The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, February 19, 1887, Image 1

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NO. 42.
Th© PaHy
M c M innville , O regon , S aturday , F ebruary
Dr. Michaux, of Lafayette,
was on our streets to-day.
The new assessment bill and
Watts’ liquor bill have been de­
D. C. IRELAND & Co.,
The legislature adjourned yes­
terday at 10 a. m., amid much
OREGON hillarity.
Miss Mary Hembree returned
T he D aily R epobtkb is issued every day
in th6 week exoept Sundays, and is delivered from her visit to Lafayette to­
in the oity at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40
cents per month in advance. Rates for ad­ day.
vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb .
Judge Loughary came over
yesterday to have a look at the
Fine Book and Job Printtrs.
new court house.
-We beg leave to annonnoe to the public
This spring-like day brought
that we have just added a large stock of new
novelties to our business, and make a special­ in a large number of our farm­
ty of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads,
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies’ Calling ers and our streets look quite
Cards. Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ metropolitan.
grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of
Keep your “pii^|” and keep
work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­
your money, if you wish ; that
is one of the blessings we enjoy
under the government in which
we live.
The mercury in Dakota last
Offioe over Braly’s Bank.
week reached sixty degrees be­
low zero. Dakota doubtless
E. E. OOUCHEB. w’ants to come into the Union
Goucher & Goucher. in order to get warm.
The Brownsville Informant
M c M innville ....
O regon . has suspended and the editor, J.
H. Stine, is removing the mater­
Office and residence, oorner of Third and
D. streets, next to the postoffice.
ial to Lebanon where he expects
to start another paper.
Mrs. M. Shadden.
Henry Watterson hopes (rod
will raise up a leader for the de­
Fashionable Dressmakers mocracy. Well, Brigham Young
ISPThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­
is said to have been raised up.
ting employed.
B street, bet. 2d and 3d, MoMinnville, Or. What’s the matter with him ?
The evictions in Ireland are
DR. I. C. ■■■ — TAYLOR.
an infamy that should shame
the English people and arouse a
Late of New Orleans, La.,
Piles and Fistula a Spe­ public sentiment before which
ciality. Consultation
the ministry would be compelled
free, Ao t'urc
to halt.
No Pay.
“ How far can you count,
Office with H V. V. Johnson, M. D.; Johnny?” “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,—
MoMinnville, Oregon.
let me see—8, 9, 10—” “Good!
so far complete. Go on.” “ Jack,
queen, king—” “Take your
Hair Cutting, Shaving and Sham, seat.”
pooing Parlor.
Remember and call at the Re­
15c SHAVING 15c. porter office when you want tine
printing. We carry the largest
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
stock of stationery in the city.
(Successor to A. C. Wyndham.)
Our business manager is now in
Ladies and children’s work a specialty.
have jnst added to my parlor the Portland making large addition­
largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this
al selections.
•itt. Try them.
The broom drill, under the
D. C. IRELAAD A CO., able supervision of Col. Cal.
Cooper, will prove one of the
most interesting feature of the
coming fair. The young ladies
take interest in the manuel, and
will earn a rapturous applause.
McMinnville, Oregon.
Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnville for
Trangnriaeion Through the Mails as Sec­
ond Class Matter.
---------- o----------
Fine Job Printers,
19. 1887.
Dr. Taylor gqt's to Corvallis
on Wednesday sahd Thursday of
each week tci attend cases he is
treating there.
A good piano must be placed
in the Opera house next week
for the fair, to make the exer­
cises a complete success.
All parties desirious of com­
peting for the conundrum prize
are requested to hand them in
to the committee to-morrow
without fail.
Talk is cheap but when you
get down to business A. H. 0.
O. Hodson, oen sell you better
bargains in hiwdwanL tinware,
stove, ranges And aiiv/luifl^ you
may want in this UXeJnLbetter
prises than*ah^^ther firm in
the county. If you have got
cash to spend and want to get
the value of your money, bring
it to the only house in the coun­
ty that is capable of fulfilling
any order you may give them,
and satisfaction guaranteed. A
word to the wise, etc.
A farmer’s wife in Wasco coun­
ty, Or., eloped with the hired
man and left a note begging her
husband to not let the affair get
into the papers. “It will make
such a scandal, you know, dear.”
C. P. church. Services next
Sunday at the usual hours. Sub­
ject for forenoon: “How to seek
the Lord.” Subject for evening:
“The Lamb of God.” Sunday
school 9:30 a. m. All are cor­
dially invited to attend.
One of the curious eoincidencs
nomenclature is that the daugh­
ter of Gen. Logan married a Mr.
Tucker, while the daughter of
Rep. Randolph Tucker married
a Mr Logan. Each couple have
a son. The name of ono is
Tucker Logan, and the other is
Logan Tucker.
T. II. II kndkrson , Pastor.
Among the passengers on the
steamer State of California,
which sailed for Astoria and
Portland this morning, were
Capt. Church and Engineer
Harmon, who were rescued by
Near the head waters of the the steamer Empire from the
Yaquina, on the road leading to Dawn, the little Astoria steamer
the ranch of Wallis Nash, on abandoned at sea February 13.
Rock Creek, recently occured a
No fiction, that Hodson’s suc­
slide of mammoth proportions, cess frr-bpsiness Kas Been in hav­
says the Newport News. It broke ing H*<yii)ilit.y to <|" anything
near the top of quite a high and/vv<£#4hing '«pming in their
mountain and slid down to the line of work from a tin whistle
little valley below, a distance of to the most dlabor^ite iron work
nearly half a mile, and being called for, irhd in not having to
about the same distance in catch points and patterns from
width. There was a small ranch some one With more brains and
at the foot of the hill, which was git up than themselves.
Carrie and Eddie Shank gave
entirely covered up.
house, which was unoccu­ a joint birthday party Friday
About twenty-four
pied at the time, was en­ evening.
tirely obliterated. The Yaquina w< re present, and all had a pleas­
was completely dammed and a ant time. Those present were:
large* lake formed above. All Carrie and Eddie Shank, Bob
egress and ingress to Mr. Nash’s Bingham, Walter Baker, Geor­
ranch, otherwise than on foot, gia and Katie Jones, Alta Booth,
is completely cut off. It is the Willie, Joe and Minnie Hamnett,
most wonderful slide that has! Myrtle and Robert Henderson,
ever occured in this part of the> Burt Clark, Becca Dumphrey,
Leonard and Francis Ireland,
Lizzie Gains, Mattie and Fran­
Board of Trade.
cis Deilschneider, A mbio Wright,
There will' la called meet- Allie Lewis, Ernest Henderson
ing of the boa ltd of tradirai the and Lucy Miller.
council cha unbe'n oiiX'fnesday
The Open Teijipurance society
evening at ’ 7Q). .,/ljy order
orde of will meet at Gyande hall, Mon­
day evening, Mfeb. 21st, at 7
the president
o’clock. Electioiiof officers for
Mis« Belle Johnson, teacher of music the ensuing jtear and other mat­
in McMinnville and at McMinnville ters of intere/t. All are invited,
Residence corner of Second especially those interested in the
work of temperance.
•nd O Streets.
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