The D»i,ly Reporten. I). C. IRELAND 4 CO. PUBLINHER8. Swbtcrtpti.n Kalrt. By Carrier per week........................... 10 cents i Payable on Saturday.) Single Copy.......................................... 2 “ By Mall Mounts per Month (In Advance.) Kulra for Adverti.iug Will I h . made satisfactory to till applicants. McMinnville, Or Feb. 11. 1887 MISCELLANEOUS, A Sign of Returning Reason. That’s the way to talk, First National Bank, aside your animosity ami come —OF M’MINNVILLE, OREGON.— out for a fair understanding. ------OFFICERS :------ The Register says: J acob W ortman ...................... President House bill 18, introduced by Headquarters for W. D. F enton .................Vice-president J ohn W ortman ......................... Cashier Laughlin, to relocate the county Transact.« a General Banking business. «eat of Yamhill, passed the STAPLE AND FANCY Interest allowed on time deposits. house last week, and was read Collections made on favorable terms. the first time in the senate. The Sight Exchange aud Telegraphic Tranarats on New York, San Francisco and Portland. bill will pass the senate (with a Office hours—from 9 a. tn. to 4 p. na. slight amendment) and then be returned to the house for a new FIRE INSURANCE. deal. This question should be joiia womyi A|\ settled, and the citizens of this Represent« the following sterling compan­ ies: London A Liverpool A Globe, North place are willing U> leave it to British A Mercantile. Commercial Union ------- AND Fire Association. German American, Fire­ the legal voters of the county, man's Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo whether the county seat shall be General Merchandise. Nevada, State Investment. Wheat insurance a specialty. moved to McMinnville, or re­ r ' ---------o--------- main where it is. Sole Agent for tl>e Celebrated There is no. doubt but that A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON the house will concur in the Dea leys Jn amendment of the senate to house bill 18, fixing the time * for the special election in No- Assortment ot these Popular Goods ve tuber, and thus deferring the THE LATES1 question five mouths ; provided AV ALL NOVELTIES, NEW there is sufficient time to reach AM) DESIRA­ AgiicuHural Impements, Pumps. it. The session will close next BLE COLOR­ Pipes, Etc. Friday evening. INGS, A bill repealing the act for the protection of Mongolian pheas­ ants passed the house last Satur­ day. These birds take kindly to this climate ami multiply with astonishing rapidity. They are great gourmands and are very destructive to grain. In response to a demand from farm­ ers of Linn and Marion counties the bill withdrawing the protec­ tion of the law from them was introduced, and when it beeame known that the Portland rod and gun club were opposy to the repeal, the bill readily passed. Mr. Daly of Polk county is Alli of which will be sold as .11*1’ RE(EIVEI> right in asking the insurance If you want your piles cured companies to contribute some­ and are willing to pay for it, Aa tue times will allow. thing for the benefit of fireman. call at the office of Dr. Johnson, (-all and Examine. 1 on 0 street. I am not working Life and limb are endangered W hai we G i arantee for fun, or for glory, but for We Mnke u Specialty of all time and time again by the THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR| money. No charge for consul­ Kind* of Job Work Par- brave boys, ami thousands upon tation. 1. C. Taylor, M. D. MANUFACTURE. lieu larly thousands of dollars of propertv To be made from the very best ma­ Iron and Tin Roofing, C. Grissen has received from are annually saved bv them. Why not. therefore recognize San Francisco via Yaquina, terial, by skillful workmen, with the latest and most approved machinery, Galvanized iron Cornices and window caps. their services and afford them choice fresh coffee, tea ami and to he the cheapest goods in the In faot we du anything that comes in onr line, with neatness and dis­ this means of further increasing spices. Broaiheacl . . * * * Dress Goods their efficiency? The plan has been successfully adopted in other and older states, and it is worthy of commendation and Dining Station of the 0. C. R. R- McMinnville. Oregon. adoption in Oregon. F. Multner, Prop. Hou. W. T. Burney, register ( Late of the St, Charles.) at the Oregon city land office Thia Hotel has just Iteen refit ted and new­ says there are patents in his ly refurnished throughout. and will be kept iu a first clans style. otfiee which were issued from The table is supplied with all tbe market affor. a, and gu< ata ohu roly upon Rood dean the goverment over twenty-five beds, and oorofortable roouta. Special acoouiodations for oommeroial years ago; and others issued at travelers. ■ ' * 1 . -■.......... I >■■■ ■ ................. , ..... ... various dates since then, num­ bering about 1,500. These pat- nets should be had by the owners ami put on record in the proper AT THE county offices. In order to ob­ tain the delivery of a patent the eirtiticate receipt issued from MoMinnville, Oregon. the land office for the claim must be surrendered. If the Saturday, February 12th. certificate or receipt has been lost or destroyed the patent will Will l»e sold at Public Auction to tbe highest bidder, a tine large Kit < hen Range be delivered upon the affidavit, almost new. suitable for a large family, a setting forth ownership of the hotel or restaurant. land ; the fact as to the loss of Beds and Bedding. the certificate, etc., and that he makes the affidavit for the pur-' CARPETS. Kitchen and Diuing Room Furniture. Lamps. Tables and Chairs, and a pose of obtaining the patent for thousand other things too numerous to said land. Parties in making mention. inquiry in relation to patents' TERMS OF SALE: should state the name of the All sales uuder $10, Cash. All sales over patentee and the location bi­ $10, eight months credit, with approved section, township and range of notes. This is a positive and peremptory sale. the land. F. MULTNEK. St. Charles Hotel, market when service is considered. patch and, Are so thoroughly finished that they can be worn in damp weather, or in a shower, without fear of being ruined Bring on your designs and we will out your patterns, and do your work, and by curling or shrinking. don’t you forget it. The manufacturing, dyeing and fin­ South east cor. 3d and C streets, McMinn­ ishing is done in such a manner, that ville, Oregon A. H. A O. O HODSON. the goods can be washed if desired without the least injury to fabric. Our goods are wool dyed, and colors a- fast a.- the purest dyes and greatest care and ««kill can make them. Goods show just what they are and will be until worn out, as there is no weighting, stiffening, or artificial lus­ >r---- tre used to increase the weight or fin­ ish ; as is the case with a large class of goods in the market, but which disap­ Third St., Opposite pears after a few days’ service. As nianufaeturiTH we have taken YAMHILL CO. BANK. great pains to supply an article in D on ’ t F orget the P lace , every way reliable, and unsurpassed by similar goods, either foreign or do­ —Where you will— mestic, and would respectfully ask an examination of the various styles and shades to be found on sale by mer­ chants who are agents for the goods. All goods of our manufacture should bear the name and trade mark of B roadhead W orsted M ills , Jamestown, N. Y. Never Tell You it Can't be Done. YAMHILL CO., 5^“ ALWAYS EIND IN THK— I» < . llUiLAMt A CO., LATEST STYLES Fine Job Printers, Furnishiug Goods of all kind, and above all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agent« fur tbe ìlclflìiinville, Oregon. Carrying a full line of all goods wade by these oeiebrated mills If row iimv ille Woolen