The Daily Reporter, MISCELLANEOUS, MISCELLANEOUS ter piers. The exterior presents a solid and substantial appear­ D. C. I HF.I.AND A CO. I'l'BI.ISIlERS. First National Bank, , , • ___ ___ ance “from the ground up,” but ./ Subscription Hute*. —OF m ’MINNVILLE, OREGON.— its greatest attraction is the in­ Uy Carrier per week.......................... 10 centa terior, partly described in a (Payable on Saturday.) ------ OFFICERS :------ Single Copy........................................ ‘J “ J acob W ortman ....................President former issue of The Reporter. By Mail lOoenta per Month (In Advance.) W. D. F enton , .............. Vice-president Headquarters for J ohn W ortman ........................ Cashier • The elegant parlor is the at­ Hairs for Advertising STAPLE AND FANCY Will be made Hatiafactory to all applicant*. traction on the second floor. Transacts a General Banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. It is handsomely carpeted, has a Collections made on favorable terms. McMinnville, Or. • - Feb. 15, 1887 Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer» rich chandelier, and the walls on New York, San Francisco and Portland. Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. are decorated with works of art THE REPORTER BY STEAM. from the pencils of Misses Eva FIRE INSURANCE* This is bad weather for building, and Muy, daughters of the liber­ JOHV WORT JI A A In fact Represents the following sterling compan­ but so soon as men can work to al and generous host. ies: London & Liverpool