DAILY EVENING REPORTER. VOL. II NO. 35 l’KK'E TW O CI NTS. CITY. The Daily Reporter, Willamina has borne the the county that can handle curse of whisky for a long time; large orders, and our patrons Try Pioneer roast cotlee. Entered in the Postoffioe ut McMinnville for ¡"here is lots of frozen ink in but this last “spree” will be the are so well pleased that they Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ means of sober people rising in always come a second time. use. ond Class Matter. ---------- o---------- Pay vour dog tax and save their majesty ami dethroning General Mission. D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. the demon drink by suppressing the K. G. Beginning Sunday Feb, 13, a D. C. IRELAND A Co., All grades of Green coffee at the haunt of the devotees of Baccheus. series of mission services will be lowest rates. PIBLIMIEHS. The North Yamhill school, conducted at St. James church, Choice English breakfast tea accompanied by Prof. William­ T h * D ailt K kpohtkb is isaaed exery day 50 cts per lb. The mission will be in charge in the week except Sundays, and ia delivered son, to the number of 22 pupils, of the Rev. John W. Sellwood, Choice Natural leaf IJ. C. tea» in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 made a fraternal visit to the cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ 30 cents per lb. of east Portland, assisted by the vertising same as for T h * W hkklx Rreoar**. college in this ci.ty to-day , din- Rev. A. L. Parker, pf Eugene Recollect Multners auction ing at Cooks Hotel, The visitors city ; Rev. Charles Booth, of Fine Book and Job PrintIra. sale to-morrow morning. were delighted with the trip, Corvallis ; and (he rector, Rev. Folger’s Standard tea in 1 lb. We beg leave to annuunoe to the public which was made on sleighs. John C. Fair. Services will be that we have just added a large stock of new packages, 40 cents per lb. novelties to our business, and make a special­ A constitutional amendment usual services on Sunday at 11 Pioneer Ground coffee in 5 lb. ty of Letter Heads. Bill Head*. Note Heads. ought to be submitted to a vote a. m. and 7 p. iu . Sunday school Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling Dinner Pails. Try it. Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs! Pro­ of the people, providing that an at 9:3(1 a. m., at which the rector New lot Flavoring extracts in grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of I Oregon assembly should attend will officiate. Monday holy work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ 4 lb bottles, at C. 00,000. Senator AND NOTAHA KN PTBL.IC, 1 Sunday afterward. parents, who came unannounced. Lafayette, Oregon, We regret that the inclemency Gorman was the most out-spok­ The report that Frank Martin Eapeoial attention paid to abstracts of title of the weather last, night pre­ en of non-resident senators for and settlement of estates in probate broke his arm, was like thous­ Offioe -Jail buidiug, up stairs. vented a jam at the Opera house liberal appropriations. The ex- ands of other rumors which on the occasion of Miss Laurai J eeptionally large increase for Mrs. M. Shaddeii compel us to keep an extra man Biggars first appearance. The the mouth of the Columbia was Ito trace out. It was simply mis­ hall was comfortable and all secured largely through his in- Fashionable Dressmaker« placed below the shoulder. : tluence. He holds that by far Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wallace who remained away lost a most i HTTh» Taylor System of Catting and Fit­ I the largest single appropriation ting employed. are preparing for a visit to splendid entertainment. We ful­ i should be applied at this point. Third street. Next to Bishop A Kay's store friends in Michigan. The late ly endorse thé comments of our McMinnville. Or. When the item for a boat rail­ snow storm here has sharpened coteinporahes with respect to way at the Dalles was reached, their appetites for a good old the power and ability of the fair at Dolph’s suggestion, Mitchell --------- o--------- fashioned time where there is an prjma donna to please a most, Latent New Orleans, La., fastidious audience. Th«- sup­ was invited to appear before the abundance of ozone. Plica and Fistula a Spe­ | committee and state his views It is generally believed that port was excellent. ciality. Consultation The Reporter office always re­ of the measure. After he with­ Logan Beltz, held in bonds for tlree. IWo f’lirc No Pay. an assault upon a man named ceives the jist of important work drew the committee authorized in the county. On Tuesday the Oregon senators to prepare Offioe with H V. V. Jobneon, M D, Sanderson, at Willamina, is too McMinnville, Oregon. harshly censured. The whole noon a gentleman from North such an amendment as they de­ truth, and nothing but the Yamhill placed in the hands of sired to submit for a survey of the job department of this; the Dalles and for an appropri- truth, will appear at the trial. .1___ r.._ .< r _ j Every bridge on the county office, an 18-page book of diffi-1 ation therefor of $15,009, and H*lr Cutting, Sbnvlmg and Shan, road, south side of Nestucca has cult tabular matter, and in two promised that it should I m * in­ pools* Parlor. and a half the book was corporated in the bill, 15c SHAVING 15c. been swept away ; and yet there days are howlers who oppose state delivered. It is the best piece Mias Belle Johnson, teacher of rniuuc C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. aid in relief of isolated regions, of work ever produced in the in McMinnville and at McMinnville (SnooeMor to A. C. Wyndham.) i Which is as senseless as it would county and will hold its own college. Residence corner of Second L*die* and children’» work a specialty. and C Streets. I have just added to my parlor the j be to oppose government aid to with similar work of large cities. ST two K* ""”I®»r »»‘«r v«y»- This office is the only one in Now is the time to auhacribe. DR. I. C. TAYLOR I b I