledge that there are nineteen men in the lower house of the Oregon assembly who voted for a measure so pal­ Dining Station of the 0. C. R. R. McMinnville, Oregon. pably and shamelessly unjust. Feed Chopping Mill Til Central Hotel, F. Multner, Prop. S elina . Facts Worth Knowing. Home rulers—Women. Swift’s Specific is a medicine that has done more to relieve suffering humanity than all the physicians.—-Larry Gantt. A bird on the toast is worth eighteen in the bush. Cancer is the worst form of blood poison, but Swift’s Specific has conquered cancer. A court house—The home of marriageable daughters. The worst cases of scrofula have yielded to the influence of Swift’s Specific. Needles were invented in 1545, and some men haven’t learned to thread them yet. S. S. S. is purely vegetable, and it is an antidote to all vege­ table and mineral poison. Thous­ ands have tested it. “He who laughs can commit no deadly sin,” said the wise and sweet-hearted woman who was the mother of Goethe. A gentleman in Montgomery, Ala., took S. S. S. to cure an ulcer, and he affirms that it cured him of incipient consumption also. S. S. S. in dry powder form will suit all temperance folks. They can use alcohol or leave it out, as suits them best. “Is marriage declining ?” asks an exchange. No, it is generally accepting. The Swift Specific Company have two books they mail free to all who may apply for them. One on Contagious Blood Poi­ sons and the other on Blood and Skin Diseases. Send for them. For sale by Rogers & Todd. Treatise on blood and skin dis­ eases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., drawer 3, Atlanta, Georgia; 157 W. 23d street, New York. Now is the time to subscribe. $1.5O Per Year. Subscribe Now. The Best Paper in the valley. Gives all the best news. R P (Late of the 8t. Charles.) Thia Hotel has just been refitted and new­ ly refurnished throughout, and will be kept in a flrat class style. The table is supplied with all the market affords, and guests can rely upon good clean beds, and oomfortablS rooms. Special aocomodations for commercial travelers. SEVENTH ANNUAL Send your name Aud one $1.50 R S1.5O. T $1.50. E FIREMAN S FAIR —OF THE— D.C.Ireland&Cop Publishers. |> ■ MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ARE ottered for sale represented as good as the Famous —AT— Garrison Opera House, ■CT THEY ARE NOT! And like all Counterfeits lack the Remarkable LASTING Qualities OF THE GEWVINE. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, February 22d, 23d and 24th, 1887. LIST OF PRIZES. There wi I be prizes given on the following named exlrbila: let o id 2d prize for best and 2d I sat ex­ hibit of Kou'ungton p ' ’ting. 1st and "1 prize, for Lest or I 2d best ex­ hibit of Kensington e nbroidery. 1st and 2d prize, ’or he . erm !'d best ex­ THIS And Insist hibit of outline wo. k by a child under 14 yoars of age. Exact npon •st a id 2d 'or • ( . ai I 2d best ex­ hibit of W j . L of any kind 1,v n boy under 14 ABEL years HAVEN of n-.o. 1st P”d 2d prize, for best and 2d best ex­ on Each hibit of oravon work. them There will also be a prize given for the CHIMNEY heaviest, lightest a 1 pretties, baby under 1 with year of age. I. PatOct. Following Isa list of prizes offered: For the prettiest baby, gold neokr ; lightest and heaviest baby tinder one year of age, each a The TOP i;old ring; outline work by a child nnder manufactured ONLY by ourteen ye rrn, first prize, ear rings, second prize scrap book; Kensington embroidery, GEO. A. MACBETH & drat prize, rapkin ring, seoond prize, box PITTSBURGH. PA. writing ps;?r: kensington painting, first prize, manicure set, second prize, braokrt; J. J ohnson . crayon Wbrk, first p ize, paper holder, second J. M c D onooh . priz«*, pitcher; boy s work, first prize, paper holder, seoom prize, inkstand. Parade of Firemen Tuesday af­ ternoon. PEARLTOP PEARL is CO,, McDonogh & Johnson CoinmiNNion ilercli antw, Doors will he open at 7 o’clock, —AND DKALZBS IN— p. m. daily, during the Fair. All kinds of California and Oregon — All are invited to Attend— produce. Admission 25 Cents. 211 WASHINGTON 8TREET, ’ By Order of C ommittex . San Franoisoo, California.