POPULAR MISCELLANEO! S MI SC EL L A N EO US BUSIN ESS KOI TES T" >1 «• NI ililiv i I 1«‘ I Oregonian R. R.Co. llVtilï FEED AbU SALE STABLES ' > limited From Portland. u • n. T? I £ **- Is" -Z “u W. T. BAXTKH. F. J. MARTIN New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of Easier i Martin tai F» tann Successors to Al. HUSSEY. Third street. McMinnville. Oregon A new, neat and clean stock. Every artieb A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ bacco. Pi|*s and Cigars. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season. Give us a cull. Inspect inv stock, and I will guarantee prices to #uit vou. City Stables I ♦ ..’I 29 .52 .75 ,SS 1.00 1.0" i :45 1.51 5.21 5.55 »>.11 g .::2 ♦i.45 1 .!»> 1 Hi 1 21 1 3»i 1.40 1.48 1.5»; 1.72 1.75 1.84 1.8" t;.55 7.15 7.25 7 1" 7 45 7.55 b.OT) 8.25 a .29 S. 4" 8.42 ! ’C z ra < 10.50 10.45 10.15 9.40 9.21 9.00 8.45 3.UU 2.55 2.30 2.05 1.4»; 1.25 1.15 ohv Dundee W«'st Ihivton Lafavette Davton Juncton M> Minnville <’# . ArniRtron-g. White# Briedwell. .. Harriron . Broadmeud#. Sheridan Jiinc'n 8.35 8.2»' 8.05 7.45 7.40 7 30 7.20 7.00 »Í..54 ti.43 0.41 12.40 12.15 12.05 11.45 11.40 11.30 11.20 11.00 10.50 10.33 10.30 Ballston Sheridan. »i.2l ♦MIO 11:1»' .Elk Rock . 11.15 < >s wego 11.15 . Tiialitan., 12.1" Winter#... 12.25 Summit 12.15 Newberg .. 12.55 'rwv Dundee it .x i 1.9»; 8.55 2.14 0 !.. 1.91 2.12 2 24 2.37 2.53 2.05 2.80 2.91 3.02 3 15 4.07 1.27 4..50 5.10 5.30 5.49 .15 I FINE TAILORING A SPECIALTY. Perrydale. Smithfield .. .Polk . .... Dalia#. ,. Cochrane .. Monmouth, Luekiamute . Simpson. A irlik . 10.00 9.40 9.2" 9.00 8.40 8.25 8.00 7.45 7.30 Good Fit Guaranteed Or. No Sale ----------(<>)---------- il c 71 i h h y i 11 <*, Or«*go h . M’MINNVILLE PIONEER BOOT ANO SHOE STORE Is the best place to get your goods for the Holidays. Be­ fore purchasing tor yourself or family, it will pay you to CALL AND EXAMINE uiy goods which are warrant­ ed as represented. Having Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won't have to Pay lor rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Opposite the Grange Store. P. F. Bl’OWlie. IV 11 •: ----------(o)--------- Si'A I ION8. 1.15 1.35 1 50 2.05 2.11» 2.20 2.3" 2.55 2 5!» 3 11 3.13 ——('>)■ To Portland. LY pm ’.v rim fl.V AB Ar am Ar pro |.d shape WILLIAMS, S. N. SCOTT, Receiver, dud Willamette Valley Fine < arriagr*, Hacks anti toa «Id It* Horses, OTHO tine. C has . N. S cott . Receiver OKC( Ld i Line. W illiam K kid . President P&WVRCo. aciflc opular Icturesque M c M innville oute. R ailroad, anges. F urniture F actory W. H. BINGHAM. Fast Time, Sure Conavction, New Equipment 225 Miles Shortest Propr 20 Hours Less Time. HENDERSON BROS., Ample room t<> cur# for horaea. liivcry teani* at a# reaaonable rate# as iinv where in Oregon. New stable Third Ht.. McMinnville Family Grocery Store. third Street, MoMinnville, Oregon. J. Harv. Henderson, (StiooeHHor to L. KOOT.) Dealer in All Freth Qooii. Qroceries, Flour, Bacon, and Gìassware and Crockery. (ro<>dM ih In, red to | urcbiiaent in fin siti A. A. srsvoN ■ ANVOHP HAT. CITY MARKET, KENYON & RAY, Proprietors. < Huooewtor lo W. F. HangH#M*r ) Mumfecturer and Dealer In Accouimocatioue unsurpassed for oomfort and