e«. The Daily Reporter, t £ a ¡T i: r A, B MISCELLANEOUS, | Mk*CELLA^>U£. vide a column for recording and couut'tig the'vote- east for eaclrplat e a voted for. and the place receiving the D. < . IRELAND A Cjd. PfUfi lAHERs. highest tiuhiber of legal votes cast for county seat at said election shall be .Subscription Hutes. —OF M MINN VILLE, OREGON.— By Gsrrier per week ........ ............. I»» cents the permanent county seat of said county of Y.vmhill. and state of Ore­ ------ OFFICERS :------- (Payable on Saturday.) Ringle Copy... ;............................. 2 J acob W ortman ........................ President gon. until otherwise provided by law. By Mait tOoents per Month ’' •*' i -aid county, under the Represents rhe following sterling compan­ provisions of thia act. that within ies: London exee« <1 t'm cost of $!•'>.(Mln. ami shall Please (’all and Examine. As the times will allow. Hot have power or aiitiimity to levy the land. The measure passed any tax upon the property of said W hat we G uarantee both branches of the assembly county, in exce-s of two mill- on tlu* FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR We Huke a Specially of all idollarof tin taxable property of said Kinds of Job Work l*ar- almost unanimously, supported count), annually, for -aid purpose. manufacture . licularly S e « . 7. Ina-much a- the question by tin* entile delegation from j of relocation of «aid county -eat is to1 Yamhill county, both in the i j be voted upon soon, and in i-much as I To l>e made from the very best ma­ Iron and Tin Roofing, house and in the senate, and . it is a matter of much public concern I terial, by skillful workmen, with the was voted for by democrats and | in «aid county, this act -hall take! latest ami most approved machinery, Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps. i effect from and after it- approval by; ami to be the cheapest goods in the In fact we do anything that conies in republicans alike. Hence it can the governor. our line, with neatness and dis market when service is considered. patch and, not Im said that there was any The only amendment ottered Are so thoroughly finished that they other than simple justice in the to the original draft being to - can be worn in damp weather, or in a measure. We give tin* bill us it strike out “first Monday in shower, without fear of being ruined Bring on yonr designs and we will cut your patterns, and do your work, and passed : June,” and insert first Tuesday by curling or shrinking. don't you forget it. The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ Be it enacted l>) tlu* legislative as- after first Monday in November. M South east cor. 3d and C streets, McMinn­ ishing is done in such a manner, that ville, nemlily of the state of Oregon Oregon A. H. A (). O HODSON. This whs made necessary by the- Swc. 1 That on the first Tuesday the goods can be washed if desired attei the first Moudit) of November, adoption of the joint resolution without the least injury to fabric. A. D. 1H87, the legal voters of Yam­ Our goods are wool dyed, ami colors hill count), state of Oregon, -hall fixing the time in November for as fast as the purest dyes ami greatest vote upon the question of relocating voting upon three constitutional the oounty seat of -aid Yamhill amendments, and thus avoid care ami skill can make them. county The poll books for said elec­ Goods show just what they are ami tion shall be ruled ami prepared so as holding two special elections in will be until worn out, as there is no to provide a -iitth ient number of col­ out* year, which will permit the weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ umns lor recording ami ■ counting all :>F----- the voles cast lor relocating the coun­ people to vote upon the county tre used to increase the weight or fin­ ty seat of said Yamhill county. seat question at the saint* elect­ ish ; as is the case with a large class of S ec . 2 Each voter voting upon good« in tl.e market, but which disap­ the question of relocating the said ion, without additional expense! Third St.. Opposite pea rs after a few days' service, county «eat shall have written or to the eounty. As manufacturers we have taken printed upon his ballot the mini«* of I YAMHILL CO. BANK. the place for which In* votes tor conn-1 The latest story about Miss great pains to supply an article in D on ’ t F orget the P lace , ty seat, and the place receiving a (’leveland is that sin* is to marry every way reliable, ami unsurpassed majority of ail the legal voles cast foi county seat, shall he the permanent in April a young clergyman who by similar goods, either foreign or do county scat of said Yamhill county, I was a divinity student when she mestie, ami would respectfully ask at: until otherwise provided by law. examination of the various styles am Sac. 3. If no one of the places first went to the W hitt* House. shades to be found on sale by mer­ voted for al said election as provided For once report has it that the chants who are agents for the goods. in Motion I ami *2 of ibis act shall re­ \ Il ■ ■ V • • X a , . I., • « » * . I. . > 1 1 . president is pleased with his All goods of our manufacture shoub ceive a majority of all the legal votes cast for county sent it said election, sister’s intentions, a thing that bear tin* name ami trade mark of then at the next general election, the II koadhead W orsted M ills , qtiestiou shall, under this act, la* again has not often occurred since they Jamestown. N Y vf said Yam two were raked front obscurity, in rer- hili county, fi>r the purpose of reloca i Chines»* pheasants are plenty ting tlu* uoilllty -s-iU thereof, st which IB < . IKIXIM) A CO.. fanners barns ami or­ election the two places having the I about highest number of legal votes nt the chards up the valley, since tho Furnishing Goods of all kind, slid 1 1 ove first election shall la“ voted upin for late storm. Some farmers say nil 1HE LOWEST PRICES. Also scents county seat ; and the county clerk of for the M WH said county shall prepare and rule, or the pheasants do considerable Uro m jit»villi* Wnolcii Yli’l, have so prepared and ruled, the poll damage ami others claim they (tarrying a full line of all good a made by books for said election, ao as to pro- do not. these oeiebrnted mills. TI «ìli il li ville, Oregon. I First National Bank, DRY GOODS Broadhead * Dress Goods FIRE INSURANCE. A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON Agricultural Imp ements, Pumps, Pipes. Etc. Never Tell You it Can t be Done. BISHOP