DAILY EVENING REPORTER. VOL. II. M c M innville . O regon , S aturday , F ebruary NO. 36 Th© Dally Reporter. CITY. Our Public School« Doth a Daniels Minnie Howell Ernest Henderson Estelle Redmond William Johnson Effie Spencer Ed Terry Joe Keller 12 1887 Cleo Force Francis Ireland Lizzie Jaehn Howard Nash Carrie Schenks Georgia Jones Frank Terry Clarence Bishop Entered in the Postuffioe at MoMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ Written examinations have been ond Class Matter. held ail the past week in Mr». Mat- o--------- thieus’ room. Following average was D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. obtained by pupils present. A num­ ber of pupils have been absent the D. C. IRELAND A Co., GRADE D, MJ8S MARK past two weeks on account of the PUBLISHERS. Norman Terry weather : Geo. Howell Earl Wright Robert Merchant 92 JWcNIINNVILLE . - OREGON Myrtle Henderson Lester Daniels Valeria Patty Lizzie ( ’ line ................................... 97 T hu D aily K bpobtkb is issued every day in the week except Sundays, and iB delivered Henry McGuire .............................. 91 Mattie Fatty Verna F«»rce in the oity at 10 oents per week. By mail. 40 Inez Eccleston........ ...................... 98 Molli« ■ Patty oents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ Ambie Wright.................................... 100 vertising same as for T hb W ekkli K bpobtbb . General Mission. Fine Book and Job Print 1rs. We bag leave to announoe to the public that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to onr business, and make a special­ ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ vinced. D. C. IRELAND A CO. DOCTOR« LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, OAoe over Braly’s Bank. HeMiMawilie, - . . Oregow. a. a. *oocm o. w. oouannB. Goucher & Goucher. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. MpMnoiviLLK . . . . Onnooa. ___________ • Offloe and residence, corner of Third and D. streets, next to the postoffioe SAB. M’OAIH. ■. SUBMIT. McCain & Hurley, ATTORNEY8-AT.LAW AND NOTAR IKS PUBLIC, Lafayette, Oregon, Especial attention paid to abstracts of title and settlement of estates in probate. Offloe -Jail bniding, up stairs. Mrs. M. Sliadden. Fashionable Dressmaker, CfThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ ting employed. Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s store, MoMinnville. Or. Chas. Young. 91 Grace Stuart....................................... 93 Beginning Sunday Feb. 13, a Harry Fleishhaner ........................ 94 series of mission services will be Chas. Howe....................... 96 Maggie Howell................................... 97 conducted at St. Janies church. The mission will be in charge Walter Baker.................................... 90 Clyde Rolland.................................. 96 of the Rev. John W. Sellwood, Lottie Coolidge .............. 99 of east Portland, assisted by the Gertie Pound .................................... 99 Rev. A. L. Parker, of Eugene Perry Leabo ..................................... 94 Josie Gardner .................................... 98 city ; Rev. Charles Booth, of Leia Vanatta.................................... 95 Corvallis ; and the rector, Rev. Stella Paty........................................ 100 John C. Fair. Services will be Francis Delschneider .................. 97 usual services on Sunday at 11 Nellie Satchwell................................ 93 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school John Sampson................................. 88 at 9:30 a. m., at which the rector Edie Wallace...................................... 98 Monday holy Elon Wallace....................................... 92 will officiate. May Gaunt....................................... 97 communion at 11 a m. a ser­ Maud Randall.......................................97 vice for believers, at 4 p. in. for Lilly Adams .............................. .94 children; at 7 p. ni. mission Minnie Hamnett.......................... 98 service. The clergy will arrive Hallie Howell................................... 95 on Monday to assist in the serv­ Katie Gorman ;................................ 94 ices of that day, and the remain­ Irene Runnel .................................. 98 ing services of the mission. Lena Baker ...................................... . 94 Due notice will be given of the Birdie Hutchinson.............................. 94 services for each day through Forrist Narver.................................. 97 the papers. All are cordially in­ Eva Baxter......................................... 94 vited to come to the mission. Ida Greening ...................... •......... 92 Try Pioneer roast coffee. Lena Greening .................................. 94 Morris 8weet...................................... 96 All grades of Green coffee at Sammy Gaunt...................................... 95 lowest rates. Annie Townsend ............................. 96 Choice English breakfast tea Edwin Shenk ................................ 95 Homer McGuire ................................ 95 50 cts per lb. Choice Natural leaf U. C. tea, Thos. Lambert .................................. 87 Martin Adams....................................... 99 30 cents |>er lb. Roll of Honor. RecoHect Multners auction sale to-morrow morning. Folger’s Standard tea in 1 lb. El vie Apperson Dennis Brown packages, 40 cents per lb. John Dumphrey Nettie Dickinson ----------- <)--------------- Late of New Orleans, La., Pioneer Ground coffee in 5 lb. Orna Font» Wirt Gardner Josie Gortner Dinner Pails. Try it. Pile* and Pitot u la a Spe­ Asa Gant Nellie Harrison Clyde Nash ciality. C'oiiMillation New lot Flavoring extracts in free. No Cure Ray Satchwell Agne» Sweet | lb bottles, at C. Grissen’s. No Pay. Elias Underwood Ralph Story C. Grissen has received from Cyntitha Fellows Offloe with H V. V. Johnson. M D., Daisy Young San Francisco via Yaquina, GRADK R, MRS MATTHIEU8. McMinnville, Oregon. choice fresh coffee, tea and Nellie Satchwell Forrest Narver Maggie Howell Birdie Hutchinson spiqes. GRADK A, PROF. JORDAN DR. I C. TAYLOR. Hair Cutting, «having and «baa. pooisg Parlev. 15c SHAVING 15c. C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor. (Snooeesor to A. C. Wyndham.) Ladies and children’s work a specialty. MT* I have juet added to my parlor the largest and finest stock of < igara ever in this •Uv. Try them. Annie Townsend Lizzie Cline Irene Runnel Chas. Howe Minnie Hamnett Maud Randall Harvy Fleishhanar Lena Baker Inez Eccleston Stella Patty Walter Baker Elon Wallace Clyde Rolland Leia Vanatta Ambie Wright GRADE C, MARY MARTIN. Lasira Apperson Ernest Bingham PRICE TWO CENT8. Hon. W. D. Fenton returned from Salem to-day. Young people’s dancing club meet this evening. Judge Loughary was in the city this forenoon. This is one of the days the Editor of The Huckelberry feeds his team. Legislation will wind up, and members can go to their homes next week. The Oregonian to-day sayB Hon. Wm. Reid “is a mah of observation and intelligence.” House bill 18 now awaits the signature of Gov. Pennoyer, to become a law of the land. The Omnibus is the name giv­ en to the paper which is to oust The Huckelberry, or make it tropical by day for Knight. The debris of the session be­ gins to encumber the waste baskets of the clerks. Among the most important measures which have failed are the Port­ land water bill, and the bill to provide for purchase of the locks at Oregon city. Dr. Taylor believes that when a man finds out that he has been winding an eight-day clock every night for twelve years, he is per­ fectly justified in kicking the cat all over the house and hurl­ ing a brickbat at his neighbor's hens when they are roosting on his fence. The exercises at the public school yesterday were witnessed by an unusual number of lady and gentlemen visitors. Both teachers and pupils are cheered by these visits. Rev. John C. Fair, Mr. Grissen, and other visitors made pleasing addresses, full of hope and encouragement for the future of our youth. Services at the C. P. church to-morrow at the usual hour. Rev. T. H. Henderson pastor. Subject for fornoon : “Wisdom Justified of all Her Children.” Subject for evening : “The Sun of Righteousness Rising with Healing in His Beams.” Sun­ day school 9 :30 a. in. All are cordially invited to attend these services. The prospects for a good crop in Oregon were never better than I at the present writing. When the snow goes off and the frost Belle Johnson, teacher of music comes out of the ground, the in Mi»» McMinnville and at McMinnville soil will be in splendid condi­ college. Residence corner of Second tion for the reception of seeds of and C Street*. _____ _ _ _________ » all kinds. Now is the time to subscribe.