safety. bares and Freights MUCH LESS than by any other route between all in Willamette valley and San Francisco FINE FURNITURE Only Route via Yaquina Bay To of all kinds. San. Francisco. J out received an extra tine lot of Black walnut Furniture, anti designs. < all and price my etook. DAILY P*«KVgBH THAIWS, (Except Sundays. > THE Leave Corvallis at 2 p. tn. Leave Ya* quina at 7: 10 a. in. Oregon N VBOM YAQUINA. Yaqnina City............... Thursday. Jan. 27 .Wednesday, Feb. 2 Yaqumn City.............. . ............. Tuesday Feb. 8 Monday Feb 14 Santa Marin .... Sunday Feb. 21» Ynquina < itv .... Santa Marin ....Saturday, Feb. 26 Ynquina City Friday. March I Sauta Maria............ To all who favor him with their patronage. I He will keep a wagon specially adapted to the delivery of pareels, trunks satchels etc., for the accomodation of the pnblic. Order# left at the stable will be promptly attended to at reasonable rate«. SUCHEST! th »: .Friday Jan. 28 rhursday, Feb. 3 Wednesday Feb 9 ... Tuesday Feb. 15 Mon ay. Feb. 21 Sunday Feb. 27 T JjQ W •ttmtllllimi THE IHMMi CAM I.IYI'OHWWMffi’ dihfct Kot ru >o df . laynj fastfkt train «! o-------- TJ a A ar T o CHICAGO and all points EAST. vS W XvwuCS <• PROMINENT POINTS* Throughout the F.ant and Nonlheawt. TO BO I '.VlTpAMMiMiKKN! LAST BE CAREFUL |ANI> DOJNOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE Will keep on hand at nil tunes the very beat quality of freah meats, that can be ob­ tained in the market, and respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage F^^iiive ns a trial order and we will guaranies satisfaction TEA YIM A\l> TRUK* ««««♦♦««■♦ »*** ««»«««.««A«* KBoM SAN FHANeiHOO. Dally Paaaeuger Train# ( Eicept Sundays, ) 6:21' a. nt. Levee Yaqnina 10:38 a. m. Arrive Curv Ilia ll>30a. m. Arrive Albany 12:40 p. m. IrfMtve Albanv 1:22 p rn. Arrive Corvallis.. p. m. imr Taquina I KKfUiun < .. . ■ 5:45 y- —.. Arrive The < ompanv raaervea the right to change tiling day#. Fare#, ________ between Oorvnllia and __ ____________ Late of I' dependence, having purchased the Ml 8an Franmsoo. Hail and Cabin, f 14; Kail I and Steerage. $9.88. For information apply to Of Logan Bros A Hsnderson. offer# hi# CH AB. C HOGUE services ui that line to the public. and will Acting Gen. F. and Pas# Agent. Corvallis. Oregon Gim ran ter toati*»laction - route 0RTHER1T1ACIFIC The steamship Yaqnina city, which ha# been undergoing repairs, and the Manta Ma­ ria will each sail on the dates below named: Santa Marin Yaqnina City Santa Marin.... Yaqnina City Santn Maria ............ Ynquina City i.KFVr TRANSCONTINENTAL * «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««♦ and California, West aide, train# connect at Corvallis. Undertaker# Goods of a ------ TO TAKE THE------- | ^florthmu . And see that your ticket reads via Portland and =Z ------- St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS. To avoid rhangt # and aeriona delay# occasioned by other lontea. Through Emigrant Sleeping ( ar# are inn on Regular Express Trains Full Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! _£J------- rr QUICKEST TIME! GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. D. CHARI.TON, Geaeral Westers Passenger 4<»nt,