DAILY EVENING REPORTER. VOL. II. M c M innville , NO. 37 oregon . M onday , ferri ary m iw " PRU E TWO CENTS. I CITY Our footpads are growing al­ Circulars received at this of­ The St. Charles hotel has been together too exacting. If a man fice announce that Eli Perkins, Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for gives them his coat they want the famous lecturer and liar, is TranHiniamon Through the Mails as Sec­ re-let. on his way to this state and will ond Class Matter. Star Jubilee singer’s rehearsal his vest also. -------- o-------- Sleighing has been fine to­ be here in May. Mr. Perkins is this evening. D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. (J. Symons leaves to-morrow day. We ^knowledge a treat coming by way of the SP and D. C. IRELAND A Co., from Am. Shadden this forenoon, OCR. He was here about five for Vancouver, B. C. i P1BI.ISHEKS. In spite of the snow s. c. who convinced ns that it pays years ago. when hew as very suc­ cessful in his lectures. ■rfimVILLE . . OREGtO Force has imported a car load to keep a team and cutter, even Senator Mitchell’s bill for a for a few days recreation once T he D ail . t R kpobtbb is issued every dny of carriage wheels. light house at Cape Meares, u> the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered Mrs. M. Shadden has moved in a * vear or two. in the oity at 10 oents per week. By mail. 40 which has been favorably * acted The wav the democratic lash cents per month in advance. Rates for ad­ from Third street to B. between upon by t he house committee on vertising same as for T he W bebm K bpobtkh . Second and Third. has been snapped and whirled It is said there is no possible in Salem during the past few appropriations, will cause to be Fine Bouk and Job Prinilr*. chance of a conviction of Logan days must have been a delight­ erected a stone light house, pro­ We beg leave to announoe to the public vided with a first class revolving ful reminder of Joe Lane. Dela- that we have just added a large stock of new Beltz at Willamina. novelties to our business, and make a special­ Ernest Bollack is starting a zon Smith and Asahel Bush in light, 2t> miles south of Tilla­ ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads. Note Heads, mook rock and 46 miles north Statements. Business Cards, Ladies' Calling jewelry business in this city, in the palmy davs of the Oregon of Yaqilina bav. The appropri­ Cards, Ball Invitations ,new designs* Pro­ the room with R. B. Hibbs. democracy. grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of A tin wedding at Ben Sparks’! Our coast is to be defended. ation is $60,(MKI. work, reruns favorable. Call and be con­ It is rather late in the day in west McMinnville, was en­ The United States senate passed vinced. D. C. IRELAND A CO. joyed by many Saturday even­ two bills without debate on the for this to “come out” in the DOCTORS (tregonian, but “it is good, all ing. 7th inst. appropriating #22,000,. the same.” as the saving goes: LITTLEFIELD A CALBREATH. Travel between Grand Ronde ooo for ihat I purpose. While ............. “Portland’s unbounded indigna- and Sheridan is cut off for want fhjs mav not mean war, it Offioe over Braly’s Bank. tion at the failure of the gover­ of bridges, and no lumber to means a preparation in case it MeiVIiiinville, ... Oregon nor to sign theluidge bill seems build more. should occur. to be about as extensive as the e. W. OOUCHKB. B. E. UOUCHEB. Al. Southmayd isover in the E. W. James is tin* name of indignation in Portland last Coucher & Coucher. coast range looking for fur and the deadly fool who deliberately .lune over the failure of T. R. will buy anything in that line PHYSICIANS AND SURGEON« killed a Mrs. Newton at Albina, Cornelius to have his ‘shirt MoMnvNvibi.K - - - - O heoon . offered him. with his own gun, which he washed.’ ” Rev. Cook and wife, of New- Office and residence corner of Third and ¡didn’t know was loaded. Hang­ •VV<‘ agree with the Telegram, I), streets, next to the postoffice berg, have been holding meet- ing is good enough for such fools that the present assembly, be­ ings in Harmony church, I’olk who pull a trigger in a playful Mrs. M. Shadden fore it adjourns should pass a county, with considerable sue- mood “just to frighten” some­ ____ • law making death by the dis­ Fashiw liable Dressmaker, j cess. one. charge of a gun, pointed “play­ The finest turn out on 111 c It-iTThe Taylor System of Cuttine and Fit­ Dr i Patti, bv the aid of a dvnami- fully” at a person, and with the ting employed. road to-dav was driven by i ter, * came very near giving a supposition that it was not. load- B street, bet. 2d and 3d, McMinnville. Or. Tucker, a pair of spanking buys j farewell concert with a corpse at <■<1. murder in the first degree. . . ‘ and iron bobs, mounted in «1 t.yle the finish, in San l‘raneisco Il should go farther than this, for the season. ¡«Monday evening. Should the and make the deliberate pointing All who expect to sing in the Late of New Orleans, La., ! author of the outrage recover ol a gun or pistol at a person, Piles and Fistula a Spe­ Choral Union at the firemen’s! from his wounds, lie will he the ' weather it was loaded or not,, a ciality. Conciliation fair, are requested to meet at pet of criminal lawyers for a- ci inie calling lot grave penalty. Free. \o (’lire Mrs. Wm. Campbell’s to-morrow No Pay. while, and then turned loosens (Tuesday) evening, at 8 o’clock. General Mission. insane. t-47" Office with H. V. V. Johnson. M r> Dick Longacre came in with McMinnville, Oregon. The first of the mission ber­ a sled yesterday and hauled his C. (irissen has received from vices will be held illi« evening shingles home. He says the San Francisco via Yaqilina, al 7 o’clock. An invitation is politicians can’t work upon his choice fresh eolfee, tea and extended to all. To-morrow, Unit < titling, 'having and 'lintn- stock for whittling capital. (Tuesday), the ladies will meet spices. peoing Parlor. St. Valentines Day was never 15c SHAVING 15c. more extensively observed in the Choice Natural leaf U. C. tea, for service at St. lames church, at 2 p. m. The guild will be 30 cents per lb. C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. United States than it has been addressed by visiting clergy, Folger’s Standard tea in 1 (S"ocesH<>r to A. O. Wyndham.) to-day. Some of the Valentines packages, 10 cents per lb. All ladies interested in church Ladies and children's work a specialty. were gorgeous, even here in little Choice English breakfast teu work are cordially invited to at­ MFI have just added to my parlor the McMinnville. largest and finest «took of. igars ever in tbi« tend. Mission service in the eitv. Try them Portland will have its railroad 50 cts per lb. evening at 7 o’clock. It 18 Try Pioneer roast coffee. bridge, and Mr. Little of this All grades of Green coffee at hoped a deep interest will be Farm For «air county, claims the honor of shown by full attendance at lowest rates. ONO ACRE«. 125 in cultivation; € naming it “The Veto bridge,” ■"‘''milt* south weat of Sheridan Pioneer Ground coffee in 5 lb. these services. because it is provided for by a PRICE Mito« Belle Johnson, teacher of niuaie bill w’hich passed over the veto Dinner Pails. Try it. in McMinnville and at McMinnviUo New lot Flavoring extracts in college. of Gov. Pennoyer. Peg one for Residence corner of Second Yamhill. 4 lb bottles, at C. (irissen’s. and < Str» < if DR. I C. TAYLOR. ■ ■■ 1 O--------------------- _ M $5,000.