The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, February 19, 1887, Image 2

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    Th& D»ily Reporter,
Nubfccriptioii Hute».
By Carrier per week............................. 10 oeuta
(rayable on Saturday.)
Single Copy.......................................... 2 “
By Mail 10 oents per Month (In Advance.)
Kate* for Adverlitin*
Will be made aatiafaotory to all applicants.
McMinnville, Or.
Feb. 19, 1887
A Correction.
memories which surround it
through its association with the
sad history of the ill-fated prince
and poor Carlotta. Many offers
have been made for the purchase
of this precious souvenir, but the
owners have never entertained
the idea of parting with it. There
is at the present time a strong
bidder for it in the person of a
well known lady, the wife of a
millionaire, who seems deter­
mined to own the coveted treas­
ure. Almost daily she goes to
the fair, and each time renews
her offer, but as yet without suc­
and it will require all of the
special tax for repairs on school
house and grounds, that the dis­ First National Bank,
trict will feel like levying.
The firm of Buckingham &
------ OFFICERS :------
acob W ortman ........................President
Co., of this place, consisting of J W.
D. F enton .................. Vice-president
Wopds & Caples of Forest Grove J ohn W ortman ........................... Cashier
and T. C. Buckingham of this Transacts a General Banking business.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
place, have dissolved partner­ Collections
made on favorable terms.
Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers
ship; Buckingham buying the on Sight
New York, San Francisco and Portland.
interest of Woods & Caples, will Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
continue the business here in FIRE INSURANCE.
his own name, he had made ar­
rangements to discontinue here Represents the following sterling oompan -
ies: London <fc Liverpool & Globe, North
and go to the Grove, but know­ British <k Mercantile, Commercial Union
Fire Association, German American, Fire­
ing the value of the location man
’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Angle
Nevada, State Investment.
here has concluded to remain.
Wheat insurance a specialty.
Two families, immigrants, sev­
enteen in all, living in Pike,
A. H, & 0. 0. HODSON
some five miles northwest of this
Dealers Id
nlace, have been sick for the past
three weeks, as many as ten Cm
the bed at one time. I under­
stand the doctor pronounce it a
mild form of scarlet fever or
scarletina. All are getting along
well; but it seems rather dis­ Agricultural Implements, Pumps,
couraging to immigrants, but
Pipes, Etc.
they have 'the satisfaction of
Alli of whioh will be sold as
hearing that all such diseases are
always of a mild form in this LOW FOR CASH.
As the times will allow,
neighborhood. It cannot be
otherwise where they have as
We Make a Specialty of all
healthy an atmosphere, and pure
Kinds of Job Work Par­
water as we have here.
Yesterday, in the fullness of
our heart, and owing to the
scarcity of news, we permitted
a small communication to creep
into our columns which should
not have been there. In the
language of Plato, “Amicus Pla­
North Yamhill.
to, amicus Socrates, sed magis
arnica veritas.” The Daily Re­ Professor Powell M teacning
porter is not published as a mud singing here. He has a class of
slinger, hence this journal apol­ about sixty and gives perfect sat­
ogizes for the appearance of said isfaction.
Messers, Gates & Henry, liv­
“To err is human; to forgive, ery men have sold their stable
and entire outfit to T. M. Laugh­
lin. Mr. Gates has gone to east­
Oregon Mills.
ern Oregon to look for another
The Northw’estern Miller says location.
that “Portland, Oregon, probably
The mail to Tillamork goes
has fewer flouring mills than any and comes once or twice a week.
other city situated in the heart There is so much snow and fall­
of u great wheat-growing country en timber on the mountains it
in the United States. A very is a wonder that it comes as of­
O nce .
large quantity of wheat is receiv­ ten as it does,
Iron and Tin Roofing,
ed there annually. There are
Our private school under the
One effect of the boodle prose­
but three mills in the vincity of management of Professor Wil­ cutions in New York will be Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps.
In faot we do anything that comes in
the metropolis, two in Portland liamson has proved a success so such an advance in the price of
our line, with neatness and dis­
and one at Albina. Only one at far, and gains popularity every aidermen that only the richest
patch and,
Portland produced any quantity day. It is doubtful if there is a corporations will be able to own
Never Tell You it Can’t be Done.
of flour last year, the others con­ place in the state that can boast any considerable number of Bring
on your designs and we will out your
fining themselves to other pro­ of its equal.
patterns, and do your work, and
don’t you forget it.
ductions. The two at Portland
The snow' is fast disappearing
The fear that public discus­
South east cor. 3d and C streets, MoMinn-
have a capacity of 1,350 bbls, and and the farmers are fearful of sion of our defenseless condition ville,
A, H. & O. O. HODSON.
were operated about 300 days freezing weather that will injure will advertise our weakness for
last year, turning out about 405,- the grain. Hay is a little scarce foreign nations is ludicrously
000 bbls. This output at $3.75 at $10 per ton. Potatoes selling absurd. All the world knows
per bbl, was worth $1,545,000. at one cent per pound. There that we have neither forts, guns,
'Phe officers of the mill report a has been a good many sick nor ships.
large and increasing demand for horses since the cold weather
F. Zirkie, a wealthy marble
the flour, which now goes in all commenced but Dr. A. J. Killin dealer of Joliet, Ill., was buried
directions, principally to Europe, seems to be successful in getting recently. In accordance with
his request the body was put in
although British Columbia, Pu- them up.
Third St., Opposite
The Good Templers of this a plain, black box, and the fun­
Sound and other parts of the
Pacific coast consume large quan­ place will give an entertainment eral was attended only by his
D on ’ t F orget the P lace .
tities of it. There is room in at Laughlins hall on Friday wife and child, and there were
Portland for several flouring evening March 1th, commencing
—Where you will—
mills of large capacity.”
It is said that a pair was ar­
at 7 p. m. They propose to have
declamations, essays, and read­ ranged between Hiscock and
A Valuable Relic.
ing, interspersed with singing Reagan just before they started
At the Aztec fair going on in and music. The closing exer- for their respective states to
Washington, is to be seen a cises will be a lunch and a gen- enter the senatorship struggles.
large topaz in the Maximillian oral good time. Admittance 25 Both won. It is seldom that one
, pair wins two such games.
collection, which bears the crest cents.
The deliberation of President
The» district school, Professor
of the unfortunate emperor, and
was used by him as his private Johnsoifr principal ami Mrs. Cleveland over the interstate
seal. This is one of the finest Robison assistant, will close a six commerce bill may fairly be in-
Goods of all kind, and above
and largest gems of its kind in months term on March 4th. , dicating that he does not regard all Furnishing
it with that emphatic approval for the
the world, and its intrinsic value The board of directors have de­ which was betokened by its rapid
is very considerable, but its main cided not to have a spring term passage through both houses of Brow n «ville Woolen Hill,
Carrying a full line of all goods made by
value now lies in the solemn as usual, as the funds are low. congress by large majorities.
these celebrated mills