The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, February 21, 1887, Image 1

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‘ I ! i f t f
vol . n.
M c M innville , O regon , M onday , F ebruary
no . 43.
The Daily Reporter»
21, 1887.
Let none forget the firemen
this week.
G J. Burchett goes to Amity
to aid Rev. E. Russ in meetings.
Read the new ad. of Ernest
Bollock, who has just opened a
jewelry store on Third street.
“Washington Rhectorical Ex­
ercises” will be held in Mrs.
Matthieu’s room at the Public
school to-morrow at 10:30, A. M.
All are cordially invited to at­
A letter from Bishop Morris
states that he would probably
make a short trip down through
North Carolina in the hope of
benefiting his health. He is ex­
pected to return to his home
about the last of March.
We are pleased to see that
both Oregon and Washington
territory will be represented at
the National drill in Washing­
ton city next May. The former
by Co. G, O. S. M. (inf’y), Capt.
W. L. Dudley, Portland. And
the latter by the Seattle Rifles,
Capt. Jos. Greene.
price two cents .
McMinnville College Notes.
We notice two new students;
The ladies Guild will meet at
viz, George Clark aifd—Tap.
Mrs. Detmerings this week Wed­
Mr. Chas. Brown, a former
student of the college, visited the
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Bing­
ham of this city celebrated the
school last week.
32d anniversary of their wedding
Collegeside has been very
on the 20th.
quiet during the passed week,
hence, news is very scarce.
Dr. Taylor goes to Corvallis
Dr. Anderson organized, last
T he D aily R epobteb is issued every day on Wednesday and Thursday of
in the week except Sundays, and is delivered each week to attend cases he is
week, a class in English litera-
in the oity at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40
: Prof. Crawford, a class in
cents per month in advance. Rates for ad­
vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb .
We are informed that the
The inclinations of approach­
Choral Union will meet Tues­
Fine Book and Job Printtrs.
ing spring, remind the boys of
day p. m. at 4 o’clock for final
We beg leave to announce to the public
base balls and bats. It is ex­
that we have just added a large stock of new rehearsal at the Opera house.
novelties to our business, and make a special­
pected that the college will have
Joseph Cook is out with a new
ty of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads,
a good club, as there is excellent
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling lecture on “Prohibition after
material out of which a team
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ Death,” and a bourbon news­
grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of
can be organized.
paper sighs “If he would only
work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­
The new officers, of the society
try it.”
were installed last Saturday even­
Keep your “piles” . nd keep
ing. The question debated was
your money, if you wish that
“Resolved that the U. S. ought,
is one of the blessings we enjoy
at all times, to keep an efficient
under the government in which
Offioe over Braly’s Bank.
and well equipped navy.” The
we live.
question was decided in favor of
We regret that we cannot sup­
the affirmative. T om B ertcht .
ply further orders for the New
Goucher & Goucher. Year edition of the Reporter.
Washingtons birthday will be
The entire edition has been dis­ The wholesale attacks made suitably observed in this city to­
M c M innville ....
O begon . posed of.
by the government, through a morrow, at the public school at
horde of underling informers, 10 a. in., ami by the firemen on
Offioe and residence, corner of Third and
D. streets, next to the postoffice
on business in Portland last against men of undoubted in­ parade in the p. in., and at the
but the folks at home tegrity, upon charges of frauds, opening of tin1 annual fair in the
Mrs. M. Sliadden. Thursday,
didn’t forget that it was the 56th by cutting timber from public evening.
anniversary of his birth.
Washington territory 1ms hail
land is not very satisfactory as
FasMonatole Dressmaker*
The pioneers of Oregon will an evidence that such agents some difficulty in establishing
tSF’The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­
hold their annual meeting in are faithful servants of the pub­ the identity of the persons nam­
ting employed.
Uncle Jep- lic. There are two sides to this ed by President Cleveland as
B street, bet. 2d and 3d, MoMinnville. Or. Portland next June.
tha Garrison has been chosen as matter, and so far as these pros­ supreme judges. Diligent in­
DR. I. C. - — TAYLOR.
one of the standard bearers, and ecutions have yet extended to quiry found one of these indi­
Jos. Wall is president of the as­ Yamhill county we justly con­ viduals in Portland and the Iowa
Late of New Orleans, La.,
Piles and Fistula a Spe­ sociation.
sider that the whole proceeding State Register finds the other for
ciality. Consultation
Services at St. James church is shamefully lacking of justice. the people by stating in a dis­
tree. Ao Cure
Ash Wednesday 11 a. in. and
patch to the Post-Intelligencer
A’o Pay.
He had too much brains.
7:30 p. m. and on Thursday
j that he is one Frank Allyn, a
We are sorry to say ;
J-*?“ Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson. M. D..
But hacoutdnyhellwit.
lawyer of Keokuk, but little
MoMinnville, Oregon.
For he ainymilt/iat way.
tion lecture at 7:30 p. m. Friday.
¡known in Iowa, lie was ap-
(Across^ie I’/n»)
. • ,
Cards for all lenten services may You will findAie lar/ey and finest pointed
to please Congressman
be had from the Rector, Rev. assortment of Astoves fapd hardware Ben Hall.
this cojnitry, and we
Hair Cutting, Shaving and Sham« John C. Fair, or any member of ever brought
Mrs. Geo. A. Wilcox attended
you cheaper than
pooing Parlor.
the vestry.
any body. Manning & Co.
the sad funeral of Wm. A. Basket
15c SHAVING 15c.
Grindstones, best quality, at two
Every man, woman and child cents
while in Polk county last week.
per lb. at Manning A- Co’s.
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
in this city ought to attend, and
Miss Belie Johnson, tencher of music It was one of the most touching
(Successor to A. C. Wyndham.)
pay their way to the firemens in McMinnville and at McMinnville and sorrowful event« that has
Ladies and children’s work a specialty.
college. Residence corner of Second
ever occurred in Polk county.
have just added to my parlor the fair. Without the firemen we and C Streets.
largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this would be left worse than we
Mr. Basket was but recently
city. Try them.
have been by the disbanding of The Open Temperance society married, and at the time the
D C. IRELAND A CO., Custer Post band. The lack of will meet at Grange hall, Mon­ messenger of death summoned
public enterprise let the band day evening, Feb. 21st, at 7 him to go was preparing to at­
out; do not repeat and repent o’clock. Election of officers for tend the wedding of hirf*sister.
ensuing year and other mat* Mr. Basket was well known and
Hue Job Printers, afterwards. The fire boys save the
ters of interest. All are invited, liked by all. His death resulted
us thousands every year in in­ especially those interested in the from a severe cold, settling upon
surance alone.
work of temperance.
his brain.
McMinnville, Oregon.
Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­
ond Class Matter.