MISCELLANEOUS, MISCELLANEOUS. Congressman Julius Caesar Burroughs of Muskegon has a I>. C. IRELAND 4 CO. PUBLISHERS. First National Bank brother in Ohio whose name is —OF m ’MINNVILI.E, OREGON.— Mibkcriptiwii Hate*. Napoleon Boneparte, and he has By Carrier per week........................... 10 oents two sisters called Marie Antoi­ ------OFFICERS (Payable on Saturday.) J acob W ortman .................... President nette and Catharine de Medici. Single Copy.......................................... 2 “ W. D. F enton , .............. Vice-president By Mail tOeenta per Month (In Advance.) There is not a lightning roc J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier Headquarters for Huit» for Advertising in Oregon except on the ligh; Transacts a General Banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Will be runde SHtisfactory to nil applicants. houses. Lightning rod men is Collections made on favorable terms. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers STAPLE AND FAOtev one of the afflictions this coun ­ McMinnville, Or, Feb. 18, 1887 on New York, San Francisco and Portland. Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. try has never been subjected to. I To those who came from the Bogus Mineral Waters. FIRE INSURANCE. belt of states along the Ohio this JOHN WORTHAV A leading medical journal of fact is a powerful one in making Represents the following sterling compan­ France has published a pamph­ their cup of happiness full. ies: London A Liverpool A Globe, North British A Mercantile, Commercial Union let protesting against the extrav­ See what can be done by uni­ Fire Association, German American, Fire­ man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo agant use of artificial mineral ted effort, by ¡lulling together. Nevada, State Investment. Wheat insurance a specialty. water«, which do the double And note the dismal failure that ------- AND------- damage of chilling the stomach, can be accomplished by oppos­ thus laying the foundation for ing each other and kicking General Merchandise A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON gastric catarrh, while the lime against progress just to spite Dealers In ■O' stone held in deposit in the car­ some one else. It is the differ­ bonated waters finds its way to ence between success and failure HARDWARE, Sole Agent for the Celebrated the kidneys, and eventually pro­ in town building. At, At. TINWARE & duces Bright’s disease. The It may be doubted if there 'b 'b pamphlet protests against ice ever was before such an immense water as a provocative of catarrh amount of getting ready for war Agricultural Implements, Pumps, in the stomach. It further as is reported to be going on now says: “ Water should be drank in Europe. But look to which Pipes, Etc. Assortaient of these Popular Goods Alli of whioh will be sold as cool, but not iced, with the juice government we will, nothing but IN ALL THE LATES1 of a quarter or half lemon in it. ¡»eaceful expressions are forth­ LOW FOR CASH. NOVELTIES, NEW Mineral water should also be coming. There is no truth, it As the times will allow, AJ\'D DESIRA­ drank with a dash of lemon. is said, in the report that Bis­ BLE COLOR- Water should always be swallow­ mark will ask France to explain We Make a Specialty of all INGS, ed slowly. It is not the stom­ her military movements, and Kinds of Job Work Par- ach which is dry, but the mouth Gen. Boulanger says that he is J VST RECEIVED. ticularly and throat. If you toss off a not making any. Russia, ver­ Iron and Tin Roofing, drink of water you throw it bally, is as mild as a dove. At Please Call and Examine. through your month into your the same time the Bourses are Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps. In faot we do anything that comes in stomach, without doing the in a nervous condition, and there W hat we G uarantee our line, with neatness and dis­ former any good, while you in­ is a tremendous strain generally, FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR patch and, jure the latter by loading it with | with no breakages so far. MANUFACTURE. Never Tell You it Can t be Done. what it does not require, Drink 'fhe recent fearful railroad ac­ Bring on your designs and we will out your slowly, and keep the water in cident in Vermont by which To be made from the very best ma-1 patterns, and do your work, and don’t you forget it. your mouth for a moment when over half a hundred human be­ terial, by skillful workmen, with the latest and most approved machinery, Lilte.o^^ you begin, If you work in a ings were mangled and roasted hot room in hot weather, tie a into eternity, brings the subject and to be the cheapest goods in the ------ when service is considered. "R'| damp (doth around your tein- again vividly before the people, market Are so thoroughly finished that they J pies, and you will not experience and the thought that comes up­ can be worn in damp weather, or in a half the craving for drink you permost is, cannot some ¡»lan be shower, without fear of being ruined I T p| ftTII|PI|p=' otherwise would.” adopted whereby these terrible by curling or shrinking. liHll lit uLU I llltKbUli holacausts can be prevented. The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ 'l'he mercury in Dakota last The most sickening details of ishing is done in such a manner, that week reached sixty degrees be­ these many recent accidents the goods can be washed if desired low zero. Dakota doubtless ¡arise from the tires that are without the least injury to fabric. wants to come into the Union kindled in the heating stoves, Our goods arc wool dyed, and colors Third St., Opposite as fast as the purest dyes and greatest in order to get warm. yamhi I l co . bank . and roast the helpless passengers care and skill can make them. JW p 7 D on ’ t F orget the P lace , Lieut. Sehwatka telegraphs j that would otherwise escape with Goods show just what they are andl from Montana, where he is now | not very serious injuries. Can- will be until worn out, as there is no —Where yon will— with the exploring ¡»arty he was j not these cars be heated by weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ tre used to increase the weight or fin­ reported to have abandoned, 'steam and the danger from the ish ; as is the case with a large class of that the winter scenes in the fires be dispensed with? Some­ goods in the market, but which disap­ Yellowstone exceed in beauty thing of that kind should be pears after a few days’ service. anything that has been seen adopted and will be too, and the As manufacturers we have taken great pains to supply an article in there for many years. railroad managements owe it to every way reliable, and unsurpassed The Silverton Appeal is one themselves to see that the matter by similar goods, either foreign or do­ of the best printed and most is attended to at once. Public mestic, and would respectfully ask an — IN THB— ably edited of Oregon interior buildings are heated by steam, examination of the various styles and journals. If Salemites don’t why not railroad cars. Certain­ shades to be found on sale by mer­ LATESTSTYLES Goods of all kind, and above look a leedle ouot Bro. Guild ly something must be done for chants who are agents for the goods. all Furnishing THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents • All goods of our manufacture should for the will be moving the capitol, the people will object to being pinn­ bear the name and trade mark * of I Brownsville Woolen mill, county seat, ¡Penitentiary or sun- ed helplessly down and roasted B roadhead W orsted M ills , Carryings fall line of all goods made by ‘ thin* else, over to his town. to death. Jamestown, N. Y.1 these oelebrated mills. Th© E>«hy R»part©r Broadhead « « Dress Goods Stoves YAMHILL CO ALWAYS FIND CLOTHING I