DAILY EVENING REPORTER. VOL. IL NO. 31 M c M innville . O regon , therslay . ferri ary .10 isst PRICE TWO CENTS CITY. Legislative Assembly Notes. D. Narver has located at The term dude is played out. j Albany, and goes into the store Dr. Watts’ resolution on the Entered in the PoHtoffioe at McMinnville fur The proper title now is young of Mr. McIlwain as clerk. TranHuaiaaiua Through the M ri I r as Sec­ prohibitory amendment special Reports from Sheridan say society darwins. ond Class Matter. election passed both the senate ---------- o---------- Wm. Savage, of Sheridan, young Preble, the victim of the and house, almost unanimously. O. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. passed up to-day from a busi­ coasting accident, cannot live. Gov. Pennoyer vetoed both the An old observer remarks that ness trip to Portland. D. C. IRELAXD A €©., Portland bridge and water bills. Twenty-four * Jubilee Singers clergymen who fall from grave PI'RLISHERS. The first will be considered to­ will appear at the firemens fair. very rarely surprise or astonish morrow, the latter was considered T h « DitLi K hpobtkb is issued every day The finest lot of cards, card those who knew them. to-day, but with what result we in the week except Sundays, and is delivered At a regular meeting of good board, papers, envelopes, etc., in the oity at 10 oenta per week. By mail, 40 are unable to say. cents per month in advanoe. Bates for ad­ just from Chicago and the east, templar lodge Friday evening vertising same as for T hs W ees nr K kpobtbb . A special meeting of the board at this office. Will sell to the last, the following were elected trade. members: W. P. Holman, Frank] of trade was held last evening, Fine Book and Job Printer*. Mrs. F. O. Adams, of Dayton, Holman, Wm. Henderson, Fred i at which time dispatches from We beg leave to announce to the public Nelson, Geo. (’lark, S. Gant, II.! Salem were answered not to that we have just added a large stock of new who met with a most painful novelties to our business, and make a special­ fracture of the ankle, by a re­ Beeby, C. Apperson,T. J. Force,! sanction any amendments of ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads. Note Heads. house bill 18 in the senate that Statements. Business Cards, Ladies Calling cent fall, is doing nicely under S. P. M. Briggs, B. Apperson would jeopardise the passage of Cards, Ball Invitations (new designsi Pro­ treatment of Dr. McDaniel. and Quinn Burnett. The shin ! grammes. Posters, and all descriptions of Last night residents of this gle supper was a success. Gw-! the bill by failure of the house work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon- city who retired early, did so in ing to the absence of the WCT, to concur. ▼inoed. D. C. IRELAND A CO. the blissful expectation of “lis­ installation of officers was post­ The legality of the bill to raise- DOCTORS tening to the patter of the rain poned until to-morrow evening,] the salaries of the supreme judges LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH. upon the roof;” but they were when the first issue of the Huck-; has become a serious question^ doomed to bitter disappoint ment. leberry, edited by J. L. Knight, It is not that objectors to the Offioe over Braly’s Bank. This morning the walks and will be read, and the following bill consider that the bill is not Meniunvllle. ... Oregon, pools were again frozen solid. night the “Opposition paper” by right, but it is declared by them G. W. GOUCHER. B. B. GOUCHER. to be unconstitutional. Senator Frank Allenbaugh, the cele­ S. P. M. Briggs, will be read. Goucher & Goucher. brated temperance lecturer, died Watts suggests that an amend­ Senator Hare, of Washington ment to the constitution be sub­ at San Jose on the 22d ult, so we PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS county, is championing a very mitted on the subject, thus ob­ McMiWNVinLE - - - - O regon . are informed by his old time sensible bill and one that ought viating all difficulty in the wav friend, J no. Farrer of this city. Office and residenoe, corner of Third and to pass. In brief, the object of of illegality. D. streets, next to the post office He leaves a family in Oskaloosa, the bill is to have the governor j We venture again to call at-. Iowa. Mr. Farrer could give us JAS. M’OAIN H. HUB UK V. appoint an insurance commiss­ no particulars of the death. tent ion to the fact that the peo­ McCain & Hurley, ioner to whom all insurance com­ ple want to know what are and Some of our dealers were sur­ ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW panies doing business in the AND NOTARIES PIBI.IC, prised what are not laws, afte^ the as­ yesterday at receiving a state would have to report. The Lafayette, Oregon, sembly adjourns. Will not consignment of goods from La­ commissioner would have super­ Especial attention paid to abstracts of title members provide for publicat ion fayette, which were part of the and settlement of estates in probate vision over the insurance com-i Office -Jail buiding, up stairs. of such in at least two papers same furnished to a man of busi­ panics, and, rightly conducted,] in each county? We concur in ness there, whom the supposi­ Mrs. M. Sliadden. tion the position would be one in t he suggestion that whenever a is has failed. They take which a competent man would newspaper is to be accomodated the goods as part payment on Fashionable IDressinaken be of great service to the state.1 for simple justice the act fails to account, and paid the bills for fjyThe Taylor Bystem of Cutting and Fit­ The bill is a worthy one and transportation out of profit and pass; but there is not a man in ting employed. should pass. the assembly who is not indebt­ Third street. Next to Bishop A Kay’s store loss account possibly. MoMinnville. Or. To-Night ed to the press for his< ability to There was something in the legislate for the people. Sena­ report of a murderous assault at We were under the impres­ tors Siglin and Wager, both Willamina. The person assault­ 1 ' o sion that the only person ac­ Late of New Orleans, La., journalists, realize this truth, ed was a stock man named San­ companying Miss Biggars to­ Plica and Fistula a Spe­ derson, the individual making but modesty perhaps, forbids night was the distinguished ciality. Consultation the assault was Logan Beltz, for­ them offering an act to compel i>èe. Xo Cure reader, but feel gratified to learn; county courtsand otheA»ranches merly of this city. He was ar Xo Pay. that she is accompanied by Prof. I rested in Polk county. It is of the government to quit spong­ Offioe with H V. V. Johnson. M D. Nunvars, Prof. J. W. McConnell, I said that the affray was occasion- ing from the journalists of the MoMinnville. Oregon. Miss Louisa Barren and Miss i ed by an over stock of frozen Clara Siebold. The program is state work that should be paid - dldHli Bath. ■ beer. It seems that Sanderson, one of the choicest selection, ‘ for at decent rates. They ought when he was getting ready to go both vocal and instrumental. to introduce bills to compel the Hair Cutliag, »baviar aad 'baa home, missed his buggy single- By all means go. The Opera advertising, at regular rates, of pooing Carter. and the joke was carried house will be comfortably warm. the new laws passed by each as­ 15c SHAVING 15c. tree, sembly for four weeks; also, the to such an extreme that cross C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. M ibb Belle Johnson, teacher of music words followed, when Beltz pro­ advertising of full proceeding in in McMinnville and at .McMinnville (Snooeeeor to A. C. Wyndham.) duced the article and gave it to college. Residence corner of Second the county court to lie printed Ladies and ohildren’e work a specialty. and C Streets. in a democratic and republican fpl have jnet added to my parlor the the owner over his head, in­ largest and finest stock of < igars ever in this paper in each county. stead of upon his buggy. Now is the time to «ubscribe. «ity. Try them. The Daily Reporter. DR. I. C. TAYLOR.