Th© Daily Reporter, MISCELLANEOUS. When two well-meaning per­ MISCELLANEOUS, sons disagree honestly as to their I). C. IRELAND A CO. I'VIILIHIIERS. First National Bank, respective rights, there is a ra­ tional mode of coming to an Subscription llairkt —OF M’MINNVILLE, OREGON.— By Carrier per week......................... 10 cents amicable settlement without ei­ ------ OFFICERS :------ (Payable on Saturday.) J acob W ortman ................... President Single Copy....................................... 2 “ ther hard words or blows, and By Mail 10 cents per Month (In Advance.) W. D. F enton ............... Vice-president that is arbitration. J ohn W ortman .......................Cashier Headquarters for Kates for Ad » erl isi ng It is a positive fact that towns Transacts a General Banking business. Will be made aatiafactory to nil applicants. Interest allowed on time deposits. and cities owe more of their Collections made on favorable terms. STAPLE AND FANCY Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers McMinnville. Or. - - Feb. 17. 1SS7 prominence and prosperity, as a on New York, San Francisco and Portland. rule, to the publicity they gain Office hours—from 9 a. ni. to 4 p. in. THE REPORTER BY STEAM. through the local press, than to FIRE INSURANCE. any or all other mediums or JOHN WORTMAN This is had weather for building, agencies. If there is any one Represents the following sterling compan­ ies: London & Liverpool