POPULAR MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. ROUTES. XI<*Aliiiii vili« Oregonian R. R. Co. limited |jne, LIVERY FEED AND SAIE STABLES CHAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver. OTHO u Portlaoö aad Willamette Valley Railway. u Or to . - b 2 a. in. d^Oitens a trial order and we will Arrive Albany 11:30«. m. guarantee satisfaction Leave Albany 12:10 p. in. Arrive < orvalhs............... 1:22 p. m. Arrive Yaquina .. 5:45 p. ui. SAMUEL GOFF, The Company reserves the right to change sailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and Late of 1 ’dependence, having purchased th« Ran Francisco, Rail and Cabin, f 14; Rail Steerage. |9.88. TEAM* TRICK* and For information apply to CM Logan Eros Henderson, offers hi, CRAB. C HOGUE, service*