The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, February 18, 1887, Image 1

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NO. 41.
Tb® Daily Reporter.
M c M innville , O regon , F riday , F ebruary
Clark Braly lost 12 fine sheep
by worthless curs, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tapp left on
Wednesday for their home at
Oakland, Or.
The attendance at the mission
service during the past week,
OREGON tyas been usually good.
Mrs. Frank Leslie wears dia­
Tax D aily R bpobtkb is issued every day
in the week except Sundays, and is delivered monds as big as hen’s eggs, and
in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40
oenta per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ they hatch a great deal of envy.
vertising same as for T h » W ejoly R epobteb .
A boy was born to the family
of Mr. Feelner yesterday.
Fine Book and Job Prlnttrs.
Mother and child, are doing
We beg leave to announoe to the public
that we have just added a large stock of new
novelties to pur business, and make a special­
The service at St. James
ty of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads,
this (Friday) evening at
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ 7 :30 will be specially addressed
grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of to man in genefal.
work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­
Dr. Taylor goes to Corvallis
on Wednesday
hursday of
each wreek to att d cases he is
treating there.
A good piano must be placed
Offioe over Braly’s Bank.
in the Opera house next week
for the fair, to make the exer-
E. E. GOVCHEB. cises a complete success.
Goucher & Goucher.
Keep your “ files’’ and I keep
your money, i if you wish ; that
M c M innville
O regon . is one of the* blessings we enjoy
under the government in which
Office and residence, corner of Third and
we live.
D. streets, next to the poetoffioe
All parties uesirious of com­
Mrs. M. Shaddeii. peting for the conundrum prize
are requested to hand them in
Fashionable DressmaKer« to the committee to-morrow
E5T"The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ without fail.
ting employed.
We notice an article in an ex­
B street, bet. 2d and 3d, McMinnville, Or.
change headed, “Howto Trim a
DR. I. C.
TAYLOR. Waste-Basket.” We trim our
--------- o---------
with Beautiful
Late of New Orleans, La.,
Snow poems just now, and it
Piles and Fistula a Spe­
real handsome.
ciality. Consultation
W. P. Johnson, of Salem, has
flree. Ao Cure
Ao Pay.
completed arrangments for open­
[-ir* Offioe with H V. V. Johnson, M. D., ing a photograph gallery at this
McMinnville, Oregon. .
place. He will make regular
trips here during the spring and
summer. Due notice will be
given through the papers.
Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shans,
—An examination of the daily
poaing Parlar.
15c SHAVING 15c. and weekly papers of this state
for the past ninety days shows
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
that there are in jail awaiting
(Successor to A. C. Wyndham.)
trial or now on trial, for various
Ladies and children's work a specialty.
have just added to By parlor the offences, eleven boys under six.
largest and finest stock of cigar* ever in this
teen years of age.
rty. Try them.
The Open Temperance society
D C. IRELAAD Ac CO., will meet at (Jra^ge hall, Mon­
day evening, Feb. 21st, at 7
o’clock. Electkm of officers for
the ensuing-year and other mat«
ters of interei^.. 'All are invited,
especially thofie interested in the
McMinnville, Oregon. work of temperance.
Entered in the Poetoffioe at McMinnville for
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­
ond Class Matter.
---------- 0----------
Tine Job Printers,
is , 1887.
price two cents .
Kissed By Mail.
The Coldwater Mich., Courier
announces the death of the wife
A young postmaster of a vil­
of Adam Thurstin of Bronson, lage postoflice was hard at Avork
Feb. 4th. Mrs. T. was an aunt when a gentle tap was heard up­
by marriage to the L. H. Cook on the door, and in stepped a
family of this county. She was bashful maiden of sixteen, with
79 years of age. The couple a money order, which she de­
lived together 53 years.
sired cashed. She handed it to
A great many Branch county, the official with a bashful smile,
Mich., people in these parts will who, after closely examining it,
recollect the old pioneer barber handed her the money it called
F. R. Jenkins. Many of us were for. At the same time he asked
shaved by this honest old color­ her if she had read what was
ed gent. He passed away Jan. written on the margin of the
30th, and the Courier gives a order.
splendid sketch of his life.
“No, I have not,” she replied,
Talk is cheap but when you “for I cannot make it out. Will
get down to business A. H. & 0. you please read it for me?”
O. Hodson, can sell you better
The young postmaster read as
bargains in hardware, tinware, follows: “ 1 send you three dol­
stove, ranges ano. anything you lars and a dozen kisses.”
may want in this Jine, at better
“Yes,” she said, “if he has
prises than any other firm in sent me any kisses 1 want them,
the county. If ytfu have got too.”
cash to spend and want to get
It is hardly necessary to say
the value of your money, bring that the balance of the order
it to the only house in the coun­ was promptly paid, and in a
ty that is capable of fulfilling scientific manner at that, and
any order you may give them, eminently satisfactorily to the
and satisfaction guarenteed. A country maiden, for she went
word to the wise, etc.
out of the office smacking her
The second annual conven­ lips as if there was a taste upon
tion of the Oregon State Sunday them she never encountered be­
School Association will be held fore.
at Salem, Oregon, commencing
After she arrived home she
Tuesday evening, March 8th, remarked to her mother: “Eh,
and closing Wednesday evening, mother, but this postoflioe sys­
March 9th, 1887. This will be tem of ours is a great thing, de­
a mass convention and all inter­ veloping more and more every
ested in the Sunday School work year, and each new feature add­
ed, seems to be best. Jimme sent
will be welcome to participate me a dozen kisses along with
in the work of the convention, the money-order, and the post­
but to insure a representation, master gave mo twenty. It beats
all Sunday School throughout the special delivery system all
the state are earnestly requested hollow.”
to elect delegates pledged to I
The improvement of the Col­
In Fridays Telephone, some
eavesdropper expresses his opin­
ion about the Jubilee singers.
We will inform him that we
were not rehearsing for the crit­
icism of one whose idea of music
aspires no higher than the
braying of an ass. It w’as for
those who can {appreciate the
cultured voices of a well-trained
manichoir. He evidently thinks
he is a vocalist, and feels that
he is a flower that is born to
blush unseen. He has a good
voice for 2fct beer, and if prac­
tice makes perfect, he will be
able at the next fair to ting a
solo that will kill all the hard
kickers on the committee.
T he J ubilees .
umbia river is all important in
Oregon, Washington, Idaho and
Montana territories. Senator
Mitchell has just finished one of
the best reports on the subject
that has ever been made. We
have read it with deep interest;
and regret that we are not edit­
ing the Oregonian, that we
might extend its publicity. The
space in the Reporter is too lim­
ited for publication entire.
The Charade club will hold its
next meeting at Mrs. Reed’s, two
weeke from last Wednesday.
---------------- ------------- ------- r-
Miert Bel|fJohn«on| teacher of mqaio
ip McMinnville and at McMinnville
eellege. Residence comer ol Heeond
and C Streets. v.__ j