The Daily Reporter. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. would break, and exclaiming : “Oh, my papa is killed, my papa is killed.” MISCELLANEOUS. First National Bank, —OF M’MINNVILLE, OREGON.— Mubscription Hates. 10 cents By Carrier per week......................... (Payable on Saturday.) 2 “ Single Copy........................................ By ’Mail W oents per Month (In Advance.) MISCELLANEOUS, Our Public Schools. _ Following exhibits the scholarship and deportment of the Bellevue Itale» for Advertising school for the month ending Feb. 18th. Will l>e made satisfactory to all applicants. Those marked with a star are on the roll of honor: Feb. 22, 1887 McMinnville, Or. N ames 8. D. Henry Sargent 97 99 Welden Jones 100 Yamhill County not Misrepresented. Leonard Tharp . 96 98 100 98 S alem , February 19, 1887. Albert Yocum....... *Ana Burns ................ 99 97 E ditor R eporter : May Buel................ . 99 97 Guild . . 90 9t The report of the proceedings Arthur Walter Davis. 97 100 of the legislature in the Orego­ ♦Edward Warren 100 90 Harry Lehman . 97 96 nian in reference to the Leinen­ Luella Jones 96 100 weber election as one of the Pi­ Rebeca Powel 95 99 . 99 96 lot-commissioners places me in Bertha Guild George Davis ............. 100 97 a wrong light. I neither heard, Ora Buel.............. 96 96 knew, or cared whether he was ♦Tommy Warren 97 96 Nettie Guild ............ 99 97 what some persons call a “Mitch­ Wilbur Mulkey . .................. 99 100 ell man” or not. I have always Jimmie Burns........ ........ 95 96 Buel........ 95 95 held, as a principle, that where ♦Williard ♦Pratt Chapens .............. 100 99 judges of elections, pilot com­ ♦Frank Crete 100 95 missioners or any other position Mose ph Buel.......... ............. 90 90 Fannie Guild.......... ..............100 95 where three persons were to be Harry Chapens 95 99 K atie C asey , Teacher. selected, one should be of the ------ OFFICERS :------ Headquarters for swo amp foot J acob W ortman . W. D. F enton ,... J ohn W ortman ....... President Vice-president ............ Cashier Transacts a General Banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made on favorable terms. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers on New York, San Francisco and Portland. Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. FIRE INSURANCE. JOHV WORTMAN Represents the following sterling compan­ ies: London & Liverpool & Globe, North British & Mercantile. Commercial Union Fire Association, German Amerioan, Fire­ man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo Nevada, State Investment. Wheat insurance a specialty. General Merchandise A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON Dealers In o Sole Agent for the Celebrated Broaâhead * * Dress Goods Agricultural AL *V* Implements, Pumps, Pipes, Etc. Assortment of these Popular Goods Alli of whioh will be sold as minority party. My position Board of Trade. IN ALL THE LATES1 was well known to many mem­ There will be a called meet­ NOVELTIES, NEW bers of the legislature. I voted ing of the board of trade at the AND DESIRA­ for Leinenweber because I was council chamber (this) Tuesday BLE COLOR­ in possession in evidence that evening at 7 p. m., by order of We Make a Specialty of all INGS, satisfied me that lie was honest, the president. Kinds of Job Work Par­ and thoroughly qualified for the JUST RECEIVED. ticularly NEW OPENING position. And also because he Iron and Tin Roofing, In MoMinnville, Or. was the unanimous choice of the ERNEST BOLLACK, Please Call and Examine. democratic members of the leg­ Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps. In faot we do anything that comes in islature. The election of Lein­ oar line, with neatness and dis­ W hat we G uarantee enweber was discussed a good patch and, FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR deal by the members and I MANUFACTURE. lever Tell You it Can t be Done. never heard of its being consid­ Bring on your designs and we will cut your ered as an endorsement of any patterns, and do your work, and To be made from the very best ma­ don’t you forget it. terial, by skillful workmen, with the one, and 1 don’t know that it latest and most approved machinery, South east cor. 3d and C streets, MoMinn* would have made any difference A. H. & O. O. HODSON. and to be the cheapest goods in the ville, Oregon. with my vote if I had. I would market when service is considered. have supported any other demo­ Jewelry Work Neatly Done. Are so thoroughly finished that they Watches Guaranteed and crat, possessing the same quali­ can be worn in damp weather, or in a War ran ted. shower, without fear of being ruined fications, if he had been select­ by curling or shrinking. ed by the democratic members. Third street, bet. C. and D. in the tailoring The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ I was not “duped” in support­ establishment of K. B. Hibbs. ishing is done in such a manner, that ir----- ing Leinenweber and have neith­ 1887 The Weekly 1888 the goods can be washed if desired er regrets nor apologies, and be­ without the least injury to fabric. lieve that I properly represent Our goods are wool dyed, and colors Third St., Opposite as fast as the purest dyes and greatest the voters of Yamhill county. YAMHILL CO., C harles L a follett . ONLY $1 FOE TWO YEARS. A curious instance of premoni­ This period includes the next Presidential tion is related in the case of campaign. Success Demands Isauc Mushrush, one of the vic­ Republican Constant Work. tims of the recent disaster in Parties sending five subscribers with $5 Pittsburg. On Sunday he was will receive an extra copy free. E. W. FOX, President and Manager, much • depressed and told his Washington, D. C. wife that he feared some great calamity. At 2 o’clock on Mon­ Readers of THE REPORTER can day the explosion occurred and have the NATIONAL REPUBLICAN and THE REPORTER for the bal­ he was killed. At the same hour, ance of this YEAR, 1887, for fl.75 ; or before it was possible for the both , for the two years ensuing till news of the explosion to reach after the inauguration in 1889, for the house, his little child, play­ four dollars cash. Now is the time ing in the yard, ran into the to subscribe. Address, D. C. IRELAND A Co., house, crying as if her heart McMinnville, Or. care and skill can make them. Goods show just what they are and will be until worn out, as there is no weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ tre used to increase the weight or fin­ ish ; as is the case with a large class of goods in the market, but which disap­ pears after a few days’ service. As manufacturers we have taken great pains to supply an article in every way reliable, and unsurpassed by similar goods, either foreign or do­ mestic, and would respectfully ask an examination of the various styles and shades to be found on sale by mer­ chants who are agents for the goods. All goods of our manufacture should bear the name and trade mark of B roadhead W orsted M ills , Jamestown, N. Y. YAMHILL CO. BANK. D on ’ t F orget the ,P lace , —Where you will— ALWAYS FIND — IM THE — latest _ styi . es . Furnishing Goods of all kind, and a bovs all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents for the ' Brownsville Woolen Will, Carrying a full line of all goods made by these celebrated mills. .