DAILY EVENING REPORTER. VOL. II. Th© 4 NO. 39. $©p©rt©r. M c M innville , O regon , W ednesday , F ebruary CITY. 16. 1887. PRICE TWO CENT8. What a Doctor Related Winter, halt; Forward, M arch ! Thanks to Senator Watts for To a reporter of the Kalama­ Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnvillefor Chinook, attention; zoo, Mich., Telegraph, Dr. Fran­ Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ many favors. Star Jubilee singer ’ s rehearsal ond Class Matter. Take your home papers and çoise, the well known veterinary --------- o---------- Thursday evening. pay for them. surgeon, said: In the spring of *>- C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. Mrs. W. H. Bingham has 1883, while handling some car­ Final adjournment of the as­ gone on a visit to her son in D. C. IRKEzlXD & ( o, bolic acid w hich I was about to sembly has been fixed for 10 p. Salem. PUBLISHERS. m. Friday of this week. use for some purpose in the Mrs. Geo. Wilcox left to-day practice of my profession, I ac­ Services at St. James (Episco­ Hc.HINNVILLE . . OREGON on a visit to the parental home cidently spilled some of it on T hs D aily R eporter is issued every day pal) church this evening at 7:30. near Derry. in the week except Sundays, and is delivered All are invited. my left leg between the ankle in the oity at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 Mr. Newgard has moved into and the knee. Well, sir, I didn't Secretary Manning has re­ wents per month in advanoe. Kates for ad­ vertising same as for T h » W eeblx R eporter . signed, and goes to New York to L. H. Cook’s cottage, corner of think of its being any very se­ Second and H streets. vere injury at the time, though become a bank president. Fine Book and Job Printtrs. Frank Spencer’s little afflicted it made quite a painful wound ; The Dayton Herald brushes We beg leave to announoe to the public boy is some better. He is still but I had a terriblo time with that we have just added a large stock of new up to the Register, and dares uuder treatment in Portland. novelties to our business, and make a special­ them to knock the chip off its that leg. On the place where it The writer of “A Mountain was burned with the acid there ty of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Ladies’ Calling shoulder. Flower,” will please send name came a running sore which never Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ Mrs. M. S. Kelty and her to this office. The article is ac­ left me for three years, and grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of daughter, Miss Queen, of La­ work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ which might have been there fayette, will spend a week visit­ ceptable. vinced. D. C. IRELAND A CO. Jno. Farrar of this city is reg­ yet if I hadn’t used S. S. S. It ing relatives in Portland. DOCTORS istered with the Abbott Opera discharged a serum like matter Increase of mail service to LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, six times a week between Mc­ company at a down town hotel and was very painful at times. It was a great inconvenience to Coy and Perrydale, Oregon, has in Portland. Office over Braly’s Bank. We deplore the dissolution me in my business, for a man to been ordered from March. 1. MeJlinnville, - - • Oregon. of Custer post band. In the be a veterinary surgeon must be Senator Dolph states that a palmy days of its life no band in C. W. GOUCHER. E. E. GOUCHER. majority of the commerce com­ both active and muscular. Well Oregon produced sweeter soul it was queer, but 1 couldn’t find Goucher & Goucher. mittee are very friendly to the stirring strains. anything that would cure that river and harbor interests of the PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. S. F. Harding is nearly blind would cure that sore. I submit­ M c M innville - - . . O regon . northwest. Prof. W. J. Crawford has laid from an accident to his eye. ted to the treatment of a number Office and residence, corner of Third and on our table a beautiful song en­ Luckily he was insured against of physicians in turn, and tried D. streets, next to the postoffioe. various remedies, Ixith standard titled the Missionary Quartett. accident in a sound company. Mrs. M. Shadden. As this is a home production we The attendance at the Alli­ and empirical, in which 1 had take pride in congratulating the ance will be large, if all turn out considerable confidence. But I Fashionable Dressmaker® author. as well as McMinnville. Among got no better. After suffering tSF’The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ Siglin has been vindicated. the delegates chosen from socie­ great pain and pecuniary loss ting employed. Wagner was hung in effigy and ties here, are: Mr. and Mrs. D. for three years, I concluded to B street, bet. 2d and 3d, McMinnville. Or. placarded “an enemy to a just C. Collier; J. O. Rogers; Wm. try it myself. I tell you I was rather discouraged, but last cause’’ by his Umatilla constitu­ Rogers; and Mr. Thompson. DR. I. C. TAYLOR, o-------- ents. Siglin always goes home 1 The Open Temperance society spring I began taking S. 8. S., Late of New Orleans, La, and felt better right off. After Piles and Fistula a Spe­ C. Q. D., but is warmly wel- ’ will meet at Grange hall, Mon­ using six bottles, averaging a coined. day evening, Feb. 21st, at 7 ciality. Consultation tree. X’o Cure Chinese pheasants are plenty' o’clock. Election of officers for bottle every seven or eight days, Vo Pay. about farmers barns ami or- the ensuing year ami other mat­ I was cured up. 'That leg was ¡¿gT Office with H. V. V. Johnson. M. D., cliards up the valley, since the1 ters of interest. All are invited, all right, and if has never both­ McMinnville, Oregon. late storm. Some farmers say especially those interested in the ered me a bit since. I am kind of mashed on that medicine, but the pheasants do considerable work of temperance. 1 have good reason to be; 1 can’t damage and others claim they R. Lanning, of Pullman, is say too much for it, and almost Hair Cutting, Muiving and Sham­ do not. visiting friends in V amhill believe it would cure anything; I Bishop Morris, of this diocese, pooing Parlor. county, after an absence of nine 15c SHAVING 15c. spent Christmas day in Balti­ years. In 1877 he was in com­ have heard a great deal of what it has done, but you see this in­ more, and preached on that day C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. pany with L. II. Cook, in the stance of which I have told you in three different churches in (Successor to A. C. Wyndham.) first steam thresher ever used in was a cure of which I had per­ aid of the missionary fund of Ladies and children’s work a specialty. the county. It is amusing to ftT1 have just added to my parlor the Oregon. sonal and positive knowledge. He is meeting with largest and finest stock of c igars ever in this listen to the tales of dread in the For sale by Rogers A. Todd. Treat is« much success. city. Try them. minds of men and women here, on blood and skin diseases mailed The Choral Uniou meet again D C. IRELAND A CO., Wednesday p. m. at 4 o’clock, on the advent of that innovation. free. The Swift Specific Co., drawer 3, Atlanta, Georgia ; 157 W. 23d street, for final rehearsal at the Opera But the machine worked, and New York. house. The next regular meet­ never blew up. In forty-two Belle Johnson, teacher of music ing will be at the residence of days the company earned $2,260. in Miss McMinnville and at McMinnville Dr. Johnson, Tuesday evening, The work of 1877 has not since college. Residence corner of Second and C Streets. been improved. 22d. McMinnville, Oregon. Fine Job Printers